Picnicking and Swimming

Picnicking activities are available in all four of Joe Pool Lake's Parks. Cedar Hill State Park, Lynn Creek Park, and Loyd Park all have great opportunities for bringing the family out and enjoying a picnic for the day. Most parks have designated tables and areas for enjoying a picnic. Ask at the front gate of each park where the best place would be for the days events. While picnicking, patrons can also enjoy swimming, volleyball, playing on the playground, and boating activities.

Designated Swimming Beaches are located at Cedar Hill State Park, Lynn Creek Park and Loyd Park. Swimming in non-designated areas is not recommended. These areas could have sharp drop-offs or under water obstructions. No matter where you swim, there are no lifegurards on duty and swimming is at your own risk. Parents PLEASE WATCH YOUR CHILDREN!

Swimming in the vicinity of boat launching or mooring sites is prohibited by section 327.5a of title 36, Code of Federal Regulations. Diving or jumping from bridges or other structures which cross project waters is also prohibited.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' parks are governed by regulations contained in Section 327 of Title 36 to the Code of Federal Regulations.

For the full text of these regulations, click here for Title 36 link.

Swimming is always an activity that involves risk and no lifeguards are provided at Corps of Engineers swimming beaches. The ability to swim is the very best safety precaution for all water-based recreation activities. Please learn to swim and teach your children to swim. Please watch young children continually while they are in or near the water, even if they know how to swim. Life vests (PFDs) are always a reasonable precaution for use in any water-based recreation, even for swimmers. For additional information on water safety, please click here.

This site last updated on April 18, 2007