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Lebanon at a Crossroads

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Demonstrators wave Lebanese flags in a rally for Syrian military withdrawal from Lebanon.Demonstrators wave Lebanese flags in a rally for Syrian military withdrawal from Lebanon. (AP/Wide World)

Monday, July 11, 2005
10:00–11:30 AM

U.S. Institute of Peace
1200 17th St., NW
Washington, D.C.

The assassination of Lebanese former Prime Minister Rafiq al-Hariri has set in motion a series of political developments that have included the withdrawal of Syrian forces from the country, the emergence of a mass-based opposition movement, and an ongoing re-examination of the sectarian political system.

Parliamentary elections free of overt Syrian interference are now being held to pave the way for a new phase in Lebanon's political and social history. Our panel of experts discussed the latest events in Lebanon, the potential for a new political arrangement, and the regional and international influences and implications.


  • Michael Hudson, Georgetown University
  • Daoud Khairallah, Georgetown University and White & Case, LLP
  • Clovis Maksoud, American University
  • Hisham Melhem, An-Nahar Newspapers
  • Imad Harb, United States Institute of Peace, Moderator

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