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Home arrow News Room arrow News Releases arrow NR08-18 - Vegetation Management – Video Opportunity
NR08-18 - Vegetation Management – Video Opportunity Print
Written by Greg Fuderer   
Sunday, 21 September 2008

ImageNews Release 08-18
US Army Corps Of Engineers
September 22, 2008 Immediate

Greg Fuderer
Telephone: (213) 479-8698
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Vegetation Management – Video Opportunity

Oceanside, Calif. — Media are invited to view equipment operating in the San Luis Rey River and to interview U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and City of Oceanside managers who are responsible for the multi-year project to increase the flow of water in the river during flood events. When complete, the project has the potential to reduce flood insurance requirements on area homeowners.

What: Media availability by Corps and city project planners, managers and their environmental consultant. The project contractor, Washburn Grove Management, will demonstrate how the city and the Corps will manage the ongoing presence of invasive plants in the San Luis Rey River.
When: 10 until 11:30 a.m., Tuesday, Sept. 23
Where: San Luis Rey River at Benet Bridge, Oceanside, Calif.
Who:  City of Oceanside and Corps of Engineers managers, planners, biologists and engineers responsible for the scheduling and operation of the vegetation management project that will remove non-native plants from the San Luis Rey River.

The mowing, scheduled to take place through Oct. 31, will complete the initial phase of vegetation management for the river. The initial phase will mow a 170-foot wide swath from College Avenue downstream to Interstate 5. Vegetation will remain in a portion of the channel as preservation area.
“I’m extremely happy to see the mowing get started again,” said Oceanside Mayor Jim Wood. “This project shows the tremendous determination and effort by our Corps of Engineers partner and is so very important to our community.”

Col. Thomas H. Magness, commander of the Corps’ Los Angeles District, agreed, saying, “We’re pleased to be back in the river and working with the City of Oceanside on this important project. We had to adjust the work schedule because of weather and important environmental requirements, but the work we’ll do now is a significant step in reducing the potential for flood damage.”

The vegetation management program resulted from coordination with federal, state and local agencies in order to provide the necessary water conveyance in the San Luis Rey River and to meet the environmental requirements associated with special status listed species that inhabit the riverine ecosystem.

For additional information about the San Luis Rey River project or about the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, contact the Corps’ Public Affairs representative at 213-479-8698.

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