What is a podcast?
A podcast is an audio or video file that is available for listening or viewing on your computer or downloadable to a portable media device or mp3 player. Podcasts are usually parts of a series and are distributed via individual episodes. You can subscribe to a podcast series using an RSS feed so that new podcasts are downloaded automatically to your computer when new episodes are available.
How do I listen to a podcast?
There are a number of ways you can listen to or view a podcast. You can listen online by selecting a podcast of interest on this site. Or, you can download an audio podcast in mp3 format by selecting "Download Podcast." If you subscribe to a podcast, you'll receive the latest episode automatically.
How do I subscribe to a podcast?
The process of subscribing to a podcast depends upon the particular application that you use. Be sure to consult the instructions of your software for more information.
Right click (Windows) or control-click (Macintosh) on the link that says "Subscribe" and select "Copy" or "Copy Shortcut". Next you'll want to paste this link into your podcasting software. For example, if you're using iTunes software, open the "Advanced" menu and select "Subscribe to Podcast". You can then paste the link and select "OK" to subscribe to the podcast.
Why should I subscribe to podcasts?
Subscribing to a podcast offers a streamlined method of receiving audio or video content of interest.