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Did you also know? 

Each American eats approximately 22 pounds of tomatoes yearly. Over 1/2 of the tomato consumption is in the form of catsup and tomato sauce. Florida is the number one tomato producing state, closely followed by California.     


Did you know there are over 40,000 varieties of rice grown worldwide? Rice has been produced in the United States for more than 300 years. The major rice-producing states are Arkansas, California, Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi, and Missouri. In the winter the flooded rice fields provide safe places for migrating birds, ducks and other animals. 
squid pizza Did you know that in Japan, the most popular topping for pizza is squid?  In the United States the most popular pizza topping is pepperoni. Americans eat approximately 100 acres of pizza EACH DAY, or about 350 slices per second.  October is Pizza Month!

The first olive trees were planted in California at the San Diego Mission by Franciscan monks in 1769. Today, over 1,200 growers grow olives on on 35,000 acres in the warm inland valleys of California. 

It takes between four and five pounds of grapes to make one pound of raisins. Most raisins are made from the Thompson Seedless variety of grapes. Because you can keep them indefinitely without having them spoil, raisins are a good choice for long trips. 

raisin man

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