Foreign National Networking Group (FNNG)

FNNG BBQ August 27

08/27/2008 - 5:00pm
Lake Del Valle

Mark your calendars, it’s summer and time for the popular Foreign National Networking Group picnic/BBQ at Lake Del Valle to take place on Wednesday August 27 from 5pm to….

This is a tradition on its sixth year and the easy and succesful format will be similar to previous years: Bring your favorite dish from your home country to share with us. We will also do a BBQ and serve food and drinks. Bring your loved ones, friends and family, and come join us for an evening to remember and talk about….

This year, we are extending the invitation to also include the other Diversity groups at Sandia.
If you don’t wish to bring anything for the picnic, please provide $10 towards the BBQ and the drinks. Please RSVP with number of persons and dish (or money) before August 18 to Ewa Ronnebro ( or 925-294 6493).

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