Sir Francis Drake: A Pictorial Biography by Hans P. Kraus
When Elizabeth Tudor became Queen of England in 1558 the traditional
involvement of her country in the affairs of continental Europe
was more intense than at any other time while she was on the throne.
Her reign marks quite distinctly the beginning of a long period
in which the English involved themselves less and less in the domestic
concerns of other European countries and became disinclined to
undertake any continental entanglements. Yet, strangely, although
England in 1558 and the years before was so intimately linked to
interests abroad, the English had tended to lag behind their continental
neighbors in the New Learning that was flourishing in Europe. On
the whole, the English were less aware than their neighbors were
of the true achievements of antiquity, the advances in the human
sciences, the investigation of the physical universe and the expansion
of European knowledge of the world. 1
For the English the year 1558 had opened with the humiliation
of losing their last territory on the mainland of Europe--Calais.
This was a blow that English pride could hardly stomach. But November
17 saw the end of the reign of Mary Tudor, under whom the nation
had suffered religious conflict and the bitter persecution consequent
on it; and that day marked the opening of the era of Elizabeth.
Because of this the date came to be regarded as deeply auspicious,
and eventually was appointed a religious and secular festival throughout
the realm.
In 1558 the English still hankered after European possessions.
In 1562-1563, by taking advantage of France's first War of Religion,
they tried to hold Le Havre (which they called Newhaven), as though
it could replace Calais, and failed. 2 Later,
when troops had to be sent to the Low Countries in 1585, strategists
toyed with the idea of taking the Dutch at their word, and really
making Elizabeth Sovereign of the Netherlands as well. 3 But
both attempts to become a continental power again were nearly disastrous
for those involved in them. As a consequence the English lost enthusiasm
for these costly, self-consuming struggles: by the time the Queen
died in 1603 English foreign policy (conceived in the broadest
sense of the term) had shifted decisively into new channels. Although
the British Army undertook many campaigns on the continent of Europe
during the next three centuries, in almost every case, unless it
was acting in concert with powerful allies, it confined itself
to amphibious operations in which the Navy was an essential and
equal partner. 4
At least in part this change was a response to the invitation
that the Elizabethans came to feel was held out to them by the
lure of the sea. As the Queen's reign went on, the English ceased
to look upon it as a cold unfriendly barrier that hindered their
policies, lengthened their trade routes and separated them from
their friends and clients abroad. The sea came to represent an
element that was natural to them--a part and parcel of the realm.
It was recognized that the sea gave them sustenance, access and
communication: it challenged them to produce the vehicle that would
make it yield them profit. 5 For
the sea offered security and opportunity in one: if England maintained
herself as a maritime power her statesmen would have freedom of
action in their policies. They could choose whether to remain aloof,
sheltered by the Navy from the tempestuous politics of the continent,
or whether, after calculating the advantage that might accrue,
they should intervene in them, while still remaining protected.
'He that commands the sea is at great liberty, and may take as
much and as little of the war as he will; whereas those that be
strongest by land are many times nevertheless in great straits,'
wrote Francis Bacon. 6
In time the English became reconciled to the sea keeping them
apart from the rest of the world: eventually they preferred it
so. In an acute assessment of English strategy to meet such a challenge
as that of the Spanish Armada, Pope Sixtus V remarked in 1587 that
England 'was only half an island.' 7 True,
but when the Armada sailed Scotland was sufficiently at one with
her southern neighbor to maintain a benevolent neutrality, and
English strategists had felt confident enough of it to discuss
whether to invite Scottish vessels to join Her Majesty's ships
in protecting the coast of England. James VI's friendship, even
if motivated largely by what Lord Burghley delicately referred
to as his 'expectancy,' was rewarded. In her last acts the Queen,
through the agency of Burghley's son, ensured that the King of
Scots succeeded her upon the English throne: thus she set the seal
upon the whole tendency of her reign by making all the country's
frontiers coastal. 8
The English had long known that they could use the sea
' a Moate defensive to a house
Against the envy of less happier lands...'
but it was when Elizabeth ascended the throne that they first
set to work to make the moat impassable to an enemy, and began
to see clearly how it could be used as a medium for offense against
him. 9 Thus they learnt
that by exploiting their maritime strength they could raid the
enemy's treasuries, destroy his strongholds and defeat his fighting
forces. They grasped that by doing this at sea they could strike
him down on land as well. If a sober estimate of English national
advantage did suggest that they should strike at a continental
adversary or intervene in a European struggle, movement by sea
permitted England to act decisively with the required force at
the most effective time and place.
The sixteenth century saw progress in the arts of war as well
as in those of peace: strategic and tactical thinking advanced
as never before, while enormous innovations were made in military
technology. 10 It became
a commonplace to opine that 'he who commands the sea commands also
the land.' In the end, the strategists even ascribed the precept
to Philip II's testament to his son, as though it were an injunction
to learn from his own misfortunes in the war against England. 11
It was accepted that those who first mastered the sea could strike
effective blows, even against a predominantly land power, at relatively
small cost to themselves in men, munitions or money. The technique
especially recommended itself to Englishmen as a realization of
one of the eternal axioms of the military art: that in all cases
one's strategy should aim to export the war, so that as much as
possible of the danger, expense and damage inherent in the conflict
will fall like a flail across somebody else's country--preferably
the enemy's. All the great generals of the age--the Grand Captain,
the Duke of Alba, the Prince of Parma, Henry IV of France, Wallenstein,
Gustavus Adolphus and Philip II's own grandson the Cardinal-Infant--were
adept at securing this strategic effect, but it was the English
who gave the doctrine its maritime application. For a war fought
by a strong sea power would take place along its enemy's trade
routes, and on his coast: by its very definition it met the axiom's
In developing this procedure, the English used the stock of shipping
they had built up through profitable and expanding trade to enrich
themselves as much in war as they had done in peace. 12 In
many cases, they entered into possession of the same commodities,
but through a process of plunder (by contemporaries euphemistically
called 'purchase') from the frequent and opulent, but poorly defended
Spanish cargoes, instead of through one of equal commercial exchange.
Ships venturing to the Baltic and Muscovy, to Italy and the Levant,
to Newfoundland and America, to Guinea, or to the Eastern and Western
Indies were the essential vehicles of England's exports and the
source of her commercial wealth. With these ships and their crews,
the English contrived to make war come near to paying for itself--by
using them to prey upon the enemy's more vulnerable traffic. 'That
the war with Spain hath been profitable no man with reason can
gainsay; and how many millions we have taken from the Spaniard
is a thing notorious,' wrote Sir Richard Hawkins--son of Drake's
colleague Sir John Hawkins--in 1598. 13
Sir Richard and his contemporaries had profited from the teaching
and example of a band of pioneering navigators and sea-soldiers,
the most prominent of whom was Sir Francis Drake. It was under
the tutelage of Drake and his brother mariners that the English
learnt to fight at sea so well that Robert Norton, Camden's translator,
was able in 1630 to look back in appraisal over Elizabeth's long
reign, and proudly proclaim that, although the Virgin Queen of
the English was
'... beset with divers Nations her mortall Enemies;
(while the Pope fretted, the Spaniard threatned, and all her Neighbour
Princes, as many as were foresworn to Popery, raged round about
her), [she] held the most stout and warlike Nation of the English
foure and forty years and upwards, not only in awe and duty, but
even in Peace also...Insomuch as in all England for so many years
never my Mortale man (which is strange to tell) ever heard the
Trumpet sound the charge to Battle.' 14
Elizabeth had hardly ascended the throne when the first Spanish
envoy to her court, the Count of Feria, reported to his master
that 'she is very much attached to the people and is very confident
that they are all on her side; which is, indeed, true.' 15 Feria
later reported that 'she seems to be incomparably more feared than
her sister [Queen Mary], and gives her orders and has her way as
absolutely as her father [King Henry VIII] did.' 16 On
the other hand, when religious discord within England began to
approach a degree of bitterness paralleling the strife in Europe,
and extreme intolerance walked abroad, English Puritans seeking
to complete the reformation of the Church of England by extirpating
everything in it that fell short of thoroughgoing Calvinism had
to lament that with her affection and charm the Queen would be
able instantly to melt the formidable opposition to her policies
that they had erected. 17 Whatever
the emotion Queen Elizabeth's subjects presently felt for her,
their regard for the personality of their Queen ensured that her
reign was, throughout, a reflection of the temper of her mind.
The Queen's reluctance to engage in conflicts originating abroad
proved to be an inestimable blessing, for the arts and graces of
peace flowered behind the maritime shield which her government
held in place. Merchants grew much more prosperous, and the common
wealth increased, nourished by the cargoes that the seamen carried
out in return for bullion or brought in from abroad in honest trade,
even when the country was forced into war, as it eventually was
in the 1580's. Earlier trading success, and the English individual
aptitude for carrying on war at sea brought about a dramatic expansion
of the merchant marine, as argued by Sir Thomas Wilson in 1600:
'This may well be conjectured by this, that when there
was a fleet of 240 ships of war [ i.e. , armed merchantmen]
sent into Spain and four other fleets of merchants to the Levant,
to Russe, to Barbary and Bordeaux, all at one time abroad, yet
should you never see the Thames betwixt London Bridge and Blackwall,
4 English miles in length, without 2 or 300 ships or vessels, besides
the infinite numbers of men of war that there were, and ever are,
roving abroad to the Indies and Spanish Dominions, to get purchase,
as they call it, whereby a number grow rich.' 18
The maritime force that held conflict at arm's length from the
realm itself replaced trading by the taking of rich prizes from
a relentless enemy who proved to be unable to defend what he had
to lose. In 1598 this reached a point at which observers remarked
upon 'the cheapness that all Spanish commodities do now bear in
England, having no trade with Spain, that they be for the most
part of less price in England than in Spain or the Indias.' 19
Under Elizabeth's rule in church and state the inhabitants of
the island dwelt in peace and quietness: for the most part, they
served their God in the various paths into which their understanding
guided them. The lasting riches that this purposeful serenity nourished
are made manifest in many surviving treasures, which ennoble the
heritage of their successors and bring Elizabethan England to life
before the eyes of its heirs. Nicholas Hilliard brilliantly depicted
eminent men and women in his jewel-like miniatures. The strong
yet delicate engravings cut by Rogers, Hondius and Ryther were
among the first to be executed in England. 20 The
melodious poetry of Spenser and Drayton put into words the exquisite
serenity of the English countryside and the imaginative wonders
that invited contemplation as the Englishman's world expanded. 21
With his noble prose Richard Hakluyt conquered new fields for
literature and, in the process, won new readers. Among those who
found inspiration in the Principall navigations of the English
Nation were the poet Michael Drayton and the satirist Joseph
Hall. 22 The mental universe
of Elizabethan Englishmen, in both its traditional and its changing
elements, was comprehended by William Shakespeare, and made unprecedentedly
wide and deep by him with the eloquent verse and marvellous imagery
of his plays. The music and rhythm of the King James version of
the Holy Bible were produced--in 1604-1611--by divines who owed
their scholarship and their eloquence to education in Elizabeth's
reign. The vigor of urban life caused the bustling towns to burst
out beyond their city walls. Country houses henceforth spurned
defense, admitting light and air through their many mullioned windows.
Alms houses were set up across the land, on the lines of the noble
foundation at Warwick by the Queen's old friend Lord Leicester. 23 Not
least, England enjoyed an unusual measure of credal toleration,
which eventually flowered into religious liberty. Compared with
earlier times, the age in which the English people lived was a
'brave new world' indeed. 24
The protection of society from foreign violence was a pre-requisite
of the security that allowed civilization to flourish in England.
It was English seamen who gave this protection, with support from
the Queen. The life of Elizabeth's England was as scintillating
as the once crumpled wing of a butterfly as it bursts forth from
its chrysalis into the light and warmth of the sun. But, as the
Queen well knew, it was also as fragile. Hence her abhorrence of
war. Hence, also, her inclination, castigated by some, to endeavor
to limit it or to end it as quickly as possible. When war had to
be joined the Queen strove to keep it within bounds: hence, her
orders sent to Drake before his attack on Cadiz strictly enjoined
him to avoid, 'as much as may be, the shedding of Christian blood.' 25 This
injunction was not the product of cynical hypocrisy, but rather
a statesmanlike determination to leave others as free from rancor
as Elizabeth was herself. In these orders she tried to extend her
love for her own people to a concern for the welfare of the Christian
community of Europe.
The material benefits for which these invaluable seamen longed
were humbly termed by them 'the blessings of the land.' Yet, although
they rarely achieved their due, they richly deserved whatever blessings
were to be had, for these in great part were the fruits of their
labors. 26 So, too, were
the spiritual gifts and intellectual ferment of what Camden's Annals rightly
called 'these remarkable times.' Some, it declared, 'for the honour
of their Queene and Country...incompassed the World; some adventured
their lives and spent their bloods in Fights at Sea, in Battle
by Land; in assaults on Townes, in defence of Forts; in the Field,
in the Mouth of Cannon...' 27
In the pages that follow we shall witness the valor and virtue
in the deeds of one of the principal actors on the Elizabethan
scene, Sir Francis Drake. By upbringing he was a relatively humble
seaman from a comparatively backward country: yet his project to
circumnavigate the globe, and its triumphant accomplishment have
to yield precedence only to Magellan's staggering expedition of
1519-1522. Even so, although Drake was the second to attempt to
sail around the world, he was the first captain to achieve the
distinction of conducting the voyage in supreme command from start
to finish. 28 As is hereafter
recounted, he sought new worlds, 'in regions far'--for glory, for
gold and for his Queen. 29
1. The isolation and backwardness
of English classical studies and geographical understanding, particularly,
are demonstrated respectively by Bolgar, pp. 310-15, and Taylor, Tudor
geography , pp. 1-10.
2. The campaign is well documented
in Tenison, I, pp. 213-238, and recounted by Holinshed's and Stow's
3. Wernham, "English policy
and the revolt of the Netherlands," in: Britain and the Netherlands ,
pp. 29-40.
4. Wernham, Before the
Armada , pp. 369, 371, 376-379.
5. Williamson, English
Channel , pp. 216-223.
6. Bacon, "On the greatness
of kingdoms," in: Works (ed. Cambridge, Massachusetts,
1867-73), XII, p. 186.
7. Venetian Ambassador in
Rome, 10 January and 19 March 1587, in: Calendar of State Papers [abbreviated
hereafter to: CSP], Venetian , VIII, pp. 235, 345.
8. Hurstfield, "The succession
struggle in late Elizabethan England," in: Elizabethan government
and society , pp. 369-396.
9. Shakespeare, Richard II,
Act II, scene i, 48-9. Cf. Wernham, Before the Armada ,
pp. 11, 17-19, 355; and Freeman, "A Moat Defensive."
10. Oman, passim .
11. Charles V and Philip
II, Instructions ; cf. Palacio Atard, pp. 45-47.
12. Wernham, "Elizabethan
war aims and strategy," in: Elizabethan government and society ,
pp. 340-368. pp. 340-368.
13. Monson, II, p. 94.
14. Norton, preface to Camden,
sig. Aa 3.
15. Neale, Queen Elizabeth ,
pp. 52-53.
16. Ibid. , p. 66.
17. Neale, Elizabeth
I and her parliaments , I, pp. 390, 418-9 and especially
p. 423, quoting an anonymous member of the parliament of 1576
who points out that the people's disposition "to love her Majesty,
being so good a one, doth so far exceed the fear of her, being
a woman and so merciful, that her lovingest means doth make them
most obsequious."
18. Sir Thomas Wilson, pp.
19. Great Britain and Ireland,
Historical Manuscripts Commission, Salisbury MSS., VIII,
p. 212.
20. Hind, I, pp. 23-9, 34-6,
138-49, 154-77, 258-80.
21. Oxford History of
English Literature , III, pp. 355-93; V, pp. 76-80.
22. Ibid. , III,
pp. 437-8, 470-2; V, pp. 55, 79-80.
23. Jordan, Philanthropy
in England , especially pp. 165-239, 253-74.
24. Shakespeare, The
Tempest , Act V, sc. i, 183.
25. The Council to Sir Francis
Drake, April 1587, in: Corbett, Spanish War , p. 101.
26. Keynes, II, pp. 153-5;
cf. Revised Prayer Book , "Prayers for use at sea."
27. Norton, preface to Camden,
sig. A 3-B Iv.
28. Stow, Annales ,
pp. 807-8.
29. Michael Drayton, "To
the Virginian voyage," in: Oxford Book of English Verse ,
p. 178.
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Sir Francis Drake's accomplishments were unparalleled by any
of his contemporaries. No compatriot's, no foreigner's reputation
surpassed his fame. Drake was a uniquely distinctive individual
whose rapid rise to celebrity dazzled his contemporaries. Yet he
was very much an Englishman and a man of his own day and age. Like
his Queen, Drake, however, proved to have a humanity towards enemies
that was far in advance of his times--one of his most notable contributions
to civilization. If we are to appreciate the dramatic impact of
his actions upon world affairs and the manner in which his career
impressed the men and women of his time, the scene must first be
When Queen Elizabeth came to the throne barely five years had
passed since the publication of the first book in England to describe
the new geographical knowledge of the age: Richard Eden's A
treatyse of the newe India (London, 1553)--Largely translated
from a portion of Sebastian Münster's Cosmographia Universalis ,
it opened English minds to the fact that the geographical discoveries
made by seamen in the service of Spain and Portugal had completely
outdated the mediaeval concept of the face of the world. 30 Westwards,
by unremitting exploration and the campaigns of the conquistadores ,
Spain had opened up a New World not previously known to exist.
In the Indies, thus so rapidly secured to the allegiance of the
Crown of Castile, lived communities of American Spaniards dominating
great urban centers like Mexico-Tenochtitlán and Cuzco,
from which, before the Conquest, there had radiated wholly indigenous
imperial civilizations completely unknown to Europeans. Every year
that passed showed this Spanish empire to be more culturally diverse
and more fabulously stored with natural wealth than even Richard
Eden, and the authors he translated--first Münster, then Peter
Martyr d'Anghiera and Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés--described. 31
From Europe eastward lay the dominions of the Kings of Portugal,
who came to be known, after the quip of their brother-monarch,
Francis I of France, as the royal grocers of Europe. For both in
fact and in name they had become Lords of the Commerce and Navigation
of India, Persia and Africa. 32 Portuguese
mariners had transformed the Cape of Storms into the Cape of Good
Hope, conquered the Indian Ocean and penetrated the China Seas.
For long they tapped at source the spices that the whole world
coveted, jewels most glittering, and the exquisite oriental craftsmanship
that made gracious the living of the anciently powerful and the
newly enriched in their European homes. Hitherto Englishmen had
hardly appreciated the splendor of Portuguese achievements in the
East any more than they had comprehended the new light the Spaniards
brought from the West. But in the new circumstances of 1558 the
sea that had always stood between the English dominions and other
continents separated them from the mainland of Europe just as much.
In the sixteenth century the more extreme types of controversial
ardor took the form of religious quarrels. In this new geographical
context these quarrels worked to reinforce in the English this
growing sense of separation. To begin with, it did not require
political genius to divine that the mere passing of the crown from
Queen Mary to Queen Elizabeth, quite apart from the contrasting
confessional beliefs of the sisters, might well induce a modification
of the country's official religious position:
'For the Change in Religion which then insued, and had alsoe
happened not long before, was easily fore-seene by men of understanding,
not onely by reasone of the consciences of the Princes, formed
in them by education, but alsoe out of their particular interests
and endes...So it was a marvellous motive for Queen Mary to embrace
and advance the authority of the Bishop of Rome for that the validity
of King Henryes marryage with Queen Katherine her mother, was thereupon
grounded...But on the other side, because yf the Bishop of Rome
had power to dispense in the first marriage of King Henry the eyght,
then was the subsequent marriage with Anne Bullen voyde; besides
the command of conscience, it was alsoe an inducement in reasone
for Queene Elizabeth to reject his authority.' 33
Not only the Queen, but the majority of those people who, at
her accession, were dominant in English political life and in the
country's commerce were inclined towards Protestantism. The continuing
bitterness of religious strife, which had been particularly clearly
demonstrated by Queen Mary's unfortunately zealous persecution
of Protestants, had convinced these men that they were not safe
under any but Protestant rule. The great powers of the day-predominantly
Catholic--regarded them, so they saw, not merely as religious dissidents,
but as heretics, who would suffer again--and worse--if England
continued under Roman Catholic rule. Hence, they were well satisfied
with Elizabeth. However, unless she married and had issue to keep
the crown in native Protestant hands, her successor would be a
Catholic--her cousin, Mary Stuart. Mary held the title of Queen
of Scots for most of Elizabeth's reign, and actually ruled in Edinburgh
for a part of it. Throughout this period, however, she was potentially
a puppet, first of France and then of Spain, who might have used
her, had she succeeded Elizabeth, to deprive Englishmen of effective
national independence and the free exercise of their religion. 34
When they looked abroad, therefore, an uninviting panorama greeted
the eyes of many Englishmen. The undoubted spiritual leader of
the Catholic Church was the Pope in Rome, but its temporal champion--one
who was providing Catholicism with more and more impetus--was clearly
Philip II, King of Spain and of much of Europe and the New World.
Englishmen were largely unaware of the fact that Philip, until
recently King of England through marriage to the Queen Mary whom
Elizabeth had now succeeded, had attempted to restrain his wife's
ardor in persecuting their English Protestant subjects. Nor did
they know that, in fact, relations between Spain and the Papacy
were usually cool and distant. 35 And
they certainly perceived but dimly that what obsessed them about
Philip II was also liable to upset any Pope, who, regardless of
religious stance, was no less likely than the new Queen of England
to find the all--embracing nature of Spanish power suffocating.
Philip II ruled an immense, populous and wealthy empire. Its
extent alone considered, it was the greatest the world had ever
known. It stretched across the Atlantic Ocean to comprehend New
Castile (Peru), New Granada (the Spanish Main), New Spain (Mexico)
and most of the rest of the New World discovered up to that time,
including the Antilles. Not content with the splendid islands and
mainland of America, it extended across another ocean, to where
the eponymous Philippines were being subdued to Philip's rule.
Eastwards, his empire in Europe included most of the Mediterranean
islands and half of mainland Italy; northwards it took in Burgundy
and the Low Countries and had permanent intimate links with the
hereditary Habsburg lands, from which his Austrian cousins exerted
an extensive influence in central Europe. Meanwhile, small states
important for their markets and their shipping, such as Genoa and
Ragusa in the Mediterranean, and Friesland and the Hanseatic cities
in Germany, were slipping increasingly from the status of allies
to that of satellites of so great a monarchy. No wonder kings as
powerful as Philip II and his father, the Emperor Charles V, preferred
to remove the negative from their motto 'NE PLUS ULTRA,' and to
show around their arms the opening of the Pillars of Hercules which
had closed in the world of the Middle Ages.
Philip straddled the world like a colossus. His power overshadowed
that of the monarchs of France and England who at one time had
used the Spanish kingdoms as their own battleground. 36 Now
the King of once backward Castile was the only monarch who regularly
sent whole fleets overseas and organized a responsible bureaucracy
to collect the proceeds. His income from the royal fifth of precious
metals mined in America alone surpassed Elizabeth's entire revenue. 37 A
twentieth part of what his empire annually produced--and needed--of
one strategic mineral, mercury, glutted the English market for
years. 38 Whether judged
by their numbers, by their ruthlessness or by their skill, his
armies were the most formidable in Europe. His great galleys, thoroughbreds
of the Mediterranean, policed the inland sea and drove the infidel
back into the inlets of the Levant, while the massive and capacious
ships of his merchants provided an enormous volume of tonnage for
moving Spanish exports across the ocean and for transporting the
wealth of the Indies to the Peninsula. 39
However, although Philip was most powerful in southern Europe,
his position required him to maintain a stance in which one foot
was firmly planted in the north of the continent. The Low Countries
contained the greatest money market in Europe. They were the emporium
for the spices and finery of the Orient and the pearls and emeralds
of America. The commercial acumen and enterprise of the Netherlanders
fed the Spanish armed forces and procured the strategic materials
required for their equipment. Since the industrious, concentrated
populations of the Low Countries made them the workshop of Europe,
Netherlanders were the King of Spain's artists, armorers, shipbuilders,
mechanical engineers and tailors by appointment. Philip could not
afford to lose such a country--small, but disproportionately important
in its capacity to balance the more technically and commercially
backward portions of the empire. Without the services of Netherlanders
Philip could not readily realize the wealth of Spain and the Indies
in order to pay for his troops and his arsenals. It was the Low
Countries that made possible a panoply of power commensurate with
the empire's extent and riches. 40
However, he was about to tread too heavily in these inherited
lands. Apparently unaware that northern Europeans of whatever persuasion
were already alarmed by the thoroughgoing extirpation of Protestantism
in Spain with which he had opened his reign, Philip proceeded to
make plain his intention to reform the Church in the Netherlands
by introducing the Inquisition there and reorganizing the Church's
order to make it as responsive to royal control as the Spanish
Church had long since become. The Spanish Army was reinforced,
and soon became the chief arm on which the Inquisition relied in
its work of suppressing heretical belief. Philip's high-handed
policies inevitably entailed trampling on the political privileges
of the nobility and the towns, and they eventually brought on an
uprising pledged to ending this military threat to the liberties
traditionally enjoyed by the Netherlandish subjects of the Dukes
of Burgundy. 41 Through
their sympathies for the Netherlanders and their inclinations to
defend Protestantism, Englishmen felt increasingly drawn to support
the cause of the rebels, either by joining in the actions of the
Low Countries or by seeking to drain the arteries of the Spanish
empire elsewhere.
Here, then, is the stage of the 1560's set for action, and here
is a roll call of the principal dramatis personae. But
there is also a sub-plot. For long now Spanish students of navigation
have had the benefit not of one only, but of several original treatises
on the art: for some years one or other of these has been available
also in other European languages, though not in English. But, at
long last, the situation changes: in 1561 Martin Cortes' work on
navigation over oceans is translated by Richard Eden and published
in London. For the first time the islanders learn, in their own
tongue, how fleets carry the wealth of all the Indies across the
sea to Spain and Portugal, and some of the secrets of the skill
of the pilots who make this feat possible are explained. Furthermore,
as the Spanish commitment in the Low Countries builds up, and as
the Spanish Ambassador calls more and more frequently on English
forbearance and assistance in keeping up communications, it dawns
on the English that Spain is entirely dependent upon maritime skill
to keep in touch with either of her most highly valued dominions--the
Netherlands and the Indies. With similar skill, therefore, the
English could themselves reach out to overseas dominions as easily
as did the Spaniards.
The English are gradually to perceive that he who masters the
sea also commands entire liberty of action. Besides being able
to control a great part of the wealth of the world, a maritime
power can exert influence that may prove decisive in the affairs
of any country in the world that also possesses a seaboard. The
young English Queen has the ability and training to learn anything
she chooses. Will the Queen and her councillors choose to appreciate
the weapon within their grasp? Can they evolve a maritime strategy?
Can it be used to succor peoples desiring to have the freedom to
choose to be Protestant? Will it suffice to defend England, if
the vitality of her people in their new-found liberty and knowledge
provokes the wrath of the mighty?
Despite the pacific intentions that both English and Spanish
sovereigns profess towards one another at the outset, the omens
for a lasting peace are not good. By temperament the Queen is one
of the least fanatical rulers of the age: she has boldly stated
that she wishes 'to open no window into men's consciences.' 42 Presupposing
a tolerance and a mutual respect that the embattled religious partisans
are to prove not to possess, she decrees: 'Let it not be said that our reformation
tendeth to cruelty.' 43 In
contrast, his high sense of duty marks out a different path for
King Philip, a man personally of a kindly disposition. His conviction
that only uniformity in religion will insure the stability of his
government and the salvation of his people compels him to try to
satisfy himself as to the conscience of every subject of his. The
alarming progress of the Inquisition, first in Spain and now in
the Netherlands, shows that it has the full weight of royal authority
behind its efforts to root out beliefs which the King finds unacceptable.
Furthermore, the English approach to proficiency in navigating
across the oceans suddenly makes acute a problem that has been
causing gnawing doubts for a long time. The issue has lain dormant
for more than thirty years and, in itself, is quite independent
of the religious controversy that has filled the intervening period.
To many the question of international trade may appear mundane,
but now, as always, it is essential to the prosperity of England.
As islanders the English must, of course, trade with ships; these
ships are now being set free from confinement to European waters
by the new art of navigation. Already, as long ago as 1527, a rare
exploratory voyage took an English royal ship into Caribbean waters;
on that occasion Spanish officers fired upon her, and after her
escape from the harbor of Santo Domingo Charles V, as King of Spain,
bitterly criticized them for not arresting the ship and imprisoning
the crew as unwanted intruders in the Indies. 44 The
English have never managed to have this unsatisfactory situation
resolved, and since 1527 obstacles to commercial contacts With
the New World have multiplied rather than decreased. Now that oceanic
voyages are becoming commercial propositions, will the Queen exert
herself to back up her subjects' enterprise when they send ships
to trade with Spain's American empire? Will King Philip allow them,
after all, to invoke there the treaties of amity which privilege
Englishmen to commerce with his dominions in Europe, especially
now that so many more than before wish to make the voyage? 45
These questions strike at the foundations of international relations.
They involve an assessment of what authority the Pope had in 1493
when he affected to bestow sovereignty in the New World upon the
monarchs of Spain and Portugal. 46 They
concern the political and economic concepts upon which Spain bases
her empire; they entail an examination of Spain's pretension to
have taken possession of, and occupied, the whole of America and
the waters around it; and they bring into question, eventually,
the justice of the Spanish claim to so extensive a dominion. 47 These
questions cannot be avoided.
For the Queen of England, the liberty of her subjects to trade
and to travel is in doubt: by extension, the prosperity of her
realm is at stake. The King of Spain is alarmed by the threat to
Spanish missionary endeavor that an extension of European religious
schism to the Indies will bring. He fears for the security of Spanish
control of the settled areas and wealth of the New World if his
subjects there are allowed profitable contact with foreigners.
After all, these foreign money-grubbers have borne none of the
danger or labor of the conquest: why should they now profit from
it? And, moreover, the mercantilist preconceptions that hold general
sway will mean for centuries to come that it will be the exception
rather than the rule for colonial settlers of any nationality to
trade with any country but the homeland. 48 Finally,
King Philip must look after the state of Castile, the head of the
Spanish Monarchy: both justice and statecraft dictate that if interests
are in conflict the King must prefer the prosperity of his own
subjects at home to the profit of anyone else's. 49
30. Taylor, Tudor geography ,
pp. 20-2.
31. Merriman, Vol. III.
32. Boxer, pp. 107-108.
33. Hayward, pp. 4-5.
34. Neale, Elizabeth
I and her parliaments , I, pp. 247-290, 303-312; II, pp.
35. Lynch, "Philip II and
the Papacy."
36. Russell, The English
Intervention in Spain and Portugal under Edward III and Richard
II .
37. Merriman IV, pp. 207-209;
Scott, III, pp. 483-510.
38. Andrews, Elizabethan
privateering , p. 100.
39. Braudel, La Méditerranée ;
Chaunu, passim , but especially Vols. VI and VII.
40. Goris, Etudes sur
les colonies marchandes méridionales ; Merriman,
IV, pp. 429-30; Ulloa, pp. 90, 231, 507-8, 519, 528-30.
41. Geyl, I, pp. 190-224.
42. The popular paraphrase
of a parliamentary deputation's report to the House of Commons
in 1563: "Her Majesty's meaning is not to have any of [her loving
subjects] molested by any inquisition or examination of their consciences
in causes of religion," printed in: Collins, Queen Elizabeth's
defence of her proceedings .
43. Jenkins, p. 75.
44. Kirkpatrick, "The first
recorded English voyage to the West Indies"; Biggar, "An English
expedition to North America in 1527"; Wright, Documents 1527-68 ,
pp. 1-5, 29-59.
45. There is a considerable
amount of scattered information about the privations suffered by
English merchants and seamen visiting the Spanish dominions between
Henry VIII's break with Rome and the outbreak of the Elizabethan
war with Spain in 1585. This is most graphically resumed by Connell-Smith,
Meyerstein and Wroth.
46. At Spanish insistence
Pope Alexander VI drew, by the second Bull of "donation"-- Inter
caetera , of 4 May 1493--a line upon the map 100 leagues west
and south of the Azores and the Cape Verde Islands, allotting all
land to be discovered beyond these lines to Spain. The Bull Dudum
siquidem of 26 September 1493 extended these grants even
further--mainly at the expense of Portugal. After skilful negotiation
the next year John II of Portugal secured the signing of two treaties
(at Tordesillas, on 9 June 1494) setting up a quite different line
370 leagues west of the Azores. This was to demarcate the zones
of the globe in which Portuguese and Spaniards might explore and
settle unimpeded by one another--the Portuguese to the east of
the line and the Spaniards to the west. Spain thus secured access
to her West Indian discoveries and to most of the American mainland,
while Portugal was assured of the route to India and, ultimately,
of the possession of Brazil. Inter caetera of 4 May is
printed by Navarrete, Colección, II, pp. 34-43, together
with a Spanish translation of it by Don Juan de Solórzano
Pereira; Dudum siquidem and the other Bulls, and the
treaties of Tordesillas by Davenport, I, pp. 58-85. For authoritative
discussion of these awards, see the respective papers of H. van
der Linden and Charles E. Nowell.
47. Cf. Parry, The Spanish
theory of empire .
48. Haring, pp. 123-140;
Heckscher, I, pp. 340-345; II, passim; Charles Wilson, pp. 20-5.
49. Davenport, I, pp. 206-221;
Martínez Cardós, pp. 21-3.
Return to top of page
Elizabeth was an elegant young woman of twenty-five when she
came to the throne of England. Enigmatic, yet electrifying, she
ruled the land for four and forty years. She had nerves of steel,
for there was seldom a time when a plot to kill her was not being
brewed somewhere. She knew about almost all of them long before
they could be exposed: on some occasions she was aware of all their
details, save the names of the would-be asassins in her entourage.
She had to be a great dissembler, and she was. This was primarily
because she loved her people and acted always to protect them from
the violence of the enemy. At the very start of her reign she adjured
her judges: 'Have a care over my people...they are my people...See
unto them, see unto them, for they are my charge.' 50 The
magnanimity enjoined by the maxims of statecraft that Elizabeth
so much respected agreed with the inclinations of her own temperament.
After the anxieties and terrors of the years of Queen Mary's persecution,
when Elizabeth had been a prisoner in the Tower, in mortal fear
for her life, she prayed: 'Let me show myself to God thankful and
to men merciful.' 51
The key in which her reign was pitched she set very early. Not
long after her accession a deputation from Parliament pressed her
to marry soon, so as to make it likely that there would be a Protestant
heir to succeed her. Holding up her Coronation ring for them to
see, she declared: 'I am already bound unto a Husband, which is
the Kingdom of England.' They did not then comprehend. 52 Those
who had to deal with her were probably already learning that the
Queen's mind was as supple as the long white finger from which
she had removed the ring. But it took them a long time to learn
how deeply the Queen, an outstanding exponent of the Renaissance
precept suaviter in modo, fortiter in re , was wedded
to her fixed principles. One of these, which overrode most others,
was her abhorrence of war. In this belief she was supported by
William Cecil (created in 1571 Lord Burghley), her chief minister
from her accession until his death in 1598. 'Of all men of genius
he was most a drudge; of all men of business, the most a genius,'
wrote Camden. 53 Both Queen
and Lord Treasurer were aware that 'a realm gains more in one year's
peace than by ten years of war.' 54 Elizabeth
knew, also, that it was only by keeping solvent that she could
continue to finance all the expenses of government, and thus make
her people both secure and content. 55 She
told them that to keep them so was a 'duty which I owe'; on one
occasion she assured them: 'It is not my desire to live nor reign
longer than my life and reigne shall be for your good.' 56
The sweet contentment that comes from long peace was, indeed,
what the people wanted. When Pope Pius V issued his Bull in 1570,
excommunicating Elizabeth and freeing her subjects from allegiance
to her, he misjudged the situation. The Catholic powers were not
at one: because of her scandalous and violent marital affairs the
reputation of the now exiled Mary Queen of Scots, the obvious Catholic
candidate for Elizabeth's throne, had sunk low; King Philip, without
whom nothing could be done to execute the mandate of the Bull,
was in financial difficulties and was facing simultaneously the
tasks of suppressing a dangerous rebellion among the Moors of Granada
and of countering the menace of Turkish power in the Mediterranean
(dispelled in 1571 at the battle of Lepanto). As the long-smouldering
dissidence in the Netherlands had also just burst into flame Philip
did not want to take on any more quarrels in northern Europe: in
fact, he was inclined to think that friendship with England would
be more useful than co-operation with France. 57
Thus for many foreigners and all Englishmen the publication of
this Bull was extremely inopportune. But Englishmen of most religious
persuasions considered the Bull to be also a scandalous blunder.
As Bishop Jewel acutely pointed out in his Answer to the Bull...:
'God gave us Queen Elizabeth, and with her gave us peace.' 58 Less
sententiously, but no less heartily, a broadsheet ballad of a year
later set the seal upon the bond between people and Queen:
'I am thy lover fair
Hath chosen thee to mine heir,
And my name is Merrie England.
Therefore come away,
And make no delay:
Sweet Bessie, give me thy hand!
'Here is my hand;
My dear lover England,
I am thine both with mind and heart.
For ever to endure,
Thou mayst be sure,
Until death we two do part.' 59
And so it was. This warm relationship existed largely because
Elizabeth, almost alone among the rulers of her day, believed that
in matters of religion 'there is only one Jesus Christ and one
faith; the rest is a dispute about trifles,' and acted accordingly
throughout her reign. 60
But the bond between Queen and people endured also because the
seamen of England, upon whom the defence of the realm mainly depended,
were numbered among the Queen's most loyal subjects. One seaman,
particularly, Francis Drake, excelled all others, not least in
his devotion to Her Majesty. 61 In
time he was to prove himself no less remarkable among men than
Elizabeth his Queen was among women. Now, in the 1570's, as war
clouds gathered over the horizon of English affairs, Drake was
forging from his experience in arms and his ventures by sea a weapon
which could serve the Queen equally well in the defense of her
own realm or in offense against an enemy's. Ultimately, as the
Queen feared and Drake foresaw, there did come 'the three comers
of the world in arms' against her. 62 But
when England did come under siege Drake was among the first who
were ready and able to bear the heat of the day. Moreover, he was
one of the few who were confident that the weapons he had helped
to make familiar to Englishmen would rout the enemies who dared
invade the borders of the realm. He stands at the head of a long
line of patriots who explored distant regions and learnt skill
at sea by hard experience, the better to 'defeat their knavish
tricks, confound their politicks'--as Drake's eighteenth-century
successors, when faced with probable invasion, sang. 63 Trusted
by the Queen, confident of his own abilities, he sailed against
the enemy when the time came as boldly as any man ever did.
Machiavelli had written: '[He] who wishes to make a profession
of goodness in everything must necessarily come to grief among
so many who are not good. Therefore, it is learn
how not to be good; and to use this knowledge, and not use it,
according to the necessity of the case.' Despite the vicissitudes
of her youth, Queen Elizabeth had received an excellent education.
She was an apt and lively pupil, whose powerful intelligence received
rich nourishment from the ample course of learning set before her.
She was as fluent in Latin, French, Spanish and Italian as she
was in English; under the tuition of Roger Ascham she became proficient
in Greek as well. 64 She
possessed the accomplishments her mind required in order to arrive
at a thorough understanding of the subtleties of political science
and international relations. And, on top of all this, she had been
trained in statecraft, particularly statecraft as moulded by the
precepts of Machiavelli, since her tenderest years.
She did make goodness the profession of which Machiavelli had
written. But it was goodness directed to one supreme end: she had
dedicated herself to do nothing that was not for her people's benefit.
In such a cause she would exploit Machiavelli's most cynical teachings:
no lie was too false, no part too insincere if it promoted the
good of Englishmen. Thus she connived with Drake in planning the
most famous voyage an Englishman has ever made: the ensuing circumnavigation
of the globe infringed the oft-repeated claims of the King of Spain
and, by interrupting the supply of bullion to Spain, it inflicted
heavy damage upon his finances. 65 To
Drake she declared (so he said, during the voyage): 'I would gladly
be revenged on the King of Spain for divers injuries I have received'. 66 When
irrefutable evidence of the heavy depredations arrived, however,
she entirely denied that she was in any way implicated in any disregard
of King Philip's rights. To the Spanish Ambassador, Don Bernardino
de Mendoza, she observed, of Drake: 'the gentleman careth not if
I disavow him,' but, for good measure, continued blandly that she
did not believe Drake capable of what he was accused of. 67
When the Ambassador decided he had sufficient proof to lodge
a formal complaint, he was kept waiting for an audience. This first
interview was entirely lost, as it was filled with charges, countercharges
and mutual recriminations. 68 At
the next interview, when Mendoza pressed for restitution of the
booty and for the punishment of Drake she countered by demanding
an explanation of the presence of Spaniards with the rebels in
Ireland. 'Then,' he reported, 'she screamed out louder than before,
saying that I was to blame for everything.' After this she refused
to see the Ambassador in his official capacity, and escalated her
demand for an explanation of the Irish business from a request
for verbal information to insistence upon a full written apology
from King Philip. 69 Three
months later, she sent for the Ambassador peremptorily. When Mendoza
arrived, she remained seated on a couch instead of rising to greet
him as was customary. He once again pressed the charges relating
to Drake's plunderings, but she answered him 'with such terrible
insolence and evil intent' that he threatened to replace words
with cannon shot, he reported. 'Without any passion,' Mendoza continued,
the Queen answered, 'as one would repeat the words of a farce'--that
is, carelessly--that 'if he spoke to her again like that, she would
put him in a place from which he could not speak at all.' Her tone
told him that she meant the threat to be taken in deadly earnest. 70
This sequence of interviews provides many clues for appreciating
the diplomatic fencing match that Elizabeth conducted with 'the
greatest monarch on the earth, who is strong enough to wage war
against all the world united,' as the Earl of Arundel described
Philip II to Drake at this time. 71 Drake
was hand in glove with the Queen in curbing the exorbitant power
of Spain by any means short of declared war. The Queen knew that
he must be guilty of everything of which he was accused: Drake
would have dared to keep very little from her, and she received
his journal of the voyage within a month of his return. 72 Mendoza
knew almost all this, too; and she probably knew that he knew.
Both of them, however, were well aware that unless the Spanish
King would go to war (and Elizabeth judged that he would prefer
not to do so) he could not exact any satisfaction from her. These
facts make dear what Drake meant, and what Mendoza understood,
by an exclamation which the Ambassador reported to Philip II as
an assertion 'that he was quite capable of making war on Your Majesty.' 73
In fact, Elizabeth had so capably surmounted the handicap of
the embarrassing facts of Drake's piratical behavior that she had
quite achieved the mastery in the exchanges. With superb assurance
she affected an air of serene objectivity, as of one too high-minded
to suppose that anybody could be exercised over trifling matters
such as the colossal booty Drake had taken. As though she were
a professor of international law, she lectured Mendoza with calm
good humor on the Law of Nations. 74 From
this royal defense of Drake's voyage stemmed the ideas that resulted
in the doctrine of the freedom of the seas which now prevails. 75 The
Queen was genuinely determined to preserve for her seamen freedom
to navigate where they listed across the oceans. To make good sailors,
inter-continental trading ventures and voyages of distant exploration
were more useful by far than the traditional short sea crossings
between England and the nearer parts of the continent of Europe--referred
to scornfully as two-day trips that served for nothing but to make
a crew of landsmen seasick. 76
The Queen also became aware of how much the experience of her
seamen benefited her Navy and her budget. She delighted in, and
her foreign policy relied upon, the incomparable 'strength, assurance,
nimbleness and swiftness of sailing' of the ships of her Navy. 77 From
1573 to 1584 the senior official in naval administration was John
Hawkins, Drake's kinsman and preceptor. In 1577 he became Treasurer
of the Navy; in this post he contrived not merely to stabilize
but to reduce the Navy's cost, and at the same time to update its
ships radically, incorporating many of the lessons of oceanic voyages
and sea-fights abroad. By taking all naval work under contract
to himself, Hawkins managed to include major rebuilding within
a charge that previously had covered only victuals and minor maintenance. 78 No
new ships were laid down but, profiting from his own experience
and that of Drake and others, Hawkins built existing ones anew.
He lengthened their keels, cut their superstructures down and altered
their proportions so that without increasing their draught English
vessels sailed nearer the wind. He extended the accommodation for
the crews and the storage space for water and victuals; he improved
the sail-plans; he increased the number and weight of their guns,
and placed almost all of them along the length of the ship on more
than one deck, so as to fire broadside. Hawkins was the first to
sheath the hulls of ships to prevent the ravages of tropical woodworm.
In short, under this régime the Queen's fleet
ceased to consist of fighting merchantmen and became principally
a fleet of warships, able to cruise anywhere in the world and to
fight in tightly defined formations. 79
This naval revolution might never have been accomplished had
not Drake so frequently put his ships to the test: in the case
of the specially constructed Golden Hind with which
he accomplished the circumnavigation, particularly, his ships returned
replete with enlightening lessons for ship-builders and naval officials.
By this means they were enabled to improve the royal ships, by
which, as Harrison put it in his Description of England ,
'are sundry foreign enemies put back, which would otherwise invade
us.' 80 In 1583-1584 Drake,
as one of a number of outstandingly experienced and respected sea-captains,
was appointed by royal commission to investigate the affairs of
the royal Navy, particularly those entrusted to Hawkins as its
treasurer. Through its thorough investigation of the serious charges
against the treasurer the commission was enabled to play a most
important role in inducing the Queen to rebut indignantly the malicious
and utterly invented slanders upon Hawkins as a public servant. 81 In
1588 these outstanding seamen served together as the Queen's trusted
commanders against the Armada; afterwards, when new ships were
being considered, they advised upon what should be built in order
best to assimilate the lessons of 1588 for the Queen's Navy. 82 But
how had a youngster of modest birth, once merely the skipper of
a Narrow Seas coaster, risen to counsel the Queen and her ministers
and to boast of fighting the mighty Spanish King?
50. Jenkins, p. 66.
51. Hayward, pp. 10-11: "When
shee was entred into the Tower, shee thus spake to those about
her: 'Some have fallen from being Princes of the land to be prisoners
in this place; I am raysed from being prisoner in this place, to
bee Prince of this land. That dejectione was a worke of God's Justice;
this advancement is a work of his mercy; as they were to yeeld
patience for the one, so I must beare my selfe towards God thankfull,
and to men mercifull and beneficiall for the other...'"
52. In 1559: Camden, I, pp.
26-7. However, according to Sir John Hayward, she felt slightly
differently towards her realm, "for the preservatione and prosperity
whereof as a loving mother I will never spare to spend my life." (p.
53. Jenkins, p. 63; cf. Camden,
IV, pp. 127-8.
54. Jenkins, p. 63.
55. Dietz, pp. 36-7, 83-5;
Read, Mr. Secretary Cecil , pp.159-60, 260.
56. D'Ewes, pp. 659-60.
57. Merriman, IV, pp. 286-94;
von Törne, I, pp. 93-6.
58. Jenkins, p. 158.
59. Wylllam Birche, "A Songe
betwene the Quenes Malestie and England" (London, William Pickerynge
[1559]), in The Harleian Miscellany , X, p. 261.
60. Jenkins, p. 19.
61. Corbett, Drake and
the Tudor navy , I, pp. 58, 70-1, 217-8, 333; II, pp. 128,
62. Shakespeare, King
John , Act V, scene vii, 116-8.
63. "God save the King," v.
3 (some words at least of what is now the British national anthem
were current in the reign of Henry VIII).
64. Neale, Queen Elizabeth ,
pp. 11-17.
65. This damage should, however,
be kept in due proportion: cf. the situation as shown by Hamilton,
pp. 19-20, 32-45, and Ulloa, pp. 476-83, 490-92, 520-23.
66. Drake's declaration to
his ship's company of the royal message sent by Walsingham, as
recorded in John Cooke's narrative (Vaux, p. 216); for the Queen's
similar requirements of a permanent royal servant, cf. her speech
on appointing William Cecil her principal secretary, cited in Read, Mr.
Secretary Cecil , p. 119.
67. Paraphrase in Bradford,
p. 155, of Mendoza to Philip II, 23 October 1580. CSP, Spanish ,
III, pp. 60-1; cf. Neale, Queen Elizabeth , p. 286.
68. Mendoza to Philip II,
24 June 1581, in: CSP, Spanish , III, pp. 134-6.
69. Mendoza to Philip II,
4 July 1581, in: ibid. , pp. 140-2.
70. Mendoza to Philip II,
20 October 1581, in: ibid. , pp. 185-90.
71. Mendoza to Philip II,
1 March 1582, in: ibid. , p. 306.
72. Mendoza to Philip II,
16 October 1580, in: ibid. , p. 55.
73. Mendoza to Philip II,
1 March 1582, in: ibid. , p. 306.
74. Camden, II, p. 116. It
is uncertain at which of these interviews with Mendoza she made
the speech putting forward these claims, which are not recorded
in the (admittedly incomplete) ambassadorial correspondence in CSP,
Spanish .
75. Cheyney, "International
law under Elizabeth" L. Oppenheim, International law ,
I, pp. 584-5.
76. Great Britain and Ireland,
Historical Manuscripts Commission, Pepys, MSS , p. 39
(a letter of 1564). Cf. Sir Humphrey Gilbert, in his "A discourse
of a discoverie for a new passage to Cataia" (1576): ". . . it
is the long voyages, that increase and maintaine great shipping," printed
in: Quinn, Gilbert , I, p. 160.
77. William Harrison, "An
historicall description of the Island of Britayne," in: Holinshed
(1587), I, p. 200.
78. Willlamson, Sir John
Hawkins , pp. 331-42.
79. Glasgow, articles cited
in: Mariner's Mirror , L (1964) and American Neptune ,
XXVII (1967).
80. Williamson, The age
of Drake , pp. 163-164, 194; Wagner, Sir Francis Drake's
voyage , pp. 29-30; Harrison, in Holinshed, I, p. 201; F.
C. Prideaux Naish: "The mystery of the tonnage and dimensions
of the Pelican-Golden Hind "; Robinson: "The evidence
about the Golden Hind ."
81. M. Oppenheim, Administration
of the Royal Navy , appendix C; Laughton, Defeat of
the Spanish Armada , I, pp 34-44, 77-9; II, pp. 266-7; Corbett, Spanish
War , pp. 206-99; Williamson, The age of Drake ,
pp. 265-72.
82. Corbett, Drake and
the Tudor navy , II, p. 312.
Return to top of page
Francis Drake was the scion of seafaring stock, but his father
was a farmer in Devonshire when he was born there towards the year
1543. He therefore grew up in a thoroughly revolutionary period,
when religious upheavals forced England through a succession of
crises which amazed foreign observers. Circumstances assisted in
making Drake's father a preacher and Drake himself an ardent Protestant:
the family's beliefs made it desirable for them to remove to Kent
where, for some time, Drake lived within a stone's throw of the
principal anchorage then possessed by the royal Navy. 83
When Drake reached adult life the question of a religious settlement
for England was the burning issue of the day. Simultaneously the
long visible problem of whether England had a right to communicate
and trade with the New World--eventually to be one of the principal
motives for the great war that first Drake, and then England, fought
against Spain--was becoming acute. The two issues were not now
entirely unrelated. In 1861 William Cecil bluntly told the Spanish
Ambassador, then Bishop Alvaro de la Quadra, that 'the Pope had
no authority to divide up the world.' 84 The
next year Drake's relative John Hawkins started to trade in West
Africa and the West Indies, although only merchants licensed in
Portugal and Spain, respectively, were allowed there. 85 Hawkins,
however, was such a man, as one Spanish official protested, 'that
any man talking with him hath no power to deny him anything he
cloth request.' 86 His first
two voyages prospered.
Drake heard of the preparations he was making for another voyage
to the Caribbean in 1566. Without hesitation, he sold the coasting
vessel he now owned and went West. This year, instead of going
himself, Hawkins employed a Captain Lovell, not otherwise known,
to venture to the Indies in his place. Drake, who was now about
twenty-three or twenty-four years of age, sailed with him. As usual,
the expedition picked up Negroes on the Guinea coast by questionably
legal trade, enslaved them and transported them to the West Indies.
Lovell and Drake found the going more difficult than Hawkins had
done on his two previous voyages, for the Spanish authorities had
called the attention of colonial officials to the letter of the
law, and there was some resistance to trade. Finally, the expedition
suffered loss at the hands of one of Hawkins' old customers, Miguel
de Castellanos, royal treasurer at Río de la Hacha, on the
coast of the Main. Castellanos seized slaves put ashore at Río
de la Hacha, refused to pay for them and successfully resisted
an attack incompetently led by Lovell. In justification he alleged
the Laws of the Indies and his king's orders which, he said, entitled
him to lure the English to deposit their merchandise and then to
seize it as contraband. Drake never forgot this trickery. 87
Although such an outcome for an irregular trading voyage was
always possible, the English had not expected it. The new Spanish
Ambassador, Don Diego Guzmán de Silva, was complaining frequently
about the damage Hawkins was doing to Spanish interests; the Privy
Council responded by asking him for a memorandum listing the places
where trade without His Catholic Majesty's license was forbidden.
Guzmán de Silva wisely ignored this invitation to present
the English with an original textbook on the little-known geography
of America and merely told the Council that 'the places were all
the West Indies Continent and Islands.' 88 This
could hardly be accepted. The places had to be specified, 'else
how can a man provide to let [ i.e. , stop] men unless
they go not at all to the sea,' a judge in the High Court of Admiralty
protested in exasperation. 89 Cecil
sent back word to Guzmán de Silva to say: 'The Council do
not agree.' 90 Thus, at
a time when there was diplomatic tension in Europe, English intrusion
and Spanish sharp dealing in the Indies were transforming the differences
into armed clashes.
The next year, 1567, Drake sailed with Hawkins himself, on the
'troublesome' voyage which culminated in a treachery far worse
than that of Castellanos. The expedition, forced into the harbor
of San Juan de Ulúa by the inability of its badly strained
ships to get home without repair, was there trapped by the arrival
of a full-scale Spanish fleet conveying one of the most senior
officials in the Spanish empire--Don Martín Enríquez
de Almansa, taking up his new appointment as Viceroy of New Spain.
The Viceroy had explicit instructions from his king to apply the
full rigor of the royal regulations for the Indies: the best place
to start his reforming rule of Mexico was obviously at the beginning.
Thus the Viceroy, having secured his own entry into the harbor
under an agreement with Hawkins guaranteed by the exchange of hostages,
arranged for the Spanish ships and soldiers to attack the weaker
English force and capture or destroy it. 91
As a result of the attack three hundred almost defenseless Englishmen
were killed and others, taken prisoner, suffered an unpleasant
fate in the hands of the Mexican Inquisition. The treachery demonstrated
that in the eyes of the Spanish authorities Englishmen in the Indies
were fit only to be hanged as pirates or burnt at the stake as
heretics. 92 Furthermore,
in effect they gave notice that they intended to do all they could
to protect the integrity of the American dominions and to undertake
to keep even the English out of them. 93
Drake narrowly escaped from San Juan de Ulúa, managing
to extricate his ship the Judith from the debacle and
arriving back in England, alone, in January 1569. He had been in
dire peril of sharing the fate of his many compatriots who had
been killed or captured. The treachery so exasperated him that
he vowed that the Spaniards--especially, if possible, the Viceroy
of New Spain--should pay for it. 94 To
assail so mighty an opponent successfully would call upon all the
abilities that Drake could command. Furthermore, he had to develop
those advanced skills that he calculated he would require to meet
such a challenge.
The qualifications needed were many. He had already developed
his skill in handling small craft to a superlative degree, in his
youth, and as a master in the English coasting trade. He had already
acquired some proficiency in navigating across the ocean--from
Hawkins and, more importantly, from the Spanish and Portuguese
pilots Hawkins employed. 95 Now
he perfected this experience in two successive voyages to the West
Indies (in 1570-1571 and 1572-1573). 96 Mastery
of the Spanish tongue was desirable: so of this he now acquired
a working knowledge. 97 He
was of a small but sturdy build, and had a robust constitution:
he was developing great physical strength and endurance. Aptitude
for the profession of arms was clearly his already.
In his chosen career the qualities of his character were to prove
invaluable, for they included powerful imagination, acute observation
and fearless courage. He tempered his audacity with patience, and
remained cool in times of crisis, for he had the resourcefulness
to overcome almost insuperable difficulties. In combination these
gifts developed into a sophisticated capacity for cultivating a
new branch of the art of war. Thus he learnt to calculate the complex
requirements of his own forces and the psychology of enemies he
had never seen: especially in the earlier part of his career, he
planned far ahead, insuring himself against every possible contingency.
He excelled in his understanding of logistics, for his expeditions
were made really self-sufficient. Thus he took great care to recruit
the coopers, carpenters, sailmakers, surgeons, armorers and other
craftsmen that he needed; and he provided them with the stores
and equipment required to keep his ships battleworthy and seaworthy
over long periods--in tropical climes that wreaked havoc with ordinary
expeditions. 98 And he had
the inspiration required to lead young men, often untried and always
restless, against an unrelenting enemy under the demoralizing conditions
of amphibious or jungle warfare.
Drake set himself to fight against tremendous odds. So adverse
were they that one thing beyond all this was inescapably necessary:
luck. More than any Marshal of France, Drake would have met Napoleon's
requirement that his generals be not merely skilled, but lucky.
Almost to the end of Drake's life, fortune smiled upon him. He
was spared by Fate when he escaped alive and unwounded from San
Juan de Ulúa: there he was not hit, when dozens of times
men beside him were. In fact, he was twice wounded in the course
of his career--but never seriously. On the first occasion, in his
raid on Nombre de Dios in 1572, he brought his men to 'the mouth
of the Treasure of the World' before he was shot in the leg by
an arquebus. Then again, six years later, when he was on his way
round the world, two arrows fired by Indians on the island of Mocha
(off the coast of Chile) wounded him in the head, one of them hitting
him in the face, just below his right eye. 99
He also had exceptional good fortune in not experiencing the
fate of his great predecessor, Magellan-- the first sea captain
to essay the circumnavigation of the globe: Drake's similar tendency
to become involved in the affairs of natives on land might have
cost his life in the same way. Yet another piece of luck was the
happiest of his chance encounters: by his passage of Magellan's
Strait, and elsewhere, Drake had already amply proved his claim
to be an outstandingly skilful and well-equipped navigator, but
off the Pacific coast of Central America he then made the fortunate
capture of a small vessel proceeding towards Panama with pilots
ready to make the long voyage to the Philippines. Thus he was enabled
to add to his existing aids the official Spanish charts and rutters
of the Pacific navigation, showing the danger of typhoons, the
latitude required for the correct performance of the voyage, the
island passages and the best available estimate of the unsuspected
vastness of the Ocean. 100
These were the many virtues and abilities appropriate to a successful
sea soldier. Samuel Purchas, in his Pilgrimes , printed
a letter from a seaman who had served under Drake which assessed
the latter's character. In drawing up his balance, this correspondent
debited Drake with a 'desire of honor' that he thought passed 'beyond
reason': he recognized that Drake's admitted magnanimity had been
marred by 'aptnesse to anger, and bitternesse in disgracing.' 101 On
several occasions in his career Drake certainly did exhibit a quickness
to feel affront. For instance, after the English assault on Santo
Domingo in January 1586 a Spanish officer recklessly speared a
Negro boy who was acting as Drake's messenger in the negotiations
for the armistice the Spaniards had requested, giving the boy a
wound which proved fatal. Drake would proceed no further with the
parley: he took out two friars he had captured, and hanged them.
The Spanish authorities ignored his protest. They were told that
he would hang a couple more Spanish prisoners every day until they
brought the malefactor to book. When they produced the delinquent--as
they quickly did, on receipt of this warning--Drake gave himself
the satisfaction of having his adversaries execute justice: the
Spaniards were forced to hang their own officer. 102
The rough side of Drake's temper was shown to Parson Fletcher,
the chaplain for the expedition round the world, when they were
cooped up together after months spent traversing the Pacific. The
captain had preferred his own homilies to Fletcher's once before--on
11 August 1578, just after the execution of Thomas Doughty on charges
of mutiny and insubordination at Port St. Julian, when Drake displaced
the chaplain's sermon with his famous allocution on putting an
end to mutiny and on making the gentlemen and the mariners equal
in privileges. The ship had just left Ternate (November 1579),
and Drake was coasting round the island of Celebes looking for
somewhere to careen the Golden Hind , when she struck
on a shelving reef. As she had the reef mainly to port, and the
wind was blowing fresh from the starboard quarter, she was increasingly
forced broadside up on to the reef. Drake could do little more
than get the crew to lighten ship by jettisoning most of their
precious cloves, the heavy guns and a lot of ammunition.
The crew then resorted to Communion celebrated by Fletcher, prefaced
by his offering of prayer and followed by a sermon in which he
seems to have suggested that the expedition's extremity was due
to the great crimes committed, especially by the captain, referring
particularly to Doughty's execution. In their excruciatingly dangerous
situation the allusion was not well received--especially as Fletcher
had subscribed his name to most of the counts in the indictment
against Doughty. Drake, flicked on the raw, retaliated by causing
'to bee made fast by one of the legges...hee called all the company
together and then put a lock about one of [Fletcher's] legs, and
drake sytting cros legged on a chest and a peire of pantoffles
in his hand hee said: "Frances Fletcher I doo heere excomunicate
the out of ye church of God and from all the benefites & graces
thereof & I denounce the to the divell and all his angels",
and then hee chardged him uppon payne of death not once to come
before the mast for if hee did he sware hee should be hanged, and
drake cawsed a posy to bee written and bound about Fletchers arme
with chardge that if hee tooke it of hee should then bee hanged,
While long cherished antagonisms thus revealed themselves, the
wind miraculously shifted from the starboard quarter right round
to port: Drake ordered all sail to be hoisted, and the now lightened Golden
Hind slipped off the reef into deep water, hardly damaged. 103
The same fiery temper was displayed by Drake on a much wider
stage in 1587, in the attack on Cadiz and raids on Spanish coastal
shipping. There it was at the expense of a more senior sea officer
subordinated to him--William Borough, Vice-Admiral of the fleet.
Drake's appointment to superior command in this expedition was
justified by his experience in waters claimed by Spain in his circumnavigating
and West Indian voyages; also, the expedition was conceived much
more in line with Drake's own strategic ideas than with those usually
attributed to the Queen, to the majority of the Council, or, for
that matter, to the Vice-Admiral. Borough was a fine navigator,
an officer of the Admiralty and a veteran commander, both in the
royal service and in that of the Muscovy Company: his reputation,
while less flamboyant than Drake's, was as solid--it derived largely
from a smashing victory he had won in 1570 for the Company over
a fleet sent out from Danzig in defense of the monopoly of the
Hanseatic League in the Baltic, and from his suppression in that
sea of pirates who behaved in very much the same fashion as was
approved for Drake in American waters. 104
Drake's attitude quickly hardened off Cadiz, when he found that
Borough disapproved of attacking the port itself or of making a
landing, and thought an entry into the inner bay unjustifiably
risky. Drake saw in Borough's caution a fresh conspiracy to frustrate
his leadership by appealing to formal instructions and alleged
Government policy--an intention Drake seems to have diagnosed in
the Doughty affair. He inferred cowardice to Borough, saying that
his 'advice and counsel was not to go into Cadiz that night, which,
if we had not, the service had been lost': he, and others, alleged
that next day 'Mr Borough came to the General in trembling sort,
uttering most fearfully these words, how that the ship whereof
he was captain was hit, and also said: "What if one of the Queen's
ships' masts should be hit? What danger [are] we in!"...' 105
On withdrawal from Cadiz Borough further annoyed Drake by addressing
to him a long and formal remonstrance expressing opposition to
landing at Cape St. Vincent without prefacing the operation with
the council of war required by the instructions on naval procedure
drawn up by Henry VIII. Drake now felt that Borough had 'charged
him with negligence, which is a great a governor, and...had
greatly offended,' and that he 'did not only advise him, but rather
instruct and teach him as a tutor what he ought to do, which was
likewise an offence.' 106 The
commander's patience finally snapped: convinced that a group at
home, already identified by him in 1578, had planted with him in
high command an agent whose task was to thwart his action against
Spain, he had the Vice-Admiral removed from command, arrested and
In the end, Borough was absolved from charges of disloyalty and
mutiny, and the sentence of death that Drake's court martial had
passed upon him was quashed. 107 The
episode was especially sad in that when Drake sailed from England
he had held Borough in high regard; and, although he might well
have resented being subordinated to a younger man with less experience
of operations in European waters, the Vice-Admiral, who was a considerable
cartographer and navigator, more than reciprocated this respect.
In 1581 he had gone out of his way to become one of the first to
praise Drake's great circumnavigating exploit in print. 'So now,
at length,' he had written, 'our countriman Sir Francis Drake,
for valorous attempt, prudent proceeding, and fortunate performing
his voyage about the world, is not only become equall to any of
them that live, but in fame far surpassing.' 108
It appears that no matter how little advice Drake took, nor how
imperiously he laid down a course of action, the gifts to which
Borough referred usually insured that the decision he reached so
quickly was the right one. We have seen that he enjoyed good fortune
in abundance: but this itself tended to reflect his high qualities
as a commander, for God usually helps those who help themselves.
Thus the Golden Hind was saved in the East Indies not
only by the fortunate sharp change in the wind but by Drake's ruthlessness
in deciding to sacrifice much of the cargo.
Then again, Drake was lucky to complete a circumnavigation with
far less sickness than Magellan's and El Cano's Victoria had
experienced; but then, Drake amply realized the importance of allowing
his men to land periodically and refresh themselves, and he was
accounted 'Expert and Apt to let blood, and give Physicke unto
his people according to the Climats.' 109 A
manuscript note of memoranda in what was almost certainly his rutter
on the voyage shows him remembering to take ajar of balsam and
glass bottles--then almost luxuries--for holding medicines. 110
Many other examples of Providence rewarding foresight could be
cited. For instance, he struck a bonanza in his capture of the
official Spanish charts and rutters for the Pacific navigation,
indicating among other things that the distance from where he was
to the Philippines was much more like 140°than the mere 85° shown
on published charts like the Mercator or the Ortelius maps of 1569-1570.
But had Drake not already done all that ingenuity and money could
do to equip himself adequately, he might never have got even to
the coast of Central America. He had provided himself with all
the standard textbooks and manuals, had collected a comprehensive
set of rutters (even including one of the Strait of Magellan) and
had even spent the colossal sum of 800 ducats in illicitly procuring
in Lisbon the best map of the world then available: one probably
by Fernão Vaz Dourado, 'the most famous and noteworthy Portuguese
cartographer of the sixteenth century, and possibly of all time.' 111
Yet again, although by fortunate chance he narrowly missed being
hit, and possibly killed, on several occasions, he saw to it that
he and his men had the best possible chance of survival in combat.
'Trust in God and keep your powder dry' was Drake's precept before
it was Cromwell's; explicit testimony records that he was 'Skilfull
in Artillery' and that he saw to it that his men were 'all fit
and of a proper age for war, and all as well disciplined as the
old Italian soldiers...every one takes care to have his harquebus
clean.' 112 In the 1585
voyage to the Caribbean Drake managed to take an unusually large
proportion of the powerful new muskets then coming into service
and provided his own men with musket-proofcorselets. 113 He
also took considerable trouble to question his prisoners properly,
and to put himself imaginatively in his enemies' place, so as to
conceive their probable intentions. This helped to give him a sense
of timing as uncannily accurate as that of the Queen herself. He
thus knew when, as well as where, to strike. In time, this sense
caused his opponents to come to dread him for possessing 'a familiar
[spirit],' or a magic mirror in which he could foresee their activities. 114
Let us consider also his sense of strategy. No Englishman but
Drake had ever troubled to pick up from the French cosmographers,
pilots and privateers the information essential for mounting a
really worthwhile raid on the communications by which the Spaniards
transported their treasure from the various parts of America to
Europe. Certainly, if anybody had seriously considered these arrangements,
nobody before Drake knew how to profit from the information. With
the observations and advice of Guillaume Le Testu, nephew of the
French cosmographer, Drake was able to work out the logistical
and tactical requirements for successful interception of the most
valuable loads of silver on the Spanish mule-trains crossing from
Panama to Nombre de Dios. 115 Then,
with stores and equipment prepared for a stay ashore, Drake managed
to lose himself in an area occupied by unsubdued Negro ex-slaves,
and surprised the Treasure House in Nombre de Dios itself the next
year (1572). 116 The alliance
that Drake then forged with the Maroons came to be regarded as
a sine qua non by the many strategists who took up Drake's
ideas for attacking the Spaniards in the West Indies. 117
Drake's audacity was made productive by two years of tactful
cultivation of allies and of assiduous collecting and sifting of
information to find out just where the Spanish treasure routes
in America were most vulnerable (or rather,, to spy it out--for
death would have been the inevitable penalty of capture). Again,
no one but Drake had grasped the fact that the Spanish empire in
America had a soft and undefended underbelly. For hardly a ship
that sailed the waters of the Pacific was armed: what little armament
Spanish ships there boasted was derisory. Drake struck the Spaniards
in the Pacific like a bolt from the blue--unheralded and irresistible.
When he got back from the Pacific Drake became the first admiral
to conceive a comprehensive plan, with all due logistical and tactical
preparations, to wreck Spanish communications and to take or destroy
Spanish wealth throughout the Caribbean area, not merely upon the
Isthmus: this plan he not only conceived, but recorded, with all
necessary details of time and place. 118 No
admiral ever managed to effect so much of the plan in one voyage
as Drake did in 1585-1586: he thus seriously disturbed 'that golden
Harvest which they get out of the Earth and send into Spain to
trouble all the Earth.' 119 For
a man who was both a born strategist and a fervent Protestant these
daring attacks were the best means he could devise to assist his
suffering co-religionaries. Drake was the prototype of those Elizabethans
that the great biographer Thomas Fuller described when he wrote:
'It was resolved by the judicious in that age, the way to humble
the Spanish greatnesse was not by pinching and pricking him in
the Low Countries, which only emptied his veins of such blood as
was quickly re-filled: But the way to make it a Cripple for ever,
was by cutting off the Spanish sinews of War, his Money from the
West Indies.' 120
In the last analysis, the sum of Drake's qualities was indefinable,
for there is more than enough evidence to show that he was that
rare being, a genius. His eminence is clearly revealed by an appreciation
of the originality and the wide sweep of his thoughts and actions;
but it also shines out of those few of his letters that survive.
Time and again he expresses his train of thought in such felicitous
words, or seizes upon essential facts with phrases so brilliant
that some of that urgent eloquence in debate that so enthralled
his fellows seems to break out of the page. When off Cadiz in 1587
he wrote to Walsingham, then Secretary of State: 'There must be
a beginning of any great matter, but the continuing unto the end
until it be thoroughly finished yields the true glory'--as he already
knew, from many notable achievements. 121 As
he wrote, was he thinking back to the trials, tribulations and
ultimate triumph of his Panama raid of 1573? Or had he in mind
his endurance when he circumnavigated the globe in a voyage lasting
nearly three years? Then, also, note the pungent realism of his
apophthegm: 'the advantage of time and place is half a victory.' 122 In
April 1587, while the ships of his fleet weighed anchor in Plymouth
Sound, bound for Cadiz, he concluded another letter to Walsingham
with an ending which vibrated with the urgency of the occasion:
'The wind commands me away. Our ship is under sail...Haste!' 123
83. Lady Eliott-Drake, I,
pp. 13-14.
84. Bishop Alvaro de la Quadra
to Philip II, 27 November 1561: CSP, Spanish , I, p. 218.
85. Haring, pp. 77, 152-154.
86. The words of the Treasurer
of Río de la Hacha recorded in a narrative written during
the voyage (British Museum, Cotton MS. Otho E. viii, fols. 17-41V),
reconstructed after fire damage and printed by J. A. Williamson, Sir
John Hawkins , pp. 176, 524.
87. Sir Francis Drake
Revived , p. 2; cf. Wright, Documents 1527-68 ,
pp. 95-123.
88. Wernham, Before the
Armada, pp. 295-6; CSP, Spanish , I, p. 585.
89. Quoted in Williamson, Sir
John Hawkins , p. 121.
90. CSP, Spanish ,
I, p. 588.
91. Wright, Documents,
1527-68 , pp. 128-162; Rayner Unwin, The Defeat of John
Hawkins .
92. Conway, The Rare
Travailes of Job Hortop ; Aydelotte, "Elizabethan seamen
..."; Unwin, op. cit.
93. Merriman, IV, pp. 209-11,
276-80; and, for European aspects: Fernández Alvarez, "Orígenes
de la rivalidad naval hispano-inglesa.. ."; for American aspects:
Haring, pp. 232-4, 251-3.
94. Sir Francis Drake
Revived , p. 2, relating Drake's revenge on the Isthmus
of Panama for the treachery practiced on him and Hawkins at San
Juan de Ulúa, calls to attention "the power and justice
of the Lord of Hostes, who could enable so meane a Person to
right himselfe upon so mightie a Prince. . ." Also see Corbett, Drake
and the Tudor navy , I, pp. 148, 157-158. and, for an astringent
comment, Wagner, Sir Francis Drake's voyage , pp. 10,
366, 374.
95. CSP, Spanish, I, p. 385;
Williamson, Hawkins of Plymouth , pp. 104-5, 108-9.
96. For an estimate of Drake's
resulting competence, see Boulind, "Drake's navigational skills."
97. Wagner, op. cit. ,
pp. 356, 486.
98. Sir Francis Drake
Revived , pp. 3, 5-6, 11-12, etc.; Wagner, op. cit. ,
pp. 30-33; Taylor, "The missing Draft Project of Drake's voyage
of 1577-80"; Waters, in his edition of Greepe, The true and
perfecte Newes of... Syr Frauncis Drake , pp. 26-31, discusses
the state of contemporary English military theory and skill,
and records Drake's competence and foresight as a soldier.
99. Wright, Documents,
1569-80 , pp. 58, 266-9; Wagner, op. cit. , p.
100. Wagner, op. cit. ,
pp. 121, 130-2; Schurz, pp. 216-24, 303-5.
101. Purchas (1625), IV,
pp. 1185-6; (1905-7), XVI, pp. 131-3. Cf. Stow, Annales ,
p. 808.
102. "The discourse and description
of the voyage of Sir Francis Drake and Mr. Captain Frobisher set
forward the 14th day of September, 1585" (the so-called " Primrose
log ," after the name of the ship in which its author evidently
served), in: Corbett, Spanish War , pp. 16-17. In her Further
English voyages, 1583-94 , I. A. Wright pointed out that this
incident cannot have been invented, especially as it is also recorded
in the narrative by Bigges and Croftes, but that nowhere is there
any hint at these events in the extensive series of Spanish documents
(p. xxxvii, n.2.). It looks as though the Spaniards must have been
ashamed of the whole affair.
103. The World Encompassed (1628),
the "Anonymous Narrative" and the addendum to the latter, all printed
in Vaux, pp. 151-156, 184-185 and 176, respectively. Sir Geoffrey
Callender, in "Drake and his detractors" correctly draws attention
to the fact that although Fletcher chose the occasion of the striking
of the Golden Hind off the Celebes to rebuke Drake, almost
certainly for Doughty's fate, Fletcher himself had, in fact, witnessed
freely against Doughty at the trial Drake had held. He plausibly
suggests that Fletcher was laboring under a guilty conscience.
This would explain Drake's violent denunciation of Fletcher's "false" nature.
Fletcher shared Drake's zealously Protestant religious views and,
probably, had strongly desired the expedition to follow Drake's
own plan for the voyage. However, having given evidence needed
for Doughty to be demoted, he appears to have been shocked that
Drake chose to execute him. The rights and wrongs of this affair
were extensively debated in 1920-1, chiefly by Callender and Gregory
Robinson, whose writings should be consulted on the question.
104. C. H. Coote, article
on Borough in the Dictionary of National Biography .
105. "Further articles against
Borough (29 July 1587)," in: Corbett, Spanish War , pp.
106. Borough to the Lord
High Admiral, 5 June 1587, in Corbett, op. cit. , pp.
107. M. Oppenheim, Administration
of the Royal Navy , pp. 382-91; Corbett, op. cit. ,
pp. xxxix-xli, xliv-xlix.
108. Corbett, Drake and
the Tudor navy , II, pp. 69-92, 111-2; Borough, A discours
of the Variation of the Cumpas ...., preface.
109. Stow, Annales ,
p. 808.
110. Taylor, "Francis Drake
and the Pacific" (quoting British Museum Harleian MS. 167).
111. Taylor, art. cit. ;
Wagner, op. cit. , pp. 34-41; Nuttall, pp. 308-9; Waters, The
Art of Navigation , pp. 120-121, 151, 506, 517-518, 535-6;
Cortesão, II, p. 7.
112. Stow, Annales ,
p. 808; Don Francisco de Zárate to the Viceroy of New Spain,
Realejo, 16 April 1579, in Wagner, op. cit. , pp. 375-6.
113. The factor at Santo
Domingo to Philip II, 1 February 1587, in Wright, Further English
voyages, 1583-94 , p. 221.
114. In his Spanish War ,
pp. 194-5, Corbett prints "Spanish Advices" referring to "... Sir
Fra. Drake ... whom they imagine worketh by a familiar..."
115. On Le Testu and the
background of French enterprises in America, in context with which
Drake's career developed, see Sottas, "Guillaume Le Testu and his
work"; Anthiaume, I, pp. 96-120; Williamson, Sir John Hawkins ,
pp. 73-77.
116. Williamson, The
age of Drake , pp. 116-126; Wright, Documents ,
1569-80, pp. 48, 55-9, 64-6, etc.
117. Richard Hakluyt (1579-80),
in Taylor, The two Richard Hakluyts , I, pp. 139-46; Sir
Walter Ralegh (1610?) says the same about the American Indians
in his Works , II, pp. 156-7, 194-5, 234; Francis Bacon
(1624?), "Considerations touching a war with Spain," in his Works ,
XIV, pp. 469-505.
118. "A discourse of Sir
Francis Drake's voyage, which by God's grace he shall well perform" (25
April 1586), in: Corbett, Spanish War , pp. 69-74.
119. The English Hero (1655),
p. 11; possibly reflecting Bacon's views in his "A short view to
be taken of Great Britain and Spain" 1619), in his Works ,
XIV, pp. 25-6.
120. Fuller, Worthies ,
p. 203.
121. Drake to Walsingham,
17 May 1587, in Corbett, Spanish War , p. 134.
122. Drake to the Queen,
13 April 1588, in Laughton, Defeat of the Spanish Armada ,
I, p. 148.
123. Drake to Walsingham,
from on board the Elizabeth Bonaventure , 2 April 1587,
in Corbett, Spanish War , p. 104.
Return to top of page
In 1572 Drake put all the élan he could muster
into his daring raid on Nombre de Dios, by which means he got his
men into the royal Treasury itself in a town well defended, and
garrisoned by a much larger number of Spaniards. However, Drake
did not know that most of the silver from Peru already had left
the city, nor that a serious wound would prevent him from securing
other plunder. Success in 1573 amply compensated Drake for his
disappointment at 'the mouth of the Treasure house of the World'
and for having had to wait in unpleasant conditions until the Spaniards
tired of searching for him. 124 He
showed a tactical patience matching his strategical timing, for
he intercepted the mule-trains bearing the bullion from the Pacific
shore to be shipped on board the 1573 treasure fleet, allowing
the lightly loaded pilot trains to pass and only emerging from
his ambush when the valuable loads came into view. Having compounded
the taking of the bullion with a devastating assault on the way-station
at Venta de Cruces, Drake was justified in showing a sense of occasion
when he wrote: '...we departed from thence, passing hard by Carthagena,
in the sight of all the Fleete, with a Flag of Saint George in
the maine top of our Fregat, with silke streamers and ancients
down to the water, sayling forward with a large wind...' 125
When he returned to Plymouth from the Isthmus the Queen's foreign
policy was once again at a critical juncture. Drake was told to
disappear, and disappear he did, in preference to having his assaults
upon a supposedly friendly monarch brought home to him. For the
time being, the Queen was making conciliation the keynote of her
foreign policy: she hoped thereby to restore lawful seaborne commerce
between England and the Spanish dominions in Europe. Fortunately,
at this time the revolt against Spanish rule in the Netherlands
became strong enough for the rebels to seize a deep water port--Brielle
(then usually known as Brill) at the mouth of the Maas in the south
of Holland. This enabled the Flemish privateering mariners to base
themselves there, and relieved Elizabeth of the embarrassment of
explaining the presence at Dover of the Sea-Beggars, or 'gueux
de mer' as the Flemings proudly termed themselves, taking up the
sobriquet bestowed on them in derision by King Philip's regent
when they had petitioned her. 126 Drake's
simultaneous tactful removal of himself from London likewise disencumbered
the Queen's diplomacy, since it freed her from any obligation to
offer explanations of what she was doing about his depredations
upon the Isthmus.
When Drake so opportunely left England in 1573 it was into the
loughs and havens of Ireland that he disappeared. He used the wealth
he had acquired on the Isthmus to purchase and fit out three frigates,
which he armed and manned for service under the direction of the
Queen's commander-in-chief, Walter Devereux, first Earl of Essex.
Drake's activities now linked him not only with Devereux, who wrote
to Sir Francis Walsingham recommending him, but to other able and
influential men, for Elizabeth was employing many of her best,
soldiers and administrators in Ireland. There, also, Drake learnt
the formal military techniques and the discipline needed by a successful
sea-soldier. In living on board ship he adopted the ceremony and
state becoming to a naval commander of rank. 127
In 1576 the Earl of Essex died. Drake returned to England in
the company of Captain Thomas Doughty, the late Earl's secretary,
who now entered the service of the Queen's rising favorite, Sir
Christopher Hatton. Drake had now established an important set
of valuable personal links, so that his next venture was supported
not only by seafaring colleagues like Hawkins and the Winters,
but by Lord Leicester (the Queen's oldest friend), the Lord Admiral,
Hatton and Walsingham. 128 The
courtiers and the projectors already had great schemes afoot. Martin
Frobisher had been seeking the North West Passage, and in exploring
Greenland and Labrador had allegedly found gold. The flourishing
Muscovy Company was being urged to back efforts to reach the Pacific via a
North East Passage. William Hawkins' and Richard Grenville's proposals
to plant an English colony in Terra Australis Incognita ,
the great temperate continent supposed to bound the Pacific to
the south, were again coming to the fore after relegation to obscurity
in 1574 in the interests of maintaining good relations with Spain. 129
Soon Drake was drawn into these promotions. He was chosen to
command an expedition which was really intended to establish direct
English contact with the Spice Islands, but which was unconvincingly
announced as a trip to Alexandria in order to allay the apprehensions
of the Portuguese and Spanish ambassadors. 130 In
fact a purpose yet more sinister was envisaged for the voyage:
Elizabeth was learning that the Spanish King's celebrated half-brother,
Don John of Austria, had ambitious plans to extend his rule in
the Netherlands by raising rebellion in England, marrying Mary
Queen of Scots and restoring England to the bosom of the Catholic
Church under their joint rule. 131 The
idea that Don John's triumphant progress might be braked by interrupting
the flow of Spanish treasure from America--for shortage of which
the mutinous Spanish Army devastated Antwerp in 1576--probably
seemed increasingly attractive to Elizabeth. 132
This was Drake's golden moment. Walsingham called him in, showed
him a world map and asked him to write down where 'the King of
Spain might be most annoyed.' Drake cannily pointed out that although
he had no doubt of the Queen's constancy, if he did what he was
asked he exposed himself to retribution should a successor on the
throne who was allied to the Spaniards find a plan of his so detrimental
to their King. So Drake kept his own counsel until he could meet
the Queen in person. Then he gave her his considered judgment:
the place she sought was in the Pacific along the coast of Peru.
Nothing except what Drake revealed later, in a critical period
of his voyage, is known about what passed between the two. But
subsequent events confirm the view that Drake had a verbal understanding
with the Queen that he would harry Spanish traffic along the Pacific
coast of America, with the authority necessary to effect his task,
but leaving the Queen free to disavow him if this turned out to
be a diplomatic necessity. 133
What Drake did between November 1577 and September 1580 became
an epic in its own right. His voyage turned history out of its
previous course. Even considered merely as a feat of navigation
his voyage was a masterpiece. He discovered not only that the tip
of South America was composed of islands, but also that no southern
continent--such as geographers had supposed lay south and west
of it--was to be found: this he tried to keep secret from Spain. 134 He
discerned the true trend of the coast of Chile, and thereby altered
the charted shape of South America. 135 On
the other hand, when he explored the western coast of North America
he found no Strait of Anian anywhere near where Ortelius, Hakluyt
and others had hoped it was located; thus the hopes entertained
of the North West Passage by Frobisher and his supporters could
be tempered with realism. 136 Last,
and perhaps most important of all, Drake exposed as illusions the
ideas on the size of the Pacific Ocean held by almost all mariners
except possibly the secretive official Spanish pilots. 137 Columbus,
late in life, had firmly believed that 'the world is small; the
dry land covers six-sevenths of it, and only the seventh is covered
with water.' 138 The first
English writer to consider the problem of the Pacific, John Rastell,
thought that America 'from the Khan of Cathay's land cannot he
little past a thousand miles.' Even Drake's 1564 world map by Ortelius
showed little more. Now, by sailing all round the world, and by
bringing back the accurate record he kept, Drake demonstrated irrefutably
that the world was large and that the largest single area in it
was sea--the great Pacific Ocean, some 2500 miles or more across. 139
On this voyage Drake first established the basic principles of
command at sea, especially required if a hazardous venture were
to enjoy success. In an eloquent allocution Drake dramatized these
principles for the benefit of his crews:
'...By the lyfe of God it doth even take my wytes from me to
thinke on it; here is suche controversye betwene the saylars and
the gentlemen, and such stomakynge betwene the gentlemen and saylars
that it doth even make me madd to here it. But, my masters, I must
have it lefte, for I must have the gentleman to hawle and draw
withe the mariner, and the mariner with the gentleman. What! Let
us show owrselvs all to be of a company and let us not gyve occasyon
to the enemye to reioyce at owr decaye and overthrowe: I would
know hym that would refuse to set his hand to a roape, but I know
there is not any suche heare; and as gentlemen are verye necesarye
for governments sake in the voyadge so have I shipte them for that,
and to some farthar intent, and yet, thoughe I knowe saylars to
be the most envyous people of the worlde, and so unruly without
government, yet may not I be without them...' 140
Thus the hardships and the work were to be shared by all, gentlemen
and seamen alike; all privileges were suppressed save those accorded
to a member of the expedition by virtue of his ranking as an officer;
Drake enforced submission to his will, as that of the chief commander.
Carrying this into effect involved tragedy and bloodshed, culminating
in the execution of Drake's comrade in arms, Doughty: but Drake
held a commission from the Queen which he could plead in justification.
When on board ship Drake kept great state. After his release
the Portuguese pilot Nunho da Silva reported: 'he kept guards,
and when he dined they sounded trumpets and clarions.' 141 Don
Francisco de Zárate, whom Drake captured later, and released
unharmed, was in social terms the highest ranking of the prisoners:
although he was held captive for only four days, he recorded the
most graphic impressions of Drake's life on board. He added that
Drake 'dined and supped to the music of the viols,' and that he
was 'served on silver dishes with gold borders and gilded garlands.' 142 Drake
was devout, also. At the services on board, held twice daily, psalms
were sung and prayers were offered. Often these were led by Drake
himself, although the expedition had its own chaplain. Drake also
read frequently from the Book of Martyrs by his friend
John Foxe: the lessons must have wonderfully maintained the polemical
ardor of the crew. 143
Drake had expected to find riches for the gathering upon the
Peruvian coast--and he did. When he saw what he had captured in
the hold of the Cacafuego even he 'displayed amazement
and wonder at seeing such a great amount of treasure.' 144 Besides
describing the present loot, Zárate explained to that Viceroy
whom Drake had come to rob how ominous was Drake's violent visitation
for the security of the Spanish Empire, henceforth to be threatened
by the encouragement that Drake's safe return offered to other
'If up to the present time they have sent their second sons,
from now on they will come themselves, seeing...that all his promises
have turned out so true, for with such a great sum of gold and
silver he will have proved his plan. Although this loss is so great,
I do not think it any a lesser one that there have been made during
this voyage more than twenty finished pilots of the Peruvian route. 145
Notwithstanding the dubious intentions with which Drake had sailed,
the Spanish Embassy had been restored to London by Philip II while
Drake was away: but the fears about the voyage's potential harm
voiced in America were amply confirmed by the new Ambassador, Don
Bernardino de Mendoza, when he urged his king:
'...that no foreign ship be spared, in...the...Indies, but that
every one should be sent to the bottom, and not a soul on board
of them allowed to live. This will be the only way to prevent the
English and French from going to these parts to plunder, for at
present there is hardly an Englishman who is not talking of undertaking
the voyage, so encouraged are they by Drake's return.' 146
Even considering the present alone, the damage Drake had done
was enormous. It affected the prestige of the Spanish King, whom
his adversaries now began to fear less. Drake's passage of the
Strait of Magellan led to an immense diversion of Spanish effort
in an heroic, tragic, useless attempt to settle there and fortify
the passage. 147 Weapons
had to be sent to arm the shipping up and down the undefended Pacific
coast. Trade there remained in a state of jitters for months. Finally,
Drake capped his visitation by staking a claim for his Queen to
an area in western North America which might be useful to further
English voyagers to the Pacific or in searches for the North West
Passage. After naming this part of upper California New Albion
Drake disappeared into the vastnesses of the Pacific. He established
friendly relations with the King of Ternate in the Spice Islands,
where he took on board a precious cargo of cloves which spurred
on English ambitions to establish a trade in the spices of the
East. 148 The colossal profitability
of the voyage amply rewarded his backers and indirectly made it
possible for considerable capital to be invested in similar privateering
enterprises. Drake provided the wherewithal to rescue the English
royal finances from deepening deficit and enabled the Queen and
Lord Treasurer Burghley to make wise investments. At a time when
the annual cost of the defense of England, calculated in its broadest
sense, was some £35,000, Drake was able to offer Elizabeth
about enough bullion to cover it for a decade. She paid off her
foreign creditors entirely. She sent a large subsidy to the Netherlands,
which enabled their new sovereign, her suitor the Duke of Alençon,
to do something to defend the rebels from Spain. It was the Queen
who in 1581 put up a large share of the capital for founding the
Levant Company, as a result of which the East India Company--the
foundation stone of the British Empire in the East--was eventually
formed. 149
This time Drake's return was greeted with rapture. The common
people 'honoured him with admiration and praises, who thought it
no lesse honorable to have enlarged the bounds of the English glory,
then of their Empire,' Camden recorded, while another chronicler,
who continued Stow's narrative, notes that 'bookes, pictures and
ballads were published in his praise...' This clear and authoritative
testimony notwithstanding, many later writers have seen fit to
cast doubt on whether jubilation at Drake's return was, in fact,
expressed and call in aid of their conjectures the absence of commemorative
literature. The discovery of the only copy known, to date, of one
of Nicholas Breton's earliest poems refutes this idea and shows
that the absence of literature is due not to indifference on the
part of Drake's contemporaries but rather to neglect and destruction
by later generations. The circumnavigator was thought to deserve
every possible eulogy:
'Let Captaines crouche, and Cowards leave to crake,
And give the fame to little Captaine Drake',
wrote Breton exuberantly. These significant verses are too long
to be quoted here in full, and require study and full publication
at a later date. But their presence in this collection proves that
Elizabeth's subjects did not fail to appreciate that 'Our Captaine
Drake hath wun the Gate of Golde.' 150
So Drake had, indeed--and the favor of his Queen as well! The
King he had robbed contemplated his ambassador's bitter reports
of the jubilation in England with contemptuous disgust. But Philip
was far away, in the royal monastery that was his preferred home--the
fortress-palace of San Lorenzo el Real de El Escorial on the slopes
of the Guadarramas in the heart of Spain, built by him with a ground-plan
modelled on the grid-iron used in the martyrdom of St. Lawrence,
whose shrine he had destroyed in the artillery bombardment of French
positions before his victory at Saint-Quentin in 1557. In this
remote and fervent atmosphere matters of greater weight even than
Drake's revenge on him occupied his attention. So he would not
give his ambassador the support of reprisals sufficient to secure
apology and restitution. 151
A few months later Elizabeth invited the French Ambassador, the
recipient of the subsidy for the rebels in the Netherlands that
Drake had enabled her to pay, to knight the circumnavigator at
Greenwich. By this means she characteristically achieved two apparently
irreconcilable objects simultaneously: she made diplomatic capital
out of the incident by slighting the Spanish Ambassador and flirting
with the French one, clearly indicating encouragement to the brother
of the King of France as her suitor, to the detriment of the interests
of the King of Spain; and she avoided compromising herself with
the latter, in that she abstained from granting his assailant a
public accolade from her own person. Elizabeth had already given
Drake a silver gilt goblet reproducing the form of the globe, while
he had given her a crown made from diamonds and emeralds. When
she wore it on New Year's Day 1581 Mendoza bitterly noted that
the jewels were so fine that they could have come only from Peru.
Drake also gave her the first properly identified coconut to be
brought to England: later she graciously returned it to him, in
the shape of another goblet. Its cover bore a miniature globe;
its stand was in the form of a Tudor dragon; its gilt decoration
consisted of the royal arms, Drake's own new escutcheon and a scene
representing his reception by the King of Ternate. 152
The effect of the circumnavigation on worldwide strategy was
sensational; on national morale, it was electric. A great surge
of pride filled the nation; a diversity of further voyages were
projected, some aggressive, others merely commercial; the Queen
was emboldened to adopt a much more dynamic foreign policy. It
was as well that this heady excitement was kept under some degree
of control, for the only reason why King Philip had not reacted
violently to his loss was that he did not want to be disturbed
while in the course of occupying the worldwide empire of Portugal,
which fell to him on the death of its last native-born ruler in
the year of Drake's return, 1580. England, replete with Drake's
booty, remained largely aloof from Portuguese affairs, while Philip
assured to himself control of the Atlantic sea routes by completing
his assumption of the Portuguese crown with the conquest of the
Azores, won for him by the Marquess of Santa Cruz' victory over
a Franco-Portuguese force at Terceira in July 1582, and completed
by occupation of the islands the next year. A few mariners and
strategists, with Drake and Richard Hakluyt in the van, understood
the portents: the balance of power in the world had been so upset
that menace henceforth hung over England's expanding marine and
her national liberty.
124. The English Hero (1655),
p. 9.
125. Wright, Documents,
1569-80 , pp. 68-9, 71, 77; Sir Francis Drake Revived ,
p. 78.
126. Black, "Queen Elizabeth,
the Sea Beggars and the capture of Brill"; cf. CSP, Spanish ,
II, pp. 401-2 and 477.
127. Corbett, Drake and
the Tudor navy , I, pp. 198-202, 205-211; Read, Sir
Francis Walsingham .
128. Taylor, "The missing
Draft Project of Drake's voyage of 1577-80"; Wagner, op. cit. ,
pp. 12-13, 65-68.
129. Taylor, Tudor geography ,
pp. 95-114, and "Early empire building projects in the Pacific
Ocean, 1565-1585."
130. The view that the principal
object of Drake's voyage beginning in 1577 was to reach the Spice
Islands and adjacent sources of wealth in the Orient was first
put forward effectively by Wagner, op. cit. , pp. 23-7,
and largely proved to be correct by Professor Taylor in "More light
on Drake" (1930). The most recent writer on the subject--Dr. K.
R. Andrews in his Drake's Voyages (1967), pp. 47-56,
68-74 and 87--opposes this idea and necessarily returns, in part,
to the view of Sir Julian Corbett ( Drake and the Tudor navy ,
I, pp. 216-23). However, in view of Wagner's and Taylor's evidence,
Dr. Andrews has to argue that any intention on Drake's part to
visit the Spice Islands was in the nature of a second cover for
the real purposes of the expedition: it would continue to deceive
the Spaniards once the obviously bogus claim that the expedition
was bound for Alexandria had been blown. According to this theory, "there
is no basis whatever for the supposition that Drake and the queen
concocted a secret plan for aggression behind the backs of all
or some of the other adventurers..." (Andrews, p. 55). This idea
that everybody of any consequence with anything to do with the
expedition knew before it left England that its real purpose was
to strike at Spanish commerce in the Pacific ignores the impossibility
of keeping so widely known a purpose secret from Spanish officials,
who had been accustomed to finding out and reporting this sort
of intelligence for the past fifteen years, and would have had
plenty of time to warn Peru. Furthermore, it overlooks a number
of incidents during the voyage and disregards Drake's own reported
words to his men. In the form in which the argument has so far
been put, it seems not to appreciate the full force-- when read in
toto --of the discoveries that Professor Taylor published
between 1929 and 1934. Dr. Andrews remarks (p. 53, n.2) that in
arguing for the Moluccas as the objective of the voyage "Wagner
was not aware of the existence of the draft plan, which appears
to contradict his thesis." But neither Professor Taylor, who found
and published the Draft Plan, nor any other scholar, has thought
it does.
131. Von Törne, I, pp. 161-88;
II, pp. 60-109.
132. Merriman, IV, pp. 305-13;
Wernham, Before the Armada , pp. 351-2.
133. Corbett, Drake and
the Tudor navy , I, pp. 215-8; Wagner, op. cit. ,
p. 68; according to the witnesses at his trial in 1578 Thomas
Doughty specifically stated that it was he, as Hatton's secretary,
who had directed Walsingham's attention to Drake in 1576. Though
these claims Doughty is alleged to have made were then being
put forward as an accusation against him they may well be considered
more likely than Drake's version of events (see Vaux. pp. 171-2).
134. Corbett, Drake and
the Tudor navy , I, pp. 268-274; Wagner, op. cit. ,
pp. 80-98.
135. Ibid. , pp.
136. Nuttall, pp. xxxvi-xxxvii,
251; Wagner, op. cit. , pp. 148-153; Taylor, "John Dee,
Drake and the Straits of Anian."
137. Wagner, op. cit. ,
p. 38.
138. Columbus to King Ferdinand
and Queen Isabella, 7 July 1503, in Morison, Journals... of
Christopher Columbus , p. 375.
139. Taylor, Tudor geography ,
p. 9; Wagner, op. cit. , p. 38.
140. John Cooke's account
in Vaux, p. 214.
141. Nuttall, p. 171.
142. Ibid. , p.
143. Ibid. , pp.
354-356; also see Drake to John Foxe, from off Cadiz, 27 April
1587, in Corbett, Spanish War , pp. 111-2.
144. Nuttall, p. 142.
145. Zárate to the
Viceroy of New Spain, 16 April 1579, in Wagner, op. cit. ,
p. 377. He was proved to be only too right: Thomas Cavendish's
equally destructive incursion into the Pacific followed in 1586-7;
Sir Richard Hawkins successfully reached the coast of Peru before
capture in 1593; Dutch explorers rapidly followed and the Pacific
irrevocably ceased to be exclusively Spanish.
146. Mendoza to Philip II,
16 October 1580 in: CSP, Spanish , III, pp. 55-6. Mendoza's
warnings on this score dated back at least to September 1579, soon
after John Winter's return from the Strait of Magellan; see CSP,
Spanish , II, p. 679. For a much fuller discussion of the
Spanish sense of alarm at visits by English privateers and colonizers
to America, see Quinn, "Some Spanish reactions to Elizabethan colonising
enterprises." Drake and his backers in the circumnavigation produced
a plan, early in 1581, for him to lead an expedition to occupy
the Azores on behalf of Dom Antonio, Philip II's rival for the
crown of Portugal, to which the islands belonged. This plan, by
which he could have secured fresh plunder from Spain's transatlantic
trade, would have been carried into effect with the backing of
Leicester and Hatton, who were prepared to renew the investment
they had made in 1577. But Burghley wisely intervened and prevented
the expedition from sailing unless French support--eventually found
not to be available-- was forthcoming; he knew well that Spain
would feel obliged to retaliate against so direct a threat to her
commerce, and it was not safe for England to stand alone against
such a menace. See Read, Lord Burghley and Queen Elizabeth ,
pp. 262-264.
147. Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa, Viajes
al Estrecho de Magallanes , sets out this story admirably.
148. Wagner, Sir Francis
Drake's voyage , pp. 175-82; cf Willan, pp. 6, 7, 47, 85.
149. Scott, I, pp. 74-85.
150. Nicolas Breton, signature
A2 v ; cf. Andrews, Drake's voyages , pp. 81-84.
151. Merriman, IV, pp. 500-2.
152. Mendoza to Philip II,
6 April 1581; same to same, 9 January 1581, in CSP, Spanish ,
III, pp. 95, 75; Lady Eliott-Drake, I, p. 63.
Return to top of page
Elizabeth had always striven to pacify religious intolerance.
But in the early 1580's as storm cones were hoisted abroad the
tide of dissension rose higher and higher at home. The English
became disturbed by the repercussions of the struggle in the Netherlands,
and deeply alarmed for the personal safety of the Queen, who seemed
to be threatened by the same sort of attempts as those that eventually
laid low the Dutch leader, William the Silent, in 1584. The frustrated
Mendoza used his embassy in London to harbor foreign priests, and
intrigued with Scottish and English dissidents: he lent support
to Catholic interests acting on behalf of Mary Queen of Scots,
who now looked to the increasing Spanish might to place her on
Elizabeth's throne. These engagements, uncovered when Burghley
and Walsingham exposed the Throckmorton plot in 1583-1584, forced
Mendoza to leave London. 153 From
this date, King Philip began ponderously to turn his mighty forces
towards English shores.
Across the Channel, despite Elizabeth's subsidies, the fortunes
of the Spanish Army began to prosper, now that it was commanded
by the great Alessandro Famese, Prince of Parma. Early in 1585
the commercial metropolis of Antwerp was threatened, and in August
it fell. Meanwhile Philip chose his time--a moment when large numbers
of English ships carrying corn had responded to his invitation
to sail to Spain to relieve a crop failure--to place an embargo
upon English shipping in the Peninsula (May 1585). The English
now considered themselves to be in a state of war--one that Spain,
in effect, had declared. Elizabeth felt able to go so far as to
send troops to aid the Dutch. 154
How reluctantly did the Queen consent 'not to do good'--that
is, to wage war! Sending the troops was in very truth an act of
war, though Elizabeth did not declare it to be so. Meanwhile an
attempt was made to weaken Spanish offensive capabilities by bleeding
Spain's sources of strength in the West Indies. As Camden put it,
'that she might not looke for warre at home, but give the Spaniard
somewhat to doe abroad, she sent to West India Sir Francis Drake,
Admirall of the Fleet...The English [took] Saint Iago...Santo Domingo...[and]
Cartagena...[and burnt San Agustin] and S. Helens...The booty gotten
was valued at 60,000 pounds of English money. Two hundred and forty
great peeces of brasse and Iron were brought from the enemy. 155
In this voyage Spain again suffered rapid and heavy blows to
her West Indian settlements. In yet another area she now had radically
to increase her efforts. This entailed heavy cost in diverting
her military resources into building fortifications facing seawards,
constructing warships and escorting treasure. The booty captured
was not great and the profit on the voyage was nil. 156 The
destruction, however, was colossal; and it seriously set back the
first comprehensive efforts to defend the Caribbean that had been
begun tentatively under the guidance of the Marquess of Santa Cruz
and the Eraso family of admirals--who superintended the new fortifications
at San Juan de Ulúa after 1568. Now Drake was famous indeed.
Portraits of him and accounts of his exploits were in demand all
over Europe--a demand that was met by publications in Latin, French
and German, as well as in English.
On his return Drake was employed by the Queen on a confidential
mission to encourage the States-General of the Netherlands and
to report on the rather moderate performance of the English troops
there. This mission would probably have borne richer fruit had
the Queen not already been husbanding her resources for the direct
attack on the English homeland that she feared must come. 157 He
was scarcely back from the Netherlands before he was again at sea,
entrusted with a mission to 'impeach' the King of Spain on the
coasts of Spain and Portugal and in the Atlantic islands. 158 Ignoring
the probability that later instructions would rein him in, confining
him to the almost peaceful taking of mere reprisals for the embargo
on English shipping (as, in fact, orders sent too late to reach
Drake before his advanced sailing date did) he stretched his original
instructions to the limit. Relying on superior skill and power
in his gunnery, Drake forced his way into the defended harbor of
Cadiz, regardless, as we have seen, of the protests of his more
cautious Vice-Admiral. He sacked rich argosies under contract to
Spain, and burnt many transports conveying stores and victuals
to the war fleet forming at Lisbon. Once again consternation and
chaos smote the Spaniards in the wake of his mighty ships. More
confusion still he left behind him by his equally during landing
near Cape St. Vincent, in which he burnt Spanish stores, and largely
destroyed the equipment of the Portuguese ocean fishery. 159
King Philip wryly sent a report of the attack to Don Bernardino
de Mendoza, who was now established in Paris with a brief to watch
English affairs. 'The damage he committed was not great,' wrote
the King, 'but the daring of the attempt was so.' 160 However,
the damage was greater than the King cared to admit. The loss to
Spanish merchants at a time when the Spanish Crown desperately
needed revenue from Spain as well as the Indies was heavy. Drake
largely nullified the gain in tonnage that Philip had realized
through confiscations under his 1585 embargo, and he was able to
give English merchants some compensation for what they had then
lost. Neutrals and allies of Spain who had been finding it increasingly
profitable to trade there, now that its King had eliminated their
powerful English and Dutch competitors, began to think again. 161 The
King was already desperately wanting Santa Cruz to get the Armada
against England to sea in 1587, but Drake forced him to postpone
its sailing date. 162 Although
it eventually did sail, the next year, Drake's assault on its stores
and victuals ultimately proved to have impaired its endurance and
efficiency. 163
From Spain diplomats reported that 'this woman [ i.e. ,
Elizabeth] has shown the world how they can strike the Spaniard
in Flanders, in the Indies, in his own house...,' and that 'these
injuries inflicted by Drake will raise many considerations in the
minds of other Princes and also of the King's own subjects.' 164 Contrariwise,
they raised and braced the spirits of the English nation to meet
the Spanish King's 'most happy Armada.' Moreover, the capture of
the great carrack, the São Felipe , which was another
example of Drake's amazing luck, so roused the spirits of English
fighting seamen that 'ever after that time [they] more cheerfully
set upon these huge Castell-like shippes, which before that they
were afraid of.' 165 Which
was just as well, for there were many such in the great Armada
when it came. The great carrack was declared legitimate prize,
and its cargo was an important contribution to meeting the cost
of arming England in 1588. 166
With this deed Drake capped the work he had begun at Ternate:
'they so fully understood by the marchandes books the wealth of
the Indian merchandises and the manner of trading in the Eastern
world, that they afterwards set up a gainful voyage and traffic
thither, ordaining a Companie of East India merchants.' 167 At
the other extreme from the carrack, Drake also met and vanquished
the 'greyhounds of the sea'--the galleys of Spain. The convoys
of the Levant Company, which Drake's plunder from the Pacific had
capitalized, were running the gauntlet of Spanish naval power in
the Mediterranean, and were already making Englishmen confident
that properly armed ships of war had little to fear from galleasses
and nothing at all from galleys. By routing them at Cartagena in
1586 and outgunning them at Cadiz in 1587 Drake confirmed the low
estimation held of oared vessels, which made up a substantial part
of the fighting strength of the Spanish Navy. Their poor performance
against him in 1586 and 1587 caused the galleys to be kept at home
in 1588, and the galleasses employed were reduced in number: thus
it was largely because of Drake that there was little risk that
Spanish sailing warships would occupy the attention of the English
fleet while their oared vessels slipped companies of the dreaded
Spanish infantry ashore. 168 Well
might Burghley remark that Sir Francis Drake was a fearful man
to the King of Spain.
Before the great Armada came Drake was appointed Vice-Admiral
of England. In the campaign he served as deputy to the Lord High
Admiral, Lord Howard of Effingham, who was at sea as Captain-General
of the English fleet. He could have aspired to no higher command.
Indeed, he was Howard's chief adviser in naval matters, and commander
of one of the four squadrons into which the fleet was formed in
the course of the fight in the English Channel. 169 This
division was another naval innovation for which Drake may claim
the credit: henceforth, when, an engagement was in the offing,
it became customary to divide an English fleet into groups of ships
under their own flag-officers, an arrangement which, formalized
into the system of the Red, White and Blue squadrons, lasted unchanged
from the mid-seventeenth century until 1864. 170 This
greatly improved the tactical control over numbers of ships. This
control now allowed the development, also apparently by Drake,
of the method first employed in the battle off Gravelines of sailing
the ships in single line ahead, so as to subject an enemy to the
weight of fire from their combined broadsides. By this means, a
commander was enabled to bring at least half his firepower to bear
simultaneously, under carefully controlled conditions, and to make
repeated attacks, instead of having to allow a chaotic general
melee to develop. 171
It was Drake, too, who showed one of the supreme qualities of
a great fighting seaman by calling on the capacity for endurance
that had taken him round the world--a feat that in 1784 was described
as 'a thing hardly to be credited, and which was never performed
by any mariner be-- fore his time, or since.' 172 In
1588 his squadron kept the seas for longer than any other ships
in the fleet: Drake's letters to his superiors plainly show how
acutely aware he was of the dangers inherent in the English success
off Gravelines. Not content until the Spanish forces were destroyed
as well as defeated, he did not think that triumphantly driving
the Armada out of sight into the North Sea was sufficient. If his
equipment were ready and his boats suitable the Prince of Parma
might slip numbers of Spanish soldiers across to England while
the Queen's ships chased the Armada; alternatively, the Spanish
fleet, unsuccessful in its first pass, might be well advised to.
refit and revictual in a German or Danish port and return unawares
to menace an England which had dropped her guard. 173 Though
neither eventuality in fact occurred, Drake was unquestionably
right to take precautions. He knew that it was unsafe to attribute
to his adversaries less determination, less strategic perspicacity
or less tactical flexibility than he had himself.
In this crucial campaign, besides showing his usual persistence
and clarity of vision, Drake again enjoyed astonishing luck. In
the night he encountered ships sailing down Channel, clawing to
windward. They might well have been Spaniards: had they been so,
and had they gained the weather gage, it would have been greatly
to their tactical advantage. To foil any such maneuver, Drake at
once went about and shadowed them until dawn, only to find that
they were merely Hanseatic merchant ships outward bound. It was
in returning from this pursuit that he fell in with the flagship
of Don Pedro de Valdés, General of the Armada's Andalusian
squadron, which had been crippled in a collision the day before. 174 Drake
called upon Don Pedro to surrender. Understanding that it was Drake
who now held him in check, the Spaniard yielded, and declared that
his captor was a man 'whose Felicity and Valour was [sic] so great,
that Mars the God of War, and Neptune the God of the Sea, seemed
to wait upon all his Attempts, and whose Noble and Generous Carriage
toward the Vanquished had been oft experienced by his Foes. ..' 175 If
Drake now thought back to San Juan de Ulüa, he must have felt that
this was his finest hour.
How wise Don Pedro was. He was well able to realize that he had
encountered the most humane opponent that he was ever likely to
meet in his life. Officially, Spaniards used the term corsario
to describe Drake when he was on the warpath in the Indies. But
if the term is interpreted as meaning pirate or corsair, with these
words understood in their usual connotations, it was a grossly
misleading one. It was characteristic of the pirate to subject
his victims to robbery with violence, to torture and maltreat his
prisoners, even children, and to rape the women. The pirate, a
merciless robber of the sea, was currently held by legal opinion
to be a universal enemy of mankind. 176
In fact, it is from Drake's time that chivalrous conduct towards
women, children and unarmed men by soldiers, and even by raiders,
becomes less exceptional. In his Panama raid Drake especially protected
women, children and defenseless men from the fury of the Maroons
and the violence of his own followers. He never engaged in the
slave trade except in his first two voyages to the Indies, when
he was not a principal; and he never wantonly maltreated prisoners.
His attitude towards the natives of any country was courteous;
remarkably for any age, he made no exception of rank, religion,
race or color. When Drake commanded the expedition to attack Lisbon
in 1589 he had with him Robert Devereux, second Earl of Essex,
whose father, Walter, the first Earl, had been his--Drake's--commander
in Ireland. As always, Drake's conduct was impeccably chivalrous,
in contrast to that of the first Earl of Essex. But though the
capture and sack of Cadiz in 1596 was in some measure revenge for
Drake's death, the conduct of Essex and his troops was so exemplary
that it made an extraordinary impression on the Spaniards. It was
Drake who set the standard for the second Earl of Essex. And others
have followed it ever since. 177
The booty taken in Don Pedro's great ship, the Nuestra Señora
del Rosario , was the richest taken in the Armada campaign.
It was a magnificent example of Drake's luck, for as the commander
who made the capture he reaped a large share of the prize money.
The Queen was delighted too, because it helped to pay the charges
of the Navy. 178 But Drake
thought also of his men, on whose behalf he lobbied the Commissioners
of the Navy incessantly in the aftermath of the campaign. With
Sir John Hawkins (knighted during the battle) he now set up the
Chatham Chest for the benefit of poor seamen. That a humble working
seaman of the Crown should have adequate provision made for his
support in sickness and old age was quite a new concept. 179
The next year, so that the Queen 'might ... prosecute the Victory
against the Spaniards given her by God. . . shee suffered a Fleete
to be set forth into Spaine, which by a great adventure, and a
certaine military alacrity, never sufficiently to bee commended,
Sir John Norrys and Sir Francis Drake ... rigged and prepared at
their owne and other private men's charge.' 180 The
shattered remnants of the Armada lying in the ports of northern
Spain were to be destroyed, and Lisbon was to be overrun in order
to place upon the Portuguese throne Dom Antonio, the Prior of Crato,
whose cause Elizabeth had wholeheartedly espoused at the outbreak
of war. In the event, the attempts of 1589 miscarried. Unaccountably,
the expedition neglected its primary objective, Santander, where
the majority of the surviving ships of the Armada lay in disrepair,
and assaulted the less important harbors of Corunna (La Coruña,
then called by the English 'the Groyne') and El Ferrol, which were
strongly defended. The worst single blow to the expedition was
the failure to provide it with the promised--and indispensable
--siege train. The defenders of Lisbon seized the advantage that
the English dallying at Corunna offered them: the English forfeited
the advantage of surprise which Drake knew, only too well, was
'half a victory,' Finally, it became clear that the two objectives
of the expedition were not really compatible. 181
It is well to recall that in 1589, although Drake was the superior
sea officer, he was not commander-in-chief, for he shared the command
equally with Sir John Norris, the military chief. Norris had been
not only a colleague of Drake's in Ireland, in 1574-1576, but was
a widely respected soldier with long experience of the wars in
the Low Countries--the finest schooling in the military arts that
the sixteenth century could provide. 182 But
although the expedition was led by the most expert land captain
and the most eminent sea officer of the day its promise was not
realized. As in 1587, Drake had to withdraw his ships without entering
the mouth of the Tagus. Perhaps Camden's estimate of the effects
of the Lisbon raid was the most charitable. 'The truth is,' he
wrote, 'England reaped this benefit by this voyage, that from this
time forward it feared nothing from Spaine, but tooke greater courage
against the Spaniards.' 183
153. Read, Sir Francis
Walsingham , II, p. 374; Merriman, IV, pp. 354-98; Neale, Elizabeth
I ..., II, pp. 168-78.
154. Geyl, I, pp. 278-97;
Wernham, Before the Armada , pp. 363-73; Andrews, Drake's
Voyages , pp. 87-93. Hakluyt (relating the amusing escape
of the Primrose , "a tall ship of London," from arrest
by the Corregidor at Bilbao--by sailing off with him
and his officers on board) prints "the Kings Commission for a generall
imbargment or arrest of all English, Netherlandish, and Easterlings
ships, written in Barcelona the 19 of May 1585" (1598-1600), II,
ii. pp. 112-4; (1903-5) VI, pp. 413-8. Cf. also the remarks of
Sir Richard Hawkins on the outbreak of war in his Observations (C.
K. Markham, The Hawkins Voyages , p. 318).
155. Camden, III, pp. 60-1.
156. Corbett, Spanish
War , pp. 86-96.
157. Lady Eliott-Drake, I,
pp 73-4.
158. Walsingham to Sir Edward
Stafford, quoted in Corbett, Spanish War , pp. xxi.
159. Corbett, Drake and
the Tudor navy , II, pp. 79-108; Maura, pp. 181-225.
160. Philip II to Mendoza,
13 May 1587, in: CSP, Spanish , IV, p. 83.
161. Kernkamp, I, pp. 175-177,
162. Herrera Oria, pp. 33-49.
163. Mattingly, pp. 121,
164. Venetian Ambassador
in Spain to the Doge and Senate, 6 May 1587, in: CSP, Venetian ,
VIII, p. 272.
165. Camden, III, p. 123.
166. Corbett, Spanish
War , pp. 199-206. The Queen's share of the value of the
carrack, which she applied to the benefit of the royal finances,
was nearly £45,000 (Scott, III, p. 503).
167. Camden, III, p. 123.
168. Corbett, Drake and
the Tudor navy , II, pp. 79-86, 92, 135. See Petruccio Ubaldino's
narrative in G. P. B. Naish, "Documents illustrating the history
of the Spanish Armada."
169. Laughton, Defeat
of the Spanish Armada , II, pp. 179-182, 323-331.
170. Waters, "The Elizabethan
Navy and the Armada campaign."
171. Corbett, Drake and
the Tudor navy , II, pp. 221-3, 275-89; Lewis, The Spanish
Armada , pp. 159-72.
172. Anderson, "A New, Authentic
and complete Account of a Voyage round the World. . ."
173. Eg., Drake to Walsingham,
10 and 23 August 1588, in: Laughton, Defeat of the Spanish
Armada , II, pp. 97-100, 146-9.
174. Mattingly, pp. 283-287,
175. The English Hero ,
p. 148.
176. Sir Richard Hawkins
in his Observations (in C. R. Markham, The Hawkins
Voyages , pp. 318-9) authoritatively records both Spanish
and English contemporary points of view on the question. Cf. Barbour, "Privateers
and pirates of the West Indies."
177. Corbett, Drake and
the Tudor navy , I, pp. 207-209; II, p. 328; ibid. , Successors
of Drake , pp. 100-102; Tenison, X, pp. 83-85, 91-92, 97-98.
178. Laughton, Defeat
of the Spanish Armada , II, pp. 190-4.
179. M. Oppenheim, Administration
of the Royal Navy , p. 145; Williamson, Sir John Hawkins ,
pp. 446-7.
180. Camden, IV, pp. 6-7.
For the planning see Read, Lord Burghley and Queen Elizabeth ,
pp. 437-440.
181. Corbett, Drake and
the Tudor navy , II, pp. 318-358. Once again the Venetian
ambassadors put their fingers on the trouble. They realized at
what point the campaign was doomed: "It is thought that Lisbon,
and by consequence all Portugal, owed its salvation to the days
wasted in the attempt on Corunna . . ." (in: CSP, Venetian ,
VIII, p. 453).
182. Oman, op. cit. ;
Sir Roger Williams, The Actions of the Low Countries ,
pp. xvi-xix, xxix-xxxi, xxxix.
183. Camden, IV, p. 9. Strong
criticism of the Queen is made in the standard modern account,
Cheyney, A history of England , I, pp. 153-189. This is
rectified by the analysis of Elizabeth's many genuine difficulties
in Wernham, "Queen Elizabeth and the Portugal expedition of 1589."
Return to top of page
Although the Queen was far from enthusiastic about the meagre
results of 1589's efforts, it is quite false to claim that on their
return the commanders were disgraced. Their services were already
too considerable, and affairs of state were too weighty for this
kind of petulance. But Drake was nothing if not an offensive commander;
and the royal finances could not continue to support burdens on
the scale of the enormous expenses of the campaigns of 1588 and
1589. Instead, Sir John Hawkins worked out a more modest strategy
by which moderately sized squadrons were to cruise, in rotation,
off the Azores, where they were to interrupt--and, it was hoped,
intercept--the vital convoys of the trade between Spain and America. 184
Drake spent most of the next five years in gracious retirement
in the tranquil home at Buckland Monachorum (now Buckland Abbey)
which he had made for himself when he bought the property from
Sir Richard Grenville after the circumnavigation. Here, within
sight of the Tamar estuary winding away towards Plymouth Sound
and the sea, he surrounded himself with the treasures he had won
on his voyages. He was an important figure in local affairs: he
had already been Mayor of Plymouth from 1582 to 1584, and first
became a Member of Parliament in the latter year. He owned a number
of mills, and managed both these and his estates with care. This
shrewd eye for business and his interest in engineering assisted
him in working for his pet project-- not to be fully realized till
long after his death--of making Plymouth into a first-class naval
base. With energy and efficiency he laid down the foundations for
his great scheme by supplying Plymouth with good water, brought
into the town by a series of ingenious works. With his characteristic
flair for the dramatic he rode into the town at the head of the
rushing water as it first reached Plymouth, as though he had just
conjured the torrent out of the hills. As a Member of Parliament
Drake was a frequent and lively speaker in the Commons, and served
on several important committees--particularly those relevant to
the prosecution of the war, commercial matters and naval business. 185
Although Hawkins had carefully calculated the balance of strength
in the Atlantic up to the time in 1590 when the new strategy was
adopted, it was not prospering in execution, largely because that
balance had changed markedly and rather suddenly. Challenged and
stimulated by their reverses in 1586-1589, the Spanish Navy and
its ancillary organisations had built more and better ships, bought
new equipment, updated their artillery and improved their training.
The Spanish Fleet was now mightier than ever, better fitted to
fulfil its role in the Atlantic, better navigated and more efficient.
Its captains had grown in proficiency and daring. 186 As
a result, the Queen's great galleon the Revenge (in
which Drake had flown his flag in the Armada fight), and her gallant
captain, Sir Richard Grenville, were overwhelmed off the Azores
in 1591. The English were outfaced by this new Spanish strength;
Grenville's colleague, the chastened Sir Martin Frobisher, was
left with forces which were now inadequate to meet it, though they
cost almost as much as Drake's fleet would have done and hurt the
enemy much less. Full-scale offensive operations were again envisaged--but
in American waters, rather than on the obviously too well defended
European shores.
In November 1592 Drake's star was again in the ascendant; in
December a courtier wrote to his country cousin, Bassingbourn Gawdy,
that 'Drake is at the court and all the speech is that he goeth
very soon to the sea.' 187 On
New Year's Day, 1592/3, Drake made the Queen the gift that was
traditional at that time for a patron whom one hoped to serve in
the year to come. It was a manuscript, the basis of the text of
what was later published as Sir Francis Drake Revived ;
a product of his leisure, it racily recounted his profitable raid
on the Isthmus in 1572-1573 In his letter of presentation, printed
in 1126 as a preface, Drake composed a fascinating self-portrait.
In the guise of a mariner charting the course of his own career,
he hints broadly to the Queen that he would much rather render
her new services against the Spaniards than dwell on old ones faute
de mieux :
'... I have thought it necessarie my selfe, as in a Card [i.e.,
chart] to pricke the principall points of Cousailes taken, attempts
made, and successes had, during the whole course of my employment
in these services against the Spaniards, not as setting Sayle,
for maintaining my reputation in mens judgement, but only as sitting
at Helme if occasion shall be, for conducting the like Actions
herafter ...' 188
As Drake here hoped, preparations for the great offensive operation
now got under way: the swingeing attack envisaged was to be in
an area where Drake had no rival. But the war was dragging on and
there were not enough contributions to add to Drake's own. 189 A
threat of invasion was in the air once more: the Spaniards clearly
intended to dominate the Channel and raid England from the bases
in Brittany that they had seized. Operations to prevent this cost
the life of Frobisher, and the enterprise which Drake had put forward
was delayed by more than two years. 190
However, it became known in England that the dismasted flagship
of the homeward-bound treasure fleet of 1594 had fetched up in
the harbor of San Juan de Puerto Rico: the news of great wealth
unexpectedly lying in an exposed position swung opinion back towards
the Caribbean expedition. So, in 1595, 'the Queen, being advertised
that a great masse of wealth was brought to Porte-Rico ... for
the use of the Spaniard, to the end to cut off the sinnews of warre
by intercepting the same, and withall to busie him with warre in
another world, sent thither Sir John Hawkins, and Sir Francis Drake
with equall authority at sea, and Sir Thomas Baskervill General
over the land Forces . . .' 191 Although
Camden did not say so, there, once again, lay the rub: divided
command. But, compared to the situation nearly thirty years before,
what a change for Drake this appointment was! In 1567 he had sailed
under Hawkins as a man his junior in every respect. In 1595 he
was appointed his equal; and in fame he far surpassed him.
In many ways the two men were opposites. The frequent practice
of dividing the command was supposed to make the differing virtues
and defects of contrasting characters compensate one another. But
if the Queen really thought that on this occasion she had arranged
a satisfactory balance, for once she erred. Surprise, always desirable,
was crucial now that a freshly armed Spain was ready for war at
sea. The upshot of the division of command was that surprise was
forfeited. Drake felt that large complements of men were needed,
since he was aware that the Spaniards had strengthened their defenses
in the West Indies. Hawkins, on the other hand, had long been known
as an advocate of reducing the size of crews so as to make room
for generous victualling, water and ventilation. An attack on Las
Palmas in the Canary Islands, ostensibly to secure food for Drake's
heavily manned ships, failed. Then a landing to replenish water
supplies was made. In angry dispute over the diversion, Hawkins
had raised his voice so loud that he had been overheard on deck.
In the landing, men who had thus learnt the destination of the
fleet were captured. 192
The secret was out. Immediately the Governor of Las Palmas sent
a swift caravel to Puerto Rico. San Juan was now walled, and it
had a citadel--most of which still exists--of very massive construction,
designed by the best Spanish military engineers to be second only
to the fortifications of the almost impregnable Havana. Even so,
a speedy and determined attack might have accomplished much, as
the totally successful lightning assault on San Juan in 1598 by
George Clifford, Earl of Cumberland, showed. The defenders of San
Juan, forewarned by the caravel, later declared that had the fleet
proceeded there directly from England, they could have done nothing
to prevent the capture of the stranded treasure. 193
But Francis Drake was no longer the young man of resourcefulness
and vigor whom Cumberland imitated. As Hawkins, now dying, had
predicted, the attempt on Puerto Rico failed. Baskerville's land
forces had to be withdrawn. Drake, become sole commander through
the death of his old colleague, sailed on into the Caribbean, heading,
for the last time, for Rio de la Hacha on the Spanish Main. He
was bent on his old dream: the seizure of Panama.
The attack failed miserably. Recommendations for strengthening
the Spanish hold on the Caribbean, made in 1587 in the aftermath
of Drake's last attack by the consultant military engineer Battista
Antonelli, had produced a survey advising Philip II to change the
human geography of the vulnerable Isthmus. 194 In
the very year the expedition sailed, as Antonelli had suggested,
the entrepôt on the Atlantic shore for the treasure of Peru ceased
to be the unhealthy, exposed and worm-infested Nombre de Dios that
Drake knew. As its place had been taken by the easily defended
and well fortified Porto Bello, along the coast to the east, the
track to the capital from Nombre de Dios was little used, and overgrown:
the city of Panama was now hardly accessible. The Spanish forces
were becoming well led and adequately armed; they were often late
upon the scene, but at least on this occasion they arrived in time--hot
foot from Peru under the highly skilled Don Alonso de Sotomayor,
the newly appointed president of the audiencia of Panama. 195
When Baskerville returned, after four days, defeated, Drake 'never
carried mirth nor joy in his face' again. 196 Off
Puerto Rico he had been heard to exclaim: 'Now is no time for me
to let down, my spirits.' 197 Now,
even his great spirit was numbed by adversity. He signed his will.
The same night, in delirium, he rose from his bed, declaring that
he would meet his old enemy, Death, 'like a soldier'--armed. His
ship was the Defiance : and this was his watchword. 198 Then
they laid him down again. And so it was, that on 28 January 1596,
at the darkest hour before dawn, 'our famous Hero Sir Francis Drake
departed this life,' . . . 'almost in the same place where first
he beganne to grow famous to the world by his fortunate successes.' 199
Then, 'his body, being put into a coffin of lead, was let down
into the sea, the trumpets in doleful manner echoing out their
lamentations' over the desolate waters, while 'all the cannon in
the fleet were discharged, according to the custom of all sea-funeral
obsequis.' 200
'Where Drake first found, there last he lost his Name,
And for a Tomb left nothing but his Fame...
The Sea that was his Glory is his Grave.' 201
'Sea-nymphs hourly ring his knell:
Ding-dong. Hark!
Now I hear them--ding-dong-bell.' 202
The remarkable collection on which this history is based contains
much unknown material. Some pieces in it are unique. All reflect
the exceptional enthusiasm, pertinacity and discernment of their
collector, Mr. H. P. Kraus, in finding and selecting them. That
this task should have been achieved in a span of less than twelve
years, in the second half of the twentieth century, when it might
well be supposed that there is no original material to be found
outside the great public collections, is indeed a notable feat
of antiquarian percipience and industry. This collection is especially
attractive in that it adds important insights to our appreciation
of the graphic and literary record of Drake's feats, which have
often been recounted, but never completely understood.
Furthermore, the collection reveals new aspects of the effects
upon Spain of Drake's depredations on her settlements and her trade
around the Caribbean and the Pacific. In particular, also, it sheds
light upon the nautical background of the Duke of Medina Sidonia,
and makes Philip II choice of him to command the great Armada of
1588, in succession to the Marquess of Santa Cruz, much more comprehensible.
One of the fruits of forming such a collection is that it draws
together much otherwise scattered material into a coherent record
which enables the story of Drake's life to be seen as a whole.
What is more, it can here be assessed very largely from the points
of view of his contemporaries. This presentation of so outstanding
a collection is a fresh and original contribution to scholarship.
184. The scheme was worked
out by Hawkins in December 1587 as an offensive to follow up Drake's
raid in that year on Cadiz and the Portuguese fisheries; it was
submitted to Walsingham early in 1588 and to Burghley in July 1589.
See Williamson, Sir John Hawkins , pp. 409-410, 450-453;
Laughton, Defeat of the Spanish Armada , I, pp. 58-62;
Andrews, Drake's Voyages , pp. 148-152.
185. Lady Eliott-Drake, I,
pp. 108-22; Neale, Elizabeth I and her parliaments , II,
pp. 24, 245, 308.
186. Fernández Duro, Armada
española , III, pp. 67-93, 182-185; Corbett, Successors
of Drake , pp. 4-5, 276-277.
187. Birch, Memoirs of
the Reign of Queen Elizabeth , I, p. 92; Philip Gawdy to
Bassingbourn Gawdy, 8 December 1592, in: Great Britain and Ireland,
Historical Manuscripts Commission, Gawdy MSS. , p. 52
(the date of this letter, here printed as 1594, is corrected
to 1592 in Corbett, Drake and the Tudor navy , II, p.
188. Sir Francis Drake
Revived , pp. v-vi.
189. It was at this time
that Drake sold the lease of his London house, the Herbar, probably
to finance the expedition. See the MS. (unpublished) deed of this
sale, in Mr. Kraus' collection [II]; and Stow, Survay of London ,
p. 183.
190. Corbett, Drake and
the Tudor navy , II, pp. 361-412. Until Dr. Andrews' promised
volume on the 1595-1596 expedition commanded by Hawkins and Drake
is published by the Hakluyt Society, the best account of it available
is probably the relevant chapter in his Drake's Voyages ,
pp. 158-79.
191. Camden, IV, p. "57" ( recte :
192. Ruméu y Armas, Piraterías
y ataques navales contra las Islas Canarias , II (2), pp.
193. Fernández Duro, Armada
española , III, pp. 106-15; Corbett, Drake and
the Tudor navy , II, pp. 417-424; Blanco, pp. 9-10.
194. Printed by Richard Hakluyt
in Principal navigations : (1598-1600) III, pp. 548-57;
(1903-5) X, pp. 135-56. Cf. Ceán-Bermúdez and Llaguno
y Amírola, Noticias de los arquitectos y arquitectura
de España, and Angulo Iiíguez, Bautista Antonelli .
195. Corbett, Drake and
the Tudor navy , II, p. 398.
196. Maynarde, Sir Francis
Drake his Voyage , 1595, p. 19.
197. Drake's words, heard
by his nephew Henry Drake and reported by him to Thomas Fuller, The
Holy [and the] Profane State , p. 139.
198. See the album of drawings
of the flagship and of land-sights executed in the Defiance :
Charles de La Roncière, "Un atlas inconnu de la demière
expédition de Drake."
199. The English Hero ,
p. 173; Camden, IV, p. 76.
200. The English Hero ,
pp. 173-4.
201. Ibid. , p.
202. Shakespeare, The
Tempest , Act I, scene ii--Ariel's song, 406-407.