SEAC's Site Stabilization and Protection Projects

Help Protect Fragile Archeological Resources

  • Assistance to Parks
    -Stabilization Clearinghouse
    -Shell rake mimicry/reconstruction

    -Stream/shoreline erosion control
    -Earthworks erosion control
  • Interagency Assistance
    -Grave stone restoration
    -Shoreline/beachfront erosion control
    -In-situ preservation, exhibitry
Related SEAC Publictions:

Past in perilThe Past in Peril [2002]
Why is it important to protect the past? Pulitzer prize winning science writer Mike Toner's powerful, thoroughly researched articles provide a global view of the crisis surrounding the loss of the world's cultural heritage.
Coping with Site Looting coverCoping with Site Looting: Southeastern Perspectives   Protecting the Past
A collection of 37 articles in the field of archeological resource protection.
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Assistance to Parks:

Interagency Assistance Projects:

Battery Hamilton [stabilization and archeological recording of remains, in situ preservation and monitoring recommendations], work done in cooperation with the Georgia DOT and associated with Civil War activites at Fort Pulaski, Fort Pulaski National Monument, Georgia.
   . Links to PDF files: Brochure | Preservation and Stabilization Plan | Archeological Report

Humboldt County, California. [beachfront erosion control]
Work conducted in association with the Yurok and Wyiot tribes and the Humboldt Lagoons State Park.

Ref. #1: "Archeological Site Stabilization Observations for Resources Located in Tshapek [Yurok] (CA-HUM-129), Humboldt Lagoons State Park, Humboldt County, California, by John E. Ehrenhard and Robert M. Thorne, November 2000. Manuscript on file, Southeast Archeological Center, National Park Service, Tallahassee, Florida.
Ref. #2: "Considerations for the In Situ Conservation and Treatment of Tolowat [Wyiot] (CA-HUM-67) Indian Island, Humboldt County, California," by John E. Ehrenhard and Robert M. Thorne, November 2000. Manuscript on file, Southeast Archeological Center, National Park Service, Tallahassee, Florida.
Ref. #3: "Archeological Site Stabilization Observations for Resources Located in Tsurai [Yurok] (CA-HUM-118), Humboldt County, California, by John E. Ehrenhard and Robert M. Thorne, November 2000. Manuscript on file, Southeast Archeological Center, National Park Service, Tallahassee, Florida.

    Fort Bragg Gravestone Restoration Project. [restoration of stone and wooden grave makers]
    Restoration and preservation of existing markers as part of Fort Bragg's cemetery preservation program. Work included rejoining broken pieces with threaded nylon rod and epoxy, replacing missing sections with a cementitious patching compound, and excavating and resetting stones that have settled below grade. NPS principal: John Jameson.
    Ref. #1: "Assessment And Conservation/Restoration Recommendations for Ellis, Knox Street, Mcintyre, Newton, Goins, Long Street, Mcleod, and Sandy Grove Cemeteries, Fort Bragg Military Base, Cumberland and Hoke Counties, North Carolina," by Dean A. Ruedrich, 1996. Copy on file at Southeast Archeological Center, National Park Service, Tallahassee, Florida.
    Ref. #2: "Repairs and Restorations for Eight Historic Cemeteries Located At Fort Bragg Military Reservation, North Carolina," by Leland J. Cooper. Southeast Archeological Center, National Park Service and U.S. Army, Fort Bragg, North Carolina. June, 1997.

    F.E. Warren Air Force Base, Wyoming: Archeology Center Exhibit. [archeological research, in-situ preservation, public interpretation, and exhibitry]
    On-site exhibit of archeological profile, including in situ Plains Woodland rock-lined hearth, plus manikin recreations, panoramic scences, and archeology displays.
    Ref.: "Test Excavations at 48LA277: A Plains Woodland Site on Crow Creek, Wyoming." Midwest Archeological Center, National Park Service, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1997. NPS principals: John Jameson and
    Melissa Connor. Work conducted under the auspices of an NPS-University of Mississippi Cooperative Agreement for a National Archeological Site Stabilization Clearinghouse.

    U.S. Coast Guard Light Station, Palm Beach County, Florida. [shoreline erosion control]
    Ref.: Stabilization Assessment, U.S. Coast Guard Light Station, Jupiter Inlet, Palm Beach County, Florida, 1993. Work conducted under the auspices of an NPS-University of Mississippi Cooperative Agreement for a National Archeological Site Stabilization Clearinghouse. NPS principal: John E. Ehrenhard. 

    Eglin Air force Base, Florida. [shoreline erosion control]
    Ref.: John E. Ehrenhard, SEAC, 1994, Archeological Site Stabilization Study: Eglin Air force Base, Fort Walton, Florida (with Robert M. Thorne). Work conducted under the auspices of an NPS-University of Mississippi Cooperative Agreement for a National Archeological Site Stabilization Clearinghouse.

    GSA Generator Building, Galveston, Texas. [archival research, field recording, and preservation through intentional reburial]
    Ref.: An Archeological Field Inspection of Resources Discovered During Construction at the GSA New Generator Building, Galveston, Texas. SEAC, 1993. NPS principals:  John Jameson and William Hunt.  

    U.S. Army Hurlburt Field, Fort Walton, Florida. [shoreline erosion control]
    Ref.: John E. Ehrenhard, Archeological Site Stabilization Recommendations for Resources Located at Hurlburt Field, Fort Walton, Florida, 1993. Work conducted under the auspices of an NPS-University of Mississippi Cooperative Agreement for a National Archeological Site Stabilization Clearinghouse. NPS principals:  John E. Ehrenhard and Robert M. Thorne. 

    GSA Border Station Expansion, Brownsville, Texas [archeological research, public interpretation, and preservation through intentional reburial].
    Ref.: William J. Hunt, Jr., 1992, Archeological Testing at the GSA Border Station Expansion, Brownsville, Texas. Midwest Archeological Center, Lincoln, Nebraska.Work conducted under the auspices of an NPS-University of Mississippi Cooperative Agreement for a National Archeological Site Stabilization Clearinghouse. NPS principals:  John Jameson and William Hunt.