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Frequently Asked Questions

Common questions asked about the operation and data layers offered by the Geospatial Data Gateway are found here. Please refer to this document with any questions before contacting the Gateway Team.

Table Of Contents

1. Cost
2. Java Problems
3. Browser Freezing
4. File Size Differences
5. Image Projection
6. TeleAtlas Datasets
7. MLRA Maps
8. Plant Hardiness Map
9. EDRG Projection
10. DOQQ Dates
11. DOQ Mosiacs
12. Watershed/Hydro
13. Soil Metadata
14. Error Reordering Data
15. DVD Grayed Out
16. Raster Projection
17. Image BackGround
18. Using NAIP 2005
19. NAIP Imagery
20. Missing Layers
21. Data Constraints
22. Missing Images
23. Nothing Found
24. FTP errors
25. SSURGO dates
26. ASD districts
27. Empty WinZip
28. EDOQ Projection
29. CLU Half Counties
30. CLU Not Available
31. WBD ACRES values
32. 4 Band JPEG
33. Ag Statistics Districts
34. 2008 NAIP Imagery

Geospatial Data Gateway FAQ