NIOSHTIC-2 No. 10008325

Waveform Generator-Package and Receiver
Mancarried and Helicopter Receiver Portion

November 1974

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The report covers the Man Carried and Helicopter Receiver Portion of USBM Contract H0242010. This portion of the contract consisted of the design and building of 15 mancarried and 5 helicopter receivers used for trapped miner location during a mine disaster. Helicopters are equipped with six-channel receivers and used to detect transmitters carried by miners during a mine disaster. Immediately after a disaster a helicopter is flown over the area and, with the aid of the helicopter receiver, coarse location and the active channels are determined. Final precise location is made with the single-channel mancarried receiver.

Reference:Anema, Charles: Collins Commercial Telecommunications Division Rockwell International. U.S. Bureau of Mines Contract No. H0242010, 1974 Nov; :1-54

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Page last updated: September 17, 2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Mining Division