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Newly hired DCIS special agents attend the following training programs at FLETC, unless they have already attended them.

  • Criminal Investigator Training Program (CITP)
All DCIS special agents are required to attend the CITP at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC). The CITP is an in-depth study of basic law enforcement concepts and techniques, which consolidates the basic training requirements of more than 76 Federal law enforcement agencies. Perspective agent trainees are provided the specific information and skills necessary to equip them for actual job performance in law enforcement and investigations. Among the subject areas presented are intensive firearms and defensive tactics training, high speed driving techniques, interviewing and interrogation skills, Federal Rules of Criminal Proceedings and investigative techniques. The CITP curriculum is frequently revised to stay abreast of the changing needs of these Federal law enforcement agencies.
  • Inspector General Investigations Training Program (IGITP)
Since the establishment of inspectors general (IG) in various executive departments and agencies in 1978, the IGs have recognized the need for specialized investigative skills training for the special agents assigned to IG offices. As a result, this course was developed to help DCIS protect America’s warfighters by conducting investigations against fraud, waste and abuse in Department of Defense (DoD) programs. DCIS Special Agents generally enter this program approximately 6 months following graduation from the CITP. Experienced agents, depending on their background, may be eligible to attend an abbreviated IGITP.
  • DCIS Special Agent Basic Training Program (DCIS SAB)
This program was developed by the DCIS to introduce its special agents to the DoD structure and organization and to train them in conducting complex criminal investigations in support of crucial National defense priorities. This program was designed to introduce criminal investigators to the basic skills needed in conducting a variety of investigations, to include: Terrorism, Product Substitution, Cyber Crimes/Computer Intrusion, the illegal transfer of DoD technology, and investigating cases of theft, fraud, bribery and corruption to ensure the taxpayer dollars are better spent defending our Nation. This program is presented by Senior DCIS Special Agents at FLETC.

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