NewsCastle - Safety Print

Vol. 38 No. 11      A monthly publication of the Los Angeles District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers         November 2008


Are you ready to ShakeOut?
By Gail Campos

ImageWith 22 million people living and working in Southern California, a major earthquake in the region could cause an unprecedented catastrophe.

What we do now, before a big earthquake, will determine what our lives will be like after. With earthquakes an inevitable part of Southern California’s future, Californians must act quickly to ensure that disasters do not become catastrophes. With this in mind, the Earthquake Country Alliance organized the Great Southern California ShakeOut, a week of special events featuring a massive earthquake drill at 10 a.m. on Nov. 13.

On their Web site, a ShakeOut Earthquake Scenario shows a realistic portrayal of what could happen in a major earthquake on the southern end of the San Andreas Fault.

Created by over 300 experts led by Dr. Lucy Jones of the U.S. Geological Survey, the scenario outlines a hypothetical 7.8 magnitude earthquake originating near the Salton Sea, which would have the potential to devastate the region.

With a goal of at least five million participants, the ShakeOut drill will be the largest in U.S. history.

To participate, go to and pledge your family, school, business, or organization’s participation in the drill. Registered participants will receive information on how to plan their drill, connect with other participants, and encourage a dialogue with others about earthquake preparedness.

There are many ways to take part, but at the least participants should “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” at10 a.m. on Nov. 13. It all begins with registering, which is free and open to everyone.

For more information, visit and be sure to visit the official ShakeOut Blog at

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