Current Issues graphic

Plague Upon Plague:

AIDS & Violent
Conflict in Africa


(Requires Acrobat Reader)

Tuesday, May 8, 2001
U.S. Institute of Peace
1200 17th St., NW

Current Issues Briefing panel

Current Issues Briefing Panel
David Gordon (at podium) and l to r:
Ambassador Princeton Lyman ,
Thomas Homer-Dixon, Millicent Obaso &
Andrew T. Price-Smith

The Clinton and Bush administrations have recognized that the scale of human suffering and AIDS' potential for destabilizing social and political institutions make the disease a pressing humanitarian and national security issue for the United States. In Africa, violent conflict has helped spread the epidemic while the acute impact of AIDS threatens to exacerbate instability. The combination of disease and warfare threaten to overwhelm already fragile structures. This panel examined:

  • What is the linkage between AIDS in Africa and America's strategic interests and other security concerns?

  • In what ways is the spread of HIV/AIDS both a cause and an effect of violent conflict in Africa?

  • What policy recommendations can address the prevention of conflict and contagion, as well as the management and treatment of populations suffering the ravages of war and disease?



Ambassador Princeton Lyman, Executive Director, Global Interdependence Initiative, The Aspen Institute


David Gordon, National Intelligence Officer, Global & Economic Issues, National Intelligence Council

Thomas Homer-Dixon, Director, Peace & Conflict Studies Program, University of Toronto

Millicent Obaso, Manager, Africa Initiative, American Red Cross

Andrew T. Price-Smith, Director, Project on Health, Environment and Human Security, University of North Dakota


After the presentations the panel took questions from the floor and the Internet audience.

Media Inquiries should be directed to the Office of Communications by phone at 202.429.3828 or e-mail at



Archived Audio

Event Proceedings
Running Time - 2 hr 12 min • 30M Download*

Archived Video (Available by Speaker)

Opening Remarks by Amb. Princeton Lyman
Running Time - 10 min • 4M Download*

David Gordon's Remarks
Running Time - 14 min • 7M Download*

Thomas Homer-Dixon's Remarks
Running Time - 16 min • 7M Download*

Millicent Obaso's Remarks
Running Time - 13 min • 6M Download*

Andrew T. Price-Smith's Remarks
Running Time - 15 min • 7M Download*

Panel Discussion
Running Time - 14 min • 7M Download*

Q&A Session
Running Time - 50 min • 24M Download*

QuickTime4 download graphic*In order to view or listen to the broadcast you will need to download and install the free QuickTime Player. Please visit the QuickTime Support page to verify correct installation. We recommend that you complete the download, installation, and verification prior to the broadcast.

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