NIOSHTIC-2 No. 20025426

Update on the Continuing Functions of the Former US Bureau of Mines

January 1997

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In fiscal 1996, the U.S. Congress directed that the U.S. Bureau of Mines (USBM) be closed. Certain functions were reassigned to other agencies. The remaining employees were separated and the unoccupied sites were decommissioned. As a result, 12 locations were closed and about 1,200 employees were terminated in March 1996. About 600 employees at five locations were reassigned to other federal agencies. This article provides a summary of the continuing functions, the agencies involved and the points of contact for each continuing function. The functions that were discontinued are also identified.

Reference:Min Eng 1997 Jan; :87-89

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Page last updated: September 17, 2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Mining Division