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NEDRC Tables
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E.D. Tab Tables
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The Tables Library contains tables that focus on various topics in postsecondary education. These topics include access to postsecondary education, persistence and attainment of a degree, financial aid, student demographics, and institutional characteristics.

The Library is organized into three groups—tables created for policy analysts, Congress, associations, and others by the National Education Data Resource Center (NEDRC), tables from NCES postsecondary analysis reports, and tables from E.D. Tabs.

Each group contains tables of estimates and many tables have corresponding standard error tables. The tables are organized by topic in the NEDRC Tables section and by report name in the Analysis Reports Tables section. To search for a specific table, use the NCES Quick Tables feature.

For most tables, DAS programming files used to generate the tables are also available. These files are either Tables Parameter Files (TPF) or Correlation Parameter Files (CPF). TPFs/CPFs can be downloaded, edited, and rerun for customized tables.

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