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Health Education via Animated Eagle Book Series

Illustration: Characters from the Animated Eagle Book SeriesAnimated versions of the award-winning 'Eagle Book' series are available through CDC-TV. Originally designed to promote culturally-based information about diabetes prevention, physical activity, nutrition and healthy eating among Native American children, the videos may appeal to children and parents of all cultures and represents CDC's efforts to prevent diabetes.


Illustration: Eagle flying in front of the moon.

If you have ever wondered what a book would look like if it came alive, view one of the 4 animated Eagle Books. Published in 2006 and animated in 2008, the 'Eagle Book' characters – Rain that Dances, Little Hummingbird, Mr. Eagle, Miss Rabbit and Coyote – promote diabetes prevention, physical activity, nutrition and healthy eating through animated watercolor illustrations and engaging voices. While the characters and books were originally designed to provide culturally-based information for Native American children in kindergarten through fourth grade, the series (available through CDC-TV) may appeal to children and parents of all cultures. The health messages support CDC's efforts to prevent diabetes.

Authored and narrated by Georgia Perez of Nambe Pueblo, and illustrated by Patrick Rolo, Bad River Band of Ojibwe, and Lisa A. Fifield, Oneida Tribe of Wisconsin, Black Bear Clan, the animated versions provide an interactive tool to engage children in activities and discussions about healthy eating, and the joy of being active while looking to traditional ways to stay healthy and prevent type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents, although still rare, is being diagnosed more frequently among American Indians, African Americans, Hispanic/Latino Americans, and Asians/Pacific Islanders.

Illustration: A young boy and an eagle.

The book series is the result of a collaboration between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Native Diabetes Wellness Program, Indian Health Service and the Tribal Leaders Diabetes Committee. The four books – Through the Eyes of the Eagle, Knees Lifted High, Plate Full of Color, and Tricky Treats – are available in print and have been included in a full featured DVD which includes Spanish and 3 American Indian language translations as well as closed captioning.

The video versions available through CDC-TV allow children, teachers, and communities across all cultures to access the unique, award-winning resources at any time. Children may view by themselves or as a read along tool accompanying the print copies. Videos can be stopped and started for listening to elders, who might demonstrate fun ways to be active, describe the many colored fruits and vegetables from Mother Earth, and help identify what is a "sometimes" or "everyday" food selection.

Illustration: Kids watching TV.

The animated versions of the 'Eagle Book' series are in keeping with CDC efforts to contribute to public health outreach in the 21st century through multiple formats. This use of technology extends the reach and impact of products such as the animated books to audiences beyond those interested in specific topics to prevention and health promotion information. CDC-TV features video resources that support CDC's efforts to increase people's access to the information necessary to help prevent illness and injury and to protect their health and that of their families.

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