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Vol. 37 No. 1           A monthly publication of the Los Angeles District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers           August 2007

Around the District

Corps drops heartbreaker in ping pong tourney
By Daniel J. Calderón

LOS ANGELES -- Though they do their jobs well, some Corps employees were anxious to show off their athletic abilities during the August ping pong tournament finals held here.

Players took to the 7th floor rooftop ping pong arena to parade powerful ping pong proficiency before a crowd of lunchtime sports fans. Corps employees squared off against employees from URS Corporation.

In the best-of-five female finals, Kanan Patel-Coleman took out Corps employee Rosa Ramirez in three hard-won games. In the third game, Ramirez held Patel-Coleman to three “deuce” rounds, meaning the winner had to be at least two points ahead before victory was declared.

“I practiced some before going in to this,” said Ramirez, who was last year’s female champion. “I think I needed more practice.”

This year marked the third for the ping pong tournament competition between the Corps and URS. Employees compete over a series of weeks during lunch time games to determine who will be the final champion and have bragging rights until the following year’s series of games.

“I’m shocked but excited,” said Patel-Coleman about her victory. “It’s wonderful to have the chance to meet and compete with Corps employees. It was really great getting to know everyone.”

While the female games were more studies in determination and grace, the male competition looked and sounded more like a National Geographic special on battling beasts. The ping pong balls fairly sizzled the air as the competitors made use of strength and the “pen hold” grip on the ping pong paddle. In the end, Jerry Romana, from URS, triumphed over the Corps’ own Lu Tan in three straight games.

“I’ll get them next year,” said Tan.
Fans said they were riveted to the competitive spectacle.
“I loved the games, but I have to say I was really rooting for my co-workers,” said Sherry Dadci, a URS employee who was a vocal presence during the matches. “Ping pong is a really wild game. You can be winning one minute and then, all of a sudden, you’re down five.”

The whole ping pong program encourages friendly competition between employees of both companies and provides a forum for interaction. Corps employees interested in participating should visit the Fitness Center in the District Office building. There are still more than nine months to rain before next month’s competition begins.

Corps responds to TIME cover story, "The Threatening Storm

"WASHINGTON -- TIME Magazine's Aug. 13 cover story, "The Threatening Storm," contains errors and misrepresentation of facts with respect to the Corps and ongoing efforts to improve hurricane and storm damage reduction for Southeast Louisiana.

"The misrepresentation of the situation in Louisiana by TIME Magazine is damaging to efforts to get essential, factual information to the people and community leaders of New Orleans," said Maj. Gen. Don T. Riley, Director of Civil Works for the Corps.  “The article's reckless disregard for the truth undermines the real science and risk information citizens need to make informed decisions about rebuilding."

The Corps' complete response to the article can be found at: http://www.usace.army.mil/response.htm.

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