Natural Resources:

Wildlife Studies  

A butterfly on a flower.Hop Brook Lake is situated in the midst of a growing suburban area. This makes the 536 acres of undeveloped public land at the lake especially important to the surrounding community. The land is not only managed for recreation, but also for the benefit of forest, wildlife, and water resources.

The forest are made up of a wide variety of trees, including white pine, maple, oak, hickory, ash, and dogwood.

Wildlife is abundant in the area. Bird watchers will find many species, including hawks, turkeys, waterfowl, and songbirds. White-tailed deer, beaver, squirrels, chipmunks, and many other animals also make their home at Hop Brook Lake.

robins nest. To learn more about nature and other subjects, you are invited to participate in the Corps' interpretive programs. Visit the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Natural Resources Wildlife Division on the web to learn even more about Connecticut's Wildlife.

turkey polt.