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(Revised March 25, 1999)



 217.500 Scope of subpart.
 217.503 Determinations and findings requirements.
 217.504 Ordering procedures.

217.500  Scope of subpart.


      (b)  Unless more specific statutory authority exists, the procedures in FAR Subpart 17.5, this subpart, and DoDI 4000.19 apply to all purchases, except micro-purchases, made for DoD by another agency.  This includes orders under a task or delivery order contract entered into by the other agency.  (Pub. L. 105-261, Section 814.)


217.503  Determinations and findings requirements.


      (c)  If requested, the contracting officer who normally would contract for the requesting activity should advise in the determination process.


217.504  Ordering procedures.


      (a)  When the requesting agency is within DoD, a copy of the executed D&F shall be furnished to the servicing agency as an attachment to the order.  When a DoD contracting office is acting as the servicing agency, a copy of the executed D&F shall be obtained from the requesting agency and placed in the contract file for the Economy Act order.




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