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CDS Products by: Title - Subject
Introduction; Ordering Information, Related Products
Understanding MARC Authority Records
Understanding MARC Bibliographic
MARC 21 Concise Formats
MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data
MARC 21 Format for Authority Data
MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data
MARC 21 Format for Classification Data
MARC 21 Format for Community Information
MARC Code lists: Languages, Countries, Geographic
Areas, Organizations, Relators
MARC 21 Specifications for Record Structure, Character
Sets, and Exchange Media
MARC Format: Proposed Changes
Library of Congress Copyright Data as Distributed in the MARC 21 Format
The Complete MARC Package
Stay up to date with MARC information--visit the MARC web page of the Library of Congress frequently.
Subscribe to Cataloger's Desktop and get all MARC publications in one
Web-based product.
Machine-Readable Cataloging (MARC) has been the standard in library
automation for nearly 30 years. It forms the backbone of today's automated
library systems, networks, and bibliographical utilities around the
world. The MARC products developed at the Library of Congress set the
standard for MARC cataloging documentation.
The Library of Congress, the British Library, and the National Library
of Canada harmonized the USMARC, UKMARC, and CAN/MARC formats, and joined
their MARC documentation to form MARC 21. All USMARC products have become
MARC 21 products.
Important ordering information:
- If you are a new MARC documentation customer, be sure to purchase the appropriate
base text in order to get full use and value from the updates.
- All updates to base texts are also sold separately.
- Watch for updates to the MARC looseleaf formats. Enter a standing order
and never worry again about missing a new edition or crucial update.
Place a standing order for updates to these important manuals so
you can be sure they come to you without delay. Now CDS offers updates for all five MARC 21 formats
at a special package price (See below).
The Complete MARC Package

Save 10% when you purchase a complete set of MARC documentation as a
package! The complete MARC package includes the latest edition of all
MARC format documentation and code lists.
MARC Documentation also on the Web
Remember: the MARC format documents and code lists are available also
on the Web in Cataloger's Desktop. Access the full
text of LC's most heavily used cataloging publications, including MARC
documentation, plus dozens of other cataloging and metadata resources.
The second publication in the "Understanding MARC" series
provides a great introduction to MARC authority records. Helps librarians
and others discover the information that may seem hidden behind the
record's unfamiliar codes. Ideal for library school students who can
use this booklet as an easy guide to MARC authority codes for cataloging
classes. Automated library system vendors will find the booklet a handy
introduction for their clients to the importance of using standardized
MARC data. 28 pages. ISBN 0-8444-1113-2
Price Schedule (North America and outside North America)
2004 edition
1-24 copies -- $5 each
Packs of 25 -- $60 per pack
Boxes of 100 -- $100 per box
Also available on the Web at:
Return to list of MARC documentation from CDS
An introduction to MARC. This booklet helps librarians and others
pull out the information that might seem hidden behind the unfamiliar
codes of a MARC record. Librarians who are facing a switch to an automated
system can quickly learn how machine-readable cataloging relates to
their familiar card catalog. Library school students can use the booklet
as an easy guide to the MARC codes for their cataloging class. And vendors
of automated library systems will find that the booklet is a handy introduction
for their clients to the importance of using standardized MARC data.
29 pages. ISBN 0-8444-1081-0
Price Schedule (North America and outside North America)
2003 edition
1-24 copies -- $5 each
Packs of 25 -- $60 per pack
Boxes of 100 -- $100 per box
Also available on the Web at:
Return to list of MARC documentation from CDS
Brings together in one volume all content designators defined for each
MARC communication format. A concise description of each field, character
position of the fixed-length data element fields, and defined indicators
and subfield codes in the variable data fields that may occur in a bibliographic,
authority, holdings, classification, or community information record.
Looseleaf. (1v.) Packaged with binder and tabbed dividers. ISBN 0-8444-1152-3.
Also available on the Web at
North America: $50
Outside North America: $60
Return to list of MARC documentation from CDS
Including Guidelines for Content Designation (1999)
If you are a new customer
If you already have the base text and only need updates
Here is the standard for representing and exchanging bibliographic data in
machine-readable form. Supersedes the 1994 edition of USMARC Format for Bibliographic Data and Updates Nos. 1-3 (1995-1997). This comprehensive publication specifies the structure of the
MARC bibliographic record, defines the codes and conventions that identify data elements in MARC
bibliographic records, describes in detail the use of each content designator, and provides input
conventions for each content designator.
Includes two binders. Looseleaf. (2v.) Packaged with binders and tabbed dividers. ISBN 0-8444-0989-8
Also available in Cataloger's
Special Ordering Information:
MARC 21 publications in English are distributed worldwide--except
in Canada--by the Cataloging Distribution Service of the Library of
The French version of MARC 21 and the English version in Canada are
available from Canadian Government Publishing, PWGSC, Ottawa, Ontario
K1A OS9 Canada. Tel: (819) 956-4802 Fax: (819) 994-1498
Prices and Product Options:
Of special interest to new customers....
Base Text (1999 edition with Updates 1-3
$70 in North America (except Canada; see "Special Ordering Information"
$80 outside North America
Updates also available separately
Update No. 4 (2003)
Update No. 5 (2004)
Update No. 6 (2005)
Update No. 7 (2006)
Important news about Update No. 8 (2007)
Prices: Update Nos. 4-7, each $15 (worldwide, except Canada. See
"Special Ordering Information" above.)
Update No. 8 (2007), $10 (worldwide, except Canada. See "Special
Ordering Information" above.)
Return to list of MARC documentation from CDS
Including Guidelines for Content Designation (1999)
If you are a new customer
If you already have the base text and only need updates
Format for records to communicate standard forms for names of persons
and organizations, series titles, uniform titles, and subject terms
that are used in bibliographic records. The format also includes fields
for cross-references, for linking to headings in other thesauri, and
for indicative treatment for series. Important for catalog consistency;
essential for participants in cooperative authority file programs such
as NACO. Looseleaf. (1v). Packaged with binder and tabbed dividers.
ISBN 0-8444-0997-9
Also available in Cataloger's
Special Ordering Information:
MARC 21 publications
in English are distributed worldwide--except
in Canada--by the Cataloging Distribution Service of the Library of
The French version of MARC 21 and the English version in Canada are
available from Canadian Government Publishing, PWGSC, Ottawa, Ontario
K1A OS9 Canada. Tel: (819) 956-4802 Fax: (819) 994-1498
Prices and Product Options:
Of special interest to new customers....
Base Text (1999 edition with Updates 1-4 interfiled)
$50 in North America (except Canada; see "Special Ordering Information"
$60 outside North America
Updates also available separately
Update No. 5 (2004)
Update No. 6 (2005)
Update No. 7 (2006)
Update No. 8 (2007)
Important news about Update No. 8 (2007)
Price per update: $10 (worldwide, except Canada. See "Special
Ordering Information" above.)
Return to list of MARC documentation from CDS
Including Guidelines for Content Designation (2000)
If you are a new customer
If you already have the base text and only need updates
Defines the codes and conventions (tags, indicators, subfield codes,
and coded values) that identify elements in MARC holdings reports for
serial and nonserial items. Important for local and union catalogs,
online catalogs, cooperative acquisitions, collection development, preservation
programs, national union catalogs, union list activities, and as a link
in fully automated interlibrary loan and document delivery systems.
Includes examples illustrating proper usage and guidelines for using
the format according to American National Standards for Holdings Statements.
Looseleaf. (1v.) Packaged with binder and tabbed dividers. ISBN 0-8444-0999-5
Also available in Cataloger's Desktop.
Special Ordering Information:
MARC 21 publications in English are distributed worldwide--except
in Canada--by the Cataloging Distribution Service of the Library of Congress.
The French version of MARC 21 and the English version in Canada are
available from Canadian GovernmentPublishing, PWGSC, Ottawa, Ontario
K1A OS9 Canada. Tel: (819) 956-4802 Fax: (819) 994-1498
Prices and Product Options:
Of special interest to new customers....
Base Text (2000 edition with Updates 1-4 interfiled)
$50 in North America (except Canada; see "Special Ordering Information"
$60 outside North America
Updates also available separately
Update No. 5 (2004)
Update No. 6 (2005)
Update No. 7 (2006)
Update No. 8 (2007)
Important news about Update No. 8 (2007)
Price per update: $10 (worldwide, except Canada. See
"Special Ordering Information" above.)
Return to list of MARC documentation from CDS
Including Guidelines for Content Designation (2000)
If you are a new customer
If you already have the base text and only need updates
Format specifications for the communication of MARC classification records, which may be used in online public catalog retrieval systems, in systems to
maintain and develop classification schedules, and in online systems for library
classifiers. Defines the codes and conventions (tags, indicators, subfield
codes, and coded values) that identify the data elements in the records.
Developed with a focus on two major classification schemes: Library of
Congress Classification and Dewey Decimal Classification, but also supports
other classification schemes. Includes a glossary of classification
terms and full record examples of LC Classification, Dewey Decimal
Classification, National Library of Medicine Classification, and Universal
Decimal Classification schemes. Looseleaf. (1v.) Packaged with binder and
tabbed dividers. ISBN 0-8444-1000-4.
Also available in Cataloger's
Special Ordering Information:
MARC 21 publications in English are distributed worldwide--except
in Canada--by the Cataloging Distribution Service of the Library of
The French version of MARC 21 and the English version in Canada are
available from Canadian Government Publishing, PWGSC, Ottawa, Ontario
K1A OS9 Canada. Tel: (819) 956-4802 Fax: (819) 994-1498
Prices and Product Options:
Of special interest to new customers....
Base Text (2000 edition with Updates 1-4 interfiled)
$50 in North America (except Canada; see "Special Ordering Information"
$60 outside North America
Updates also available separately
Update No. 5 (2004)
Update No. 6 (2005)
Update No. 7 (2006)
Update No. 8 (2007)
Important news about Update No. 8 (2007)
Price per update: $10 (worldwide, except Canada. See "Special
Ordering Information" above.)
Return to list of MARC documentation from CDS
Including Guidelines for Content Designation (2000)
If you are a new customer
If you already have the base text and only need updates
Features specifications for inputting and communicating information
about non-bibliographic resources (programs, services, organizations,
individuals, one-time and ongoing events) that fulfill a community's
information needs. Compatible with the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format.
Defines the codes and conventions (tags, indicators, subfield codes,
and coded values) that identify the data elements in the records. Includes
full record examples showing how records are coded. Looseleaf. (1 v.)
Packaged with binder and tabbed dividers. ISBN 0-8444-0998-7.
Also available in Cataloger's Desktop.
Special Ordering Information:
MARC 21 publications in English are distributed worldwide--except
in Canada--by the Cataloging Distribution Service of the Library of
The French version of MARC 21 and the English version in Canada are
available from Canadian Government Publishing, PWGSC, Ottawa, Ontario
K1A OS9 Canada. Tel: (819) 956-4802 Fax: (819) 994-1498
Prices and Product Options:
Of special nterest to new customers....
Base Text (2000 edition with Updates 1-4 interfiled)
$50 in North America (except Canada; see "Special Ordering Information"
$60 outside North America
Updates also available separately
Update No. 5 (2004)
Note: There is no Update No. 6 (2005)
Update No. 7 (2006)
Update No. 8 (2007)
Important news about Update No. 8 (2007)
Price per update: $10 (worldwide, except Canada. See
"Special Ordering Information" above.)
Return to list of MARC documentation from CDS
Contains a list of languages and their associated three-character alphabetic
codes that allow for the designation of the language or languages in MARC
records. Replaces the 2003 edition. Includes all valid code and code assignments.
Also available in Cataloger's Desktop
and on the Web at
North America $20
outside North America $22
Return to list of MARC documentation from CDS
This revision of the 2000 edition contains places and their associated
two-or three-character lower case alphabetic codes used in MARC records.
Included are individual codes for presently existing national entities,
states of the United States, provinces, and territories of Canada, divisions
of the United Kingdom, and internationally recognized dependencies.
References from variant forms are also included. Changes and additions
since the previous edition include changes that reflect jurisdictional
changes in Canada. 46 pages. ISBN 0-8444-1083-7
Also available in Cataloger's Desktop
and on the Web at
North America $20
outside North America $22
Return to list of MARC documentation from CDS
This new edition contains a list of up-to-date geographic areas and
their associated one- to seven-character codes used in MARC records.
Includes separate codes for countries, first order political divisions
of some countries, regions, and geographic features. An appendix lists
all changes since the 2000 edition. ISBN 0-8444-1148-5
Also available in Cataloger's Desktop
and on the Web at
North America $20
outside North America $22
Return to list of MARC documentation from CDS
No longer available in print. Visit for the continuously updated,
searchable, online database, at no cost to you.
Also available in Cataloger's Desktop.
Return to list of MARC documentation from CDS
(previously known as Symbols of American Libraries)
No longer available in print. Visit for the continuously
updated, searchable, online database, at no cost to you. A list of organization
codes that represent names of libraries and other kinds of organizations
that are identified in the bibliographic environment. The listed codes
designate United States and to a smaller extent non-U.S. libraries and
other institutions.
Also available in Cataloger's Desktop.
Return to list of MARC documentation from CDS
Technical information about MARC 21 record structure, character sets,
and exchange media. An essential publication if you exchange MARC records
on magnetic tape or cartridges, microcomputer diskettes, or via electronic
file transfer (FTP) over the Internet. (1 v.) 73 pp. ISBN 0-8444-1006-3
North America $20
outside North America $22
Also available on the Web at
Return to list of MARC documentation from CDS
Keep abreast of MARC 21 format changes considered by the MARC Advisory
Group, which includes the ALA/ALCTS/LITA/RUSA Machine-Readable Bibliographic
Information Committee (MARBI) and representatives of organizations such
as the U.S. and Canadian national libraries, major bibliographic utilities,
the Society of American Archivists, and library associations such as
the Music Library Association.
Available on the Web at:
Return to list of MARC documentation from CDS
Available end of February 2008 –
Record Format Documentation for the Copyright Cataloging MARC Distribution
2008 Edition
Prepared by the Copyright Office and the Cataloging Distribution Service,
Library of Congress
Provides technical information for those involved in the design and maintenance
of automated systems for the processing of Copyright records. Describes
the structure and content of Copyright cataloging records in the MARC
21 format as distributed by the Cataloging Distribution Service of the
Library of Congress. Defines the codes and conventions (tags, indicators,
subfield codes, and coded values) that identify the data elements in MARC
21 records for the U.S. Copyright data. 23 pages. Saddle stitched. ISBN
978-0-8444-1202-3 or 0-8444-1202-3
$10 in North America and outside North America
The Complete MARC Package is the comprehensive documentation package for
working with MARC formats. With this documentation you will be able to answer
basic and detailed questions about the five MARC 21 formats: bibliographic,
authority, holdings, classification, and community information. Includes: The
MARC format documentation for bibliographic, authority, holdings,
classification and community information data which describe in detail every
MARC tag. Also included: general editing information.. guidelines for applying
tags, indicators, and subfield codes...numerous examples and illustrations ...
notes on the relationship of fields to other fields in the format and to related
documents such as AACR2... suggested display constants that may be generated on
output... indications of obsolete content designators.
Users: Catalogers and others who create and maintain bibliographic records.
Library automation staff who design and maintain systems for communicating and
processing bibliographic records. Reference librarians and other professionals
concerned with interpreting records in the MARC format.
The Complete MARC Package includes:
- MARC 21 Concise Formats
- MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data and Updates
- MARC 21 Format for Authority Data and Updates
- MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data and Updates
- MARC 21 Format for Classification Data and Updates
- MARC 21 Format for Community Information and Updates
- MARC Code List for Languages
- MARC Code List for Countries
- MARC Code List for Geographic Areas
- MARC Code Lists for Relators, Sources, Description Conventions
- MARC Code List for Organizations
- MARC 21 Specifications for Record Structure, Character Sets, and Exchange Media
Price for complete package:
Save 10% when you purchase a complete set of MARC documentation as a package!
Contact CDS Customer Services for the latest package price. (Note: discount price changes whenever a new edition is published.)
Available from the Cataloging
Distribution Service, Library of Congress |