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New? - How to Order How to Order & Getting in Touch with CDSNeed more information? Want to order? Here's how to get in touch with the Cataloging Distribution Service Download the CDS order formIf you would like to fax or mail in an order, download and print out this order form. Have a Question?If you have a question that is not covered by the information here, Email us at the following address You may also call, fax, or write to us using the information listed below. (Complete order information and policy are sent with each shipment.) Prices are subject to change without notice. Order directly from the Library of CongressNote on the disruption of mail delivery to the Library of Congress Library of Congress For fastest service call toll-free in U.S.: 1-800-255-3666 (CDS Products and Services Only) Telephone: (202) 707-6100 CDS Federal ID Number: 536002532 For bills, credits, and payment information, call (202) 707-6104. Hours: 8 AM to 4:30 PM (US eastern time) Monday-Friday, except U.S. holidays Return to the beginning of the contact information Four Ways to Send Payment
Because the Library of Congress cannot accept purchase orders as payment, we must receive payment before shipping your order. Or you can charge your order to a credit card or CDS account with sufficient money on deposit to cover the cost of the material being ordered. (Please note: U.S. state and local agencies prohibited by government regulation from prepaying will be allowed to buy on credit if you supply CDS with a copy of the regulation strictly prohibiting prepayment.) Credit Card Policy: If your credit card is declined more than twice or if you send multiple credit card numbers due to declines in approval, CDS will not process your order via credit card. You will be required to submit your payment via EFT and provide an additional amount sufficient to cover trackable courier delivery of your products. As an additional security measure, customers may be asked to submit the three digit verification number that is found on the back of their credit card. We'll be glad to send you a pro forma invoice on request. A pro forma invoice serves as official notice that prepayment is required and lists exact prices in effect at the time you order. Orders can be fulfilled only for products listed with prices. A few of the products described in this catalog do not have prices yet. If you would like us to notify you of prices as soon as they are announced, send us an email, a fax or a postcard to let us know which product price you need. Return to the beginning of the contact information Subscriptions
Deposit Accounts and Standing OrdersPlease set up a deposit account. When you purchase, we deduct the amount from your account. Set up standing orders, too. Future issues/updates are sent to you automatically until you cancel. This ensures that you will get updates to a subscription or new editions of LC publications the moment they are available. ShippingThere are no shipping or handling charges for surface mail. CDS sends your order via UPS or the United States Post Office, depending on product weight. Ask about special handling (air mail, overnight delivery, etc.). International customers receive most products via surface mail. For the Best Service...When you order the first time, you will receive a customer account number. Use this number every time you order or correspond with us so we can give you the most personal and trouble-free service possible. Please include your account number on all purchase orders, remittances, and claims. |