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Importation of Plants for Planting

Revision of the nursery stock quarantine, 7CFR 319.37

Regulations covering the importation of plants for planting (nursery stock) are contained primarily in 7 CFR 319.37. When this quarantine (known as Q37) was first written, plants came to the United States from only a few foreign locations, were imported by nurseries in low numbers as germplasm “starter” material, and required treatment for pests. National plant distribution was slow. Today, plants from worldwide locations come to the US in unlimited “consumer ready” quantities, and are treated only when quarantine pests are found. The USDA proposes a comprehensive review and modernization of Q37. The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has begun this process. This website will provide information about rulemaking, stakeholder meetings, and various other components of the revision process.

Addressing the Risks Associated with the Importation of Plants for Planting, a White Paper, December, 2005 (PDF; 238Kb)

Basics of a Proposed Regulatory Systems Approach Protocol – Plants for Planting (PDF; 46Kb)

Federal Import Quarantine Orders

Federal Register Publications (Regulatory Changes)

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Last Modified: June 3, 2008