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Office of Refugee Resettlement   Advanced

Who We Serve

1-Refugees | 2-Asylees | 3-Cuban/Haitian Entrants | 4-Amerasians | 5-Victims of Human Trafficking | 6-Unaccompanied Alien Children | 7-Survivors of Torture

Cuban/Haitian Entrants (including Cuban Parolees):


Cuban and Haitian entrants are defined as (a) Any individual granted parole status (by DHS) as a Cuban/Haitian Entrant (Status Pending) or granted any other special status subsequently established under the immigration laws for nationals of Cuba or Haiti, regardless of the status of the individual at the time assistance or services are provided and (b) Any other national of Cuba or Haiti (1) Who:(i) was paroled into the United States and has not acquired any other status under the INA;(ii) is the subject of exclusion or deportation proceedings under the INA; or (iii) has an application for asylum pending with (DHS); and (2) With respect to whom a final, non-appealable, and legally enforceable order of deportation or exclusion has not been entered. 45 CFR § 401.2. Cuban and Haitian Entrants, along with Cubans in certain other categories, are after one year in the U.S. eligible to apply for adjustment of status, at which time when a full medical exam would be required by USCIS.


Cuban Haitian Entrants (including Cuban Parolees) are eligible for ORR benefits and services from the date they first enter into Cuban/Haitian Entrant status (which for Cuban Parolees will be the date of grant of parole or first parole if more than one parole was granted).

Documentation requirements