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Preliminary Findings from the Early Head Start Prekindergarten Followup (PDF)
By Administration for Children and Families, U. S. Department of Health and Human Services , Eds.
Research to Practice; April 2006

Summary: This document presents preliminary findings on how child development services from birth to age five years, including formal education and care programs, contribute to school readiness and family functioning at the time of school entry. Children and families who participated in Early Head Start 0–3 and formal programs 3–5 had the most positive outcomes. Programs with a mixed approach to service delivery, providing both home-based and center-based services, as well as those program that fully implement the comprehensive Head Start Program Performance Standards, had a broader pattern of larger impacts. Early Head Start continued to have significant impacts on support for children’s learning, specifically, daily reading, the home environment, and teaching activities. A new benefit emerged for parents (i.e., a reduction in their risk of depression).

Index Terms: Assessment, Impact, Outcomes, Prekindergarten, Research Reports, Early Head Start (EHS)

Publication Type: Reports (Descriptive)

Pages: 4 pages
Language: English

Administration for Children and Families
U. S. Department of Health and Human Services
370 L'Enfant Promenade, S.W.
Washington, District of Columbia 20201

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