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Prekindergarten Programs Funded by the States: Essential Elements for Policy Makers (PDF)
By Anne Mitchell, Carol Ripple
September 01, 1998

Summary: This report summarizes the essential elements of state-funded prekindergarten programs across the United States. To be included in the report, a program had to be supported primarily by state funds, have early education as a goal, focus on children younger than kindergarten entry age, and provide direct service to children rather than concentrate primarily on educating their parents. Eleven states were not represented because they did not appropriate state funds for any specific program. The report, comprised of tables and charts, begins with a table of states that fund prekindergarten and/or Head Start programs. The second table indicates agencies eligible to offer prekindergarten programs by state, including public school districts and other agencies. The third table addresses quality control, evaluation, and planning in prekindergarten programs by state, while the fourth table indicates age and income targeting in prekindergarten programs by state. The remainder and bulk of the report details each qualifying state and indicates the following: (1) name of the program(s); (2) history; (3) population served; (4) hours of operation; (5) number of children served; (6) eligible pre-k providers; (7) administrative auspices; (8) program standards; (9) funds; (10) ongoing planning; (11) assessment of program performance; (12) evaluation of program; and (13) program contact

Index Terms: Early Childhood Education, Prekindergarten, School Readiness, State Funding, State Standards, Accreditation, Age Qualifications, Block Grants, Charter Schools, Child Care Contracts, Community Planning, Community Role, Comprehensive Services, Early Childhood Education, Financing Strategies, Licensing Requirements, Local Agencies, Parent Involvement, Partnerships, Performance Standards, Poverty, Private Schools, Program Development, Program Eligibility, Program Evaluation, Program Standards, Provider Eligibility, Provider Qualifications, Public Schools, Quality Control, Resource Allocation, Roles, School Readiness, State Agencies, State Initiatives, State Role, Statewide Systems

Publisher: Families and Work Institute

Publication Type: Collected Works, Surveys

Pages: 93 pages
Language: English

Families and Work Institute
267 Fifth Ave., 2nd Floor
New York, New York 10016
FAX: 212-465-8637

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