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NLS Reference Materials

Added Entries, Volume 31, Issue 2

Winter 2004

The following titles have been selected from materials added to the NLS reference collections during the fall of 2003. Entries are arranged according to subject headings developed and used by the NLS Reference Section for its collections. Wherever possible, prices of publications have been included. Publishers' full addresses are included when they are not readily obtainable through libraries and bookstores. Items marked with an asterisk (*) are especially recommended for basic reference collections in libraries serving visually and physically handicapped readers.

Requests for listed materials should be sent directly to the publishers or sources cited with each entry. Items are not available from NLS unless specifically indicated.

Assistive Devices for People with Visual Impairments--Low Vision

Fischer, Michael. "Kids and low vision devices: when is the right time? EnVision, fall 2003. <www.lighthouse.org/envision/fall2003/kids.htm>.

Stelmack, Joan A., and others. "Patients' perceptions of the need for low vision devices." Journal of visual impairment and blindness, v. 97, Sept. 2003: 521-535.

Banks and Banking

Cooke, Annemarie. "Chase expands 'right relationship' with eATM: a collaboration in accessibility." AccessWorld, v. 4, Nov. 2003: 41-44.

Barrier-free Architecture--Home Design

Santos, Ann, comp. "One for all." PN-paraplegia news, v. 57, Sept. 2003: 16-19.


** Bolt, David. "Blindness and the problems of terminology." Journal of visual impairment and blindness, v. 97, Sept. 2003: 519-520.


Presley, Ike. "Conquering the code: a review of the BrailleMaster." AccessWorld, v. 4, Sept. 2003: 27-33.

Braille Preservation

**Library of Congress. National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. Technical circular 03-01: Braille preservation and salvage guidelines. Washington, 2003. 4p. Free. Available online at www.loc.gov/nls/technical/circulars/braillepreservationguidelines.html


Bouma, Aloma. "Building dreams for blind children one page at a time: a report on the Braille Readers are Leaders program." Future reflections, v. 22, fall 2003: 25-30.

Cheadle, Barbara. "'Braille Readers are Leaders' expands program." Future reflections, v. 22, fall 2003: 31-33.

Palmer, Marla. "Why Megan is learning braille." Future reflections, v. 22, fall 2003: 21-24.

Braille Calendars

Library of Congress. National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. Facts: 2004 calendars. Compiled by Ruth Nussbaum. Washington, 2003. 6p. Free. Also available online at www.loc.gov/nls/ reference/factsheets/calendars2004.html.

Computers and People with Visual Impairments

Gerber, Elaine. "The benefits of and barriers to computer use for individuals who are visually impaired." Journal of visual impairment and blindness, v. 97, Sept. 2003: 536-550.

Digital Talking Books

Library of Congress. National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. Technical circular 03-02: audio technology initiatives. Washington, 2003. 4p. Free. Available online at www.loc.gov/nls/ technical/circulars/audiotechnologyinitiatives.html.


Gorman, Christine. "The new science of dyslexia." Time, v. 162, July 28, 2003: 52-59.

Electronic Books

Library of Congress. National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. Facts: selected sources for electronic texts. Compiled by Carol Strauss and Judy Dixon. Washington, 2003. 8p. Free. Also available online at www.loc.gov/nls/reference/factsheets/etexts.html.

WGBH National Center for Accessible Media. "Beyond the Text project." Retrieved Nov. 2003. ncam.wgbh.org/ebooks/

Horseback Riding

De Gutis, Dorothea L. "Hippotherapy aids children with sensory and motor issues." EP magazine, v. 33, Nov. 2003: 55-59.

Independent Living

Martinez, Kathy, with the assistance of Barbara Duncan. "The road to independent living in the USA: an historical perspective and contemporary challenges." Disability world, issue no. 20, Sept.-Oct. 2003. www.disabilityworld.org/09-10_03/il/ilhistory.shtml

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) P.L. 101-476

LaVenture, Susan. "The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): past and present." Journal of visual impairment and blindness, v. 97, Sept. 2003: 517-518.

Large Print-Standards

Kitchel, J. Elaine. Large print: guidelines for optimal readability and APHont™. Louisville, KY: American Printing House for the Blind, 2003. 11p. P.O. Box 6085, 40206.

Library Services to People with Disabilities

Bell, Lori, Sharon Ruda, and Tom Peters. "The librarians' quest: transforming the printed word so that all may read." Computers in libraries, v. 23, Nov.-Dec. 2003: 14-19.


Rowell, Jonathan, and Simon Ungar. "The world of touch: an international survey of tactile maps. Part 1: production and part 2: design." British journal of visual impairment, v. 21, Sept. 2003: 98-110.

Physical Fitness

Sexton, Shannon. "Yoga and MS: a life worth living." Yoga international, no. 74, Nov. 2003: 73-81.

Rehabilitation Engineering

Remy, Paul E. "Individualized rehab engineering." New mobility, v. 14, Nov. 2003: 33-35.

Science and People with Visual Impairments

Leigh, Penny. "Learning about the stars." Future reflections, v. 22, fall 2003: 37-39.

Special Education--Teacher Education

Keep an eye on your future: directory of professional preparation programs in visual impairments. Alexandria, VA: Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired, 2003. 53p. (1703 North Beauregard Street, Suite 440, 22311). Also online at www.aerbvi.org.

Sports and People with Disabilities--Bibliography

"Sports associations: annual listing." Sports 'n spokes, v. 29, Sept. 2003: 55.

Tactile Arts

Downing, June E., and Deborah Chen. "Using tactile strategies with students who are blind and have severe disabilities." Teaching exceptional children, v. 36, Nov.-Dec. 2003: 56-60.

Jaquiss, Robert S., Jr. "Tactile educational materials: tips and resources." Future reflections, v. 22, fall 2003: 78-82.

Norman, Jackie." Tactile picture books: their importance for young blind children." British journal of visual impairment, v. 21, Sept. 2003: 111-114.

Television for People with Visual Impairments

Perski, Tom. "Watching TV with low vision." Fighting blindness news, fall 2003: 14-15.

Textbooks--Special Format

McCarthy, James. "Textbooks on time: a progress report on the IMAA and the reauthorization of IDEA." Future reflections, v. 22, fall 2003: 15-16.

Web Accessibility

Byerley, Suzanne L., and Mary Beth Chambers. "Accessibility of web-based library databases: the vendors' perspectives." Library hi tech, v. 21, no. 3, 2003: 347-357.

Lesko, Sarah, and Jim Denham. "Web sites that take you places: accessing travel web sites with low vision." AccessWorld, v. 4, Sept. 2003: 41-44.

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Posted on 2006-02-24