The reconciliation of vocabulary from many specialized areas of pictorial collections would not have been possible without suggestions from colleagues in libraries, museums, and archives who reviewed the list. We extend thanks to everyone who made comments and are particularly grateful to several individuals who contributed numerous ideas.
For the first edition (1986):
Georgia Bumgardner (American Antiquarian Society); Kathleen Collins, Terri Echter, Joyce Nalewajk, Barbara Orbach, Stephen Ostrow, Ford Peatross, Carol Pulin, Bernard Reilly, and Renata Shaw (Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division); Lynn Cox (Alabama Archives); Jackie Dooley (University of California, San Diego); Christine Hennessey (National Museum of American Art); David Horvath (University of Louisville); Waverly Lowell and John Maounis (National Maritime Museum); Toni Petersen (Art and Architecture Thesaurus); Sara Shatford and Elaine Svenonius (University of California, Los Angeles); Joe Springer (Goshen College); Amy Stark (Center for Creative Photography); Gerald Stone (Public Archives of Canada); and Larry Viskochil (Chicago Historical Society).
The compilers, Helena Zinkham and Elisabeth Betz Parker, are also grateful for the support of the Association of College and Research Libraries Rare Books and Manuscripts Standards Committee.
For the second edition:
Elisabeth Betz Parker, Assistant Chief, Prints & Photographs Division
(P&P) provided extensive guidance, advice, and editing. P&P
catalogers DeAnna Dare Evans, Marcy Flynn, Jeanne Korda, and Woody Woodis
helped prepare new terms and update the introduction and bibliography. A
number of contributors provided suggestions and reviewed new terms: Beth
Delaney (Albany Institute of History and Art); Jane Greenberg (Schomburg
Center for Research in Black Culture, New York Public Library); Christine
Hennessey (National Museum of American Art); John Slate (University of Texas
at Austin); Laura Stalker (Huntington Library); Diane Vogt-O'Connor (U.S.
Dept. of the Interior, National Park Service); Susanne Warren (Art and
Architecture Thesaurus); Beverly Brannan, Mary Ison, Carol Johnson,
Jacqueline Manapsal, Elena Millie, Barbara Orbach Natanson, Bernard Reilly
(P&P); Bonnie Wilson and Nancy Erickson (Minnesota Historical Society).
Prasad Nair and Lyn Neal of Project Management, Inc., converted the terms
from word processing software into their LEXICO thesaurus software. The
Library of Congress Information Technology Services (ITS) and Automation
Planning and Liaison Office (APLO) provided technical assistance, and the
Cataloging Distribution Service published and marketed the thesaurus.
Participation in the Working Group for Form and Genre Vocabulary, hosted by the Art and Architecture Thesaurus, has resolved variations in terminology that had arisen among our related thesauri and provided a welcome mechanism to prevent conflicts in new terms.
Woody Woodis and Helena Zinkham, co-editors, 2001- Sarah Rouse, editor, 1994-2000 Helena Zinkham, editor, 1986-1994 Cataloger, Pictorial Collections Head, Processing Section Prints and Photographs Division Prints and Photographs Division
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