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Post-War Iraq and Beyond: The UN's Role

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Secretary of State Colin Powell makes a presentation to the UN Security Council while Secretary-General Kofi Annan and UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw look on.
U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell makes a presentation to the UN Security Council while Secretary General Kofi Annan and UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw look on at a September 2002 meeting.
UN/DPI photo

Date and Time
Wednesday, May 14, 2003
3:00–5:00 PM

U.S. Institute of Peace
2nd Floor Conference Room
1200 17th St, NW
Washington, DC 20036

What role should the United Nations play in post-war Iraq? As demonstrated by recent media coverage around the globe, there is no shortage of opinions about how the UN Security Council's failure to reach consensus on how to disarm Iraq will affect the council's ability to handle future conflicts.

To explore potential roles for the United Nations in post-war Iraq and beyond, on May 14 the U.S. Institute of Peace hosted a briefing with a panel of experts on the United Nations and international conflict. Moderated by Richard Kauzlarich, former deputy assistant secretary of state for international organization affairs and director of the Institute's Special Initiative on the Muslim World, the panel examined such issues as:

  • The Bush administration's views on the relevance of the United Nations for meeting international security challenges of the 21st century.
  • Potential roles for the UN Security Council in managing future conflicts.
  • How the United States and the United Nations might cooperate in rebuilding Iraq and supporting an interim government authority.
  • The possibility of international legal conflicts over an extended U.S.-led occupation of Iraq.


  • Richard Williamson
    U.S. Alternative Representative to the United Nations for Special Political Affairs
  • Edward Luck
    Director, Center on International Organization, Columbia University
  • David Scheffer
    Senior Vice President, UN Association of the USA, and former Senior Fellow, U.S. Institute of Peace
  • Richard Kauzlarich, Moderator
    Director, Special Initiative on the Muslim World, U.S. Institute of Peace

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