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Iraq: Securing the Peace
Institute Congressional Briefing

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Date and Time
Wednesday, July 30, 2003
10:30 AM–Noon

124 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC

America and its coalition partners now face the urgent and difficult challenge of securing the peace in Iraq.

On July 30 the U.S. Institute of Peace will sponsor a special foreign policy briefing on Capitol Hill to focus on the religious, security, political, and economic dimensions of this challenge and how best to address it. Moderated by Paul Stares, director of the Institute's Research and Studies Program, the briefing will feature presentations from a distinguished panel of Institute experts on Iraq and the challenges of post-conflict reconstruction.


  • Amatzia Baram
    Senior Fellow, U.S. Institute of Peace; and Author, "Building Toward Crisis: Saddam Hussein's Strategy for Survival"
  • Robert Perito
    Special Adviser, Rule of Law Program, U.S. Institute of Peace; former Deputy Director, International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program, U.S. Department of Justice; and Author, Where Is the Lone Ranger When We Need Him? America's Search for a Post-Conflict Stability Force (forthcoming, U.S. Institute of Peace Press, 2003)
  • George Ward
    Director, Professional Training Program, U.S. Institute of Peace; and former Coordinator for Humanitarian Assistance in Iraq, Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Affairs, U.S. Department of Defense (February-June 2003)
  • Paul Stares, Moderator
    Director, Research and Studies Program, U.S. Institute of Peace

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