Organizational Priority #2

Optimize performance of management and support functions to assure efficiency and administrative integrity of operations.



David Henderson, Laura Lee


CC Department Heads


The CC performance measurement initiative will provide the Director of the CC and key stakeholders with reliable data about the clinical and operational performance of the CC. The CC performance measurement system is intended to:

  • provide quantifiable evidence regarding the CC's organizational performance
  • provide a mechanism to identify opportunities for performance improvement
  • provide data to assess performance improvement interventions
  • provide data, where appropriate, for benchmarking
  • provide advisory groups and customers with information about the CC operational performance
  • meet JCAHO and other regulatory performance measurement requirements


  • Establishment of the Performance Measurement Steering Committee
  • Development of organizational framework for performance measurement in the CC
  • Development of a control panel of performance measurements for the Director, Clinical Center
  • Review and approval of the performance measurement framework and the Director's control panel by the CC Executive Committee and the CC Board
    of Governors
  • Implementation of data collection for the Director's control panel measures
  • Development of department-level control panels
  • Presentation of department control panels at annual Department Heads Retreat
  • Evaluation of Director's control panel

FY2000 Goals

  • Refinement of Director's control panel
  • Further development and refinement of department performance measurement programs to address each of the Clinical Center long-range goals
  • Integration of performance measurement activities into the operational plan, the institute planning process, and department review processes
  • Development of automated database

For more information about the Clinical Center,
e-mail, or call Clinical Center Communications, 301-496-2563.

Warren Grant Magnuson Clinical Center
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, Maryland 20892-7511