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Virtual Diplomacy Conference Presentations



Papers Submitted for the Virtual Diplomacy Conference

Is the Internet Islam's "Third Wave" or the "End of Civilization"? Globalizing Politics and Religion in the Muslim World, Jon W. Anderson

IT & IS : Identifying the Needs of International Organizations, Anthony Antoine and Gustaaf Geeraerts

The World-Wide-Web: A Tool for Building Citizen Diplomacy Skills, Guy Burgess and Heidi Burgess

Sri Lanka and the Third Communication Revolution, Shelton Gunaratne

The Enterprise of Diplomacy in the Information Age, Dennis M. Jauch

The Internet, Transnational Networking and Regional Security in South Asia: Some Possibilities for the Near Future, Chetan Kumar

The Media's Role in Preventing and Moderating Conflict, Robert Karl Manoff

Personal Impressions on A USIA Mission to Macedonia and Bulgaria to Deliver Internet Training, Clarisse Behar Molad

Changing the Way We Do Business in International Relations, Charles A. Schmitz

The New York Times Forum on Bosnia: An Attempt in Online Mediation, Igor Shnurenko

Virtual Intelligence: Conflict Avoidance and Resolution Through Information Peacekeeping, Robert David Steele

SHALOM/SALAAM: Interactive Conflict Resolution in a Community of Practice, Barb Stuart, Gedaliahu Harel and Corrina Perrone 

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Virtual Diplomacy Conference Reviews and Summaries

Technology is 'demolishing' time, distance, by Kevin Maney, USA Today

Digital Diplomacy a two-edged sword, by Wendy Grossman, London Daily Telegraph

Virtual Diplomacy Conference Report, by Steve Cisler of Apple Computer

Diplomacy in Cyberspace, Report on the Virtual Diplomacy Conference, by Hilary McLellan, Tech-Head

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For More Information

Virtual Diplomacy coordinators Sheryl Brown and Margarita Studemeister can both be reached via our online form.

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