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Cataloger's Desktop:
Cataloger's Desktop
Classification and Shelflisting Manual
LC Classification Schedule H: Social Sciences (2008)
LC Classification Schedule PJ-PK: Oriental Philology and Literature,
Indo-Iranian Philology and Literature (2008)
LC Classification Schedule PQ: French,
Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese Literatures (2008)
LC Classification Schedule C: Auxiliary
Sciences of History (2008)
LC Classification Schedule A: General Works
LC Classification Schedule U-V: Military
Science, Naval Science (2008)
LC Classification Schedule J: Political
Science (2008)
LC Classification Schedule KE: Law of Canada
LC Classification Schedule KJ-KKZ: Law
of Europe (2008)
LC Classification Schedule S: Agriculture
LC Classification Schedule KL-KWX: Law
of Asia and Eurasia, Africa, Pacific Area, and Antartica (2008)
LC Classification Schedule G: Geography.
Maps. Anthropology. Recreation (2008)
LC Classification Schedule KDZ, KG-KH:
Law of the Americas, Latin America, and the West Indies (2008)
LC Classification Schedle KF: Law of the
United States (2008
LC Classification Schedule KJV-KJW: Law
of France (2008)
LC Classification Schedule KK-KKC: Law
of Germany (2008)
LC Classification Schedule L: Education
LC Classificaiton Schedule PR-PS, PZ: English
and American Literature. Juvenile Belles Lettres (2008)
LC Classification Schedule B-BJ: Philosophy.
Psychology (2008)
B-BJ: Philosophy. Psychology (2008)
BL-BQ: Religion. Hinduism, Judaism, Islam,
Buddhism (2008)
BR-BX: Christianity. Bible (2008)
DS-DX: History of Asia, Africa, Australia,
New Zealand, etc. (2008)
R: Medicine (2008)
Cataloging Manuals
Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials
(Books), 2007 edition
Free PDF Versions of Selected Publications
Free-Floating Subdivisions, 20th edition
Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Serials)
Marc documentation
MARC 21 Formats, Update No. 8 (2007)
The newest updates, now available in one package.
MARC 21 Concise Formats, 2007 edition
Library of Congress Copyright Data as Distributed in the MARC 21 Format
View the CDS Centennial video. (2002)
This film presents the history of cataloging distribution and features
appearances by key Library of Congress cataloging managers. (The video
is in Real Media streaming format and requires Real Player to view it.)
Features full text versions of the 22 papers presented at the conference,
held at the Library of Congress on November 15-17, 2000: From card catalogs
to WebPACs: celebrating cataloging in the 20th century. The new context
for bibliographic control in the new millennium.
1. The Library and the Web
Metadata for Web resources: how metadata works on the Web ... The
Catalog as portal to the Internet ... The Library catalogue in a networked
environment ... International metadata initiatives: lessons in bibliographic control
2. Assessing Current Library Standards for Bibliographic Control and Web Access
Is precoordination unnecessary in LCSH? Are Web sites more important
to catalog than books? A reference librarian's thoughts on the future
of bibliographic control...Crossing a digital divide: AACR2 and unaddressed
problems of networked resources...Exploiting LCSH, LCC, and DDC to retrieve
networked resources: issues and challenges...Resource discovery using
Z39.50: promise and reality.
3. Future Directions: AACR2 and its place in the digital world: near-term solutions
and long-term direction
Extending MARC for bibliographic control in the Web environment...Business
unusual: how "event awareness" may breathe life into the catalog...Descriptive
resource needs from the reference perspective: report on a survey of
U.S. reference librarians.
4. Experimentation: Some observations on metadata
and digital libraries
An initial survey and description of how selected U.S. government libraries,
information centers, and information services provide public access
to information via the Internet...A comparison of Web resource access
experiments: planning for the new millennium...Redesign of library workflows:
experimental models for electronic resource description.
5. Exploring Partnerships: Metadata, cataloging,
digitization, and retrieval: who's doing what to whom: the Colorado
Digitization Project experience.
Exploring partnerships: what can producers and vendors provide?
Plus 9 extensive Topical Discussion Group Recommendations. 574 pp. 2001.
ISBN: 0-8444-1046-2
$45 North America
$50 Outside North America
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