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2000-2001 Jennings Randolph Senior Fellow Project Reports


Archived Audio Available


Presentation Index:
By Fellow

Graham Day

S.N. Eisenstadt

Neil Hicks

David Maybury Lewis

Violeta Petroska-Beska

David Scheffer

The Jennings Randolph Fellowship Program annually convenes a series of roundtable discussions in which fellows share findings from their research projects with other interested scholars, policymakers, and members of the press in the greater Washington D.C. area. To expand the reach of these discussions and add a "virtual seat " at the table for those unable to attend in person, the Institute has compiled a collection of archived audio recordings of several presentations made during the 2000-2001 fellowship year.


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Archived Audio Sessions

"Policekeeping: Challenges of Law and Order in Peace Operations"

Presented by: Graham Day

Photo of Graham Day What are the challenges for policekeeping in post-conflict regions and zones of conflict? What lessons have been learned from experiences in the Balkans, East Timor, and other regions around the world? Employing his extensive experience in civilian peacekeeping operations, as a field officer in UN operations in the Balkans, Central America, Iraq, and East Timor, Senior Fellow Graham Day explores the challenges of law and order in peace operations in a live Institute roundtable.

Day Presentation
Running Time - 38 min • 6M Download

Roundtable Q&A
Running Time - 50 min • 7M Download

Recorded on March 29, 2001

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"Israeli Society, Globalization, and the Transformation of the Nation State"

Presented by: S.N. Eisenstadt

Photo of Shmuel Eisenstadt What has been the influence of transnational forces on religious movements and traditional political alliances in contemporary Israeli society? How are nation states changing in response to the rise of global ethnic, religious, and political constituencies and what are the growing influence of these networks in domestic politics? Senior Fellow S.N. Eisenstadt explores these questions and more in a live roundtable at the Institute.

Eisenstadt Presentation
Running Time - 57 min • 9M Download

Roundtable Q&A
Running Time - 26 min • 4M Download

Recorded on May 24, 2001

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"Human Rights in the Middle East: The Crisis of Implementation"

Presented by: Neil Hicks

Photo of Neil Hicks What is the relationship between Western based international human rights organizations like Amnesty International and local human organizations in the Middle East? Drawing on more than fifteen years of working experience with Amnesty International and the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, Senior Fellow Neil Hicks examines the relationship between Western based international human rights organizations and local human rights organizations and movements that have emerged over the past twenty years in the Middle East.

Hicks Presentation
Running Time - 34 min • 6M Download

Roundtable Q&A
Running Time - 43 min • 7M Download

Recorded on April 4, 2001

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"Indigenous Peoples and States in Latin America"

Presented by: David Maybury-Lewis

Photo of Maybury Lewis What lesson have been learned over the past several years about the relationship between indigenous peoples and states in Latin America? Senior Fellow David Maybury-Lewis during a special live-roundtable presentation explores the changing nature of relations between indigenous groups and states in Latin America. Other points include a look at the unprecedented changes taking place throughout the hemisphere and an assessment their significance both for indigenous and non-indigenous peoples in Latin American states.

Lewis Presentation
Running Time - 50 min • 8M Download

Roundtable Q&A
Running Time - 41 min • 7M Download

Recorded on June 14, 2001

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"Education for Interculturalism: Learning to Live Together in Macedonia"

Presented by: Violeta Petroska-Beska

Photo of Violeta Petroska Beska What are the challenges of promoting intercultural understanding between ethnic Macedonians and Albanians in the Macedonian pre-school and high school system? Senior Fellow Violeta Petroska-Beska during her presentation compares and contrasts varieties of understandings about multicultural education—with special emphasis on the strategies used in her own efforts to promote intercultural understanding in the Macedonia.

Petroska-Beksa Presentation
Running Time - 29 min • 5M Download

Roundtable Q&A
Running Time - 59 min • 10M Download

Recorded on May 31, 2001

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"The Future of Atrocity Law"

Presented by: David Scheffer

Photo of David Scheffer How do the September 11th terrorist attacks relate legally to other crimes of mass destruction? Senior fellow David Scheffer during a special live-roundtable presentation considers the role of the U.S. in improving the international system of atrocity law and how nations may craft a disciplined and just means to prosecute high-ranking war criminals and international terrorists.

Scheffer Presentation
Running Time - 1 hr • 10M Download

Roundtable Q&A
Running Time - 31 min • 5M Download

Recorded on January 17, 2002

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Media Inquiries should be directed to John Brinkley (202.429.3824).

Other inquiries about the Institute's fellowship program or future Senior Fellow Project Reports/Roundtables should be directed to Jennings Randolph Fellowship Program.


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