SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped The Library of Congress Washington, D.C. 1994 CONTENTS Introduction Prolific Authors Brian Wilson Aldiss Poul Anderson Piers Anthony Isaac Asimov Greg Bear Gregory Benford Ray Bradbury Terry Brooks Orson Scott Card C.J. Cherryh Arthur C. Clarke Philip K. Dick Stephen R. Donaldson David Eddings Philip Jose Farmer Robert A. Heinlein Frank Herbert L. Ron Hubbard Stephen King Ursula K. Le Guin Doris Lessing Jacqueline Lichtenberg Jean Lorrah and Jacqueline Lichtenberg Jean Lorrah Anne McCaffrey Larry Niven Andre Norton Frederik Pohl Robert Silverberg J.R.R. Tolkien A.E. Van Vogt Kate Wilhelm Gene Wolfe Roger Zelazny Series by Multiple Authors Star Trek Star Trek: The Next Generation Star Wars Other Authors Introduction _Science Fiction and Fantasy_ is a bibliography of selected novels and novellas in the collection of the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. This bibliography does not necessarily include the complete works of the authors represented. Collections of short stories have been excluded because of space limitations. New works are continually added to the collection. Cooperating libraries can help interested readers find other available books by the authors in this bibliography. Although it is a common belief that science fiction began in the late nineteenth century with the novels of Jules Verne, writers had been composing fanciful tales of voyages to the moon for hundreds of years. It was Verne's distinction to ground his fiction in accurate details of geography and current scientific knowledge in order to speculate about the developments that would follow what already existed. By the time of his death in 1905, Verne had predicted submarines, air travel, and space travel. He made readers aware of science fiction as a distinct type of literature and popularized it among readers and other writers. Science fiction has expanded through the years to accommodate growing knowledge in science and new trends in literature. Science fiction today encompasses many sciences, such as physics, chemistry, anthropology, psychology, and ecology. Topics include ESP, robots, space and time travel, galactic empires and wars, alternate and parallel worlds, aliens, and the end of the universe. Some writers such as Isaac Asimov insist on a high degree of scientific accuracy, in the belief that science fiction is the best form of literature for exploring ideas because it is rational and based on the valid knowledge of science. Other authors, such as Philip Jose Farmer, Samuel R. Delany, and Brian Aldiss emphasize character over plot and rely on psychological motivation, making science fiction less specialized and more literary. Science fiction and fantasy in some ways do not seem to have much in common. Fantasy draws on folktales and mythology and often does not have a base in scientific reality. It deals with dragons, witches, wizards, quests, castles, and kings. Science fiction and fantasy, however, overlap in many areas. The mythological settings for fantasy are frequently alternate universes or familiar places reached through time travel and are inhabited by strange life-forms. Some authors make a conscious effort to combine science and fantasy. Anne McCaffrey studied physics in order to give a solid scientific background to her Dragonriders of Pern series. J.R.R. Tolkien's work in philology and Anglo-Saxon literature at Oxford University formed the basis for his Lord of the Ring series. Others, such as Roger Zelazny, Piers Anthony, and Andrew Norton, rely heavily on mythological elements but set them in a rational framework. Even a fantastical world can have its own internal logic and science. This bibliography is available in large-print, disc, and braille formats. The large-print edition contains titles available on cassette and in braille. The disc edition lists only cassettes; the braille edition lists only braille. In the large-print and disc editions, books available on flexible disc are cited at the end of the annotation of the cassette version. The Prolific Authors section includes authors who have more than five titles listed. The section for Series by Multiple Authors lists the books in the Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, and Star Wars series in alphabetical order by title. In each section books are listed in alphabetical order by author then title, with the exception of books that form a series. Each series is labelled and listed in the order in which the books should be read. To order books, contact your cooperating library. *** 5/18/95 (gft) ***