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Watercolor Painting Depicting the Bennet Family Record

Smithsonian Institution
The practice of recording family likenesses predates the 1839 invention of photography by thousands of years, as seen in sculptures and paintings. Illuminated family records commemorated births, deaths, and marriages. This watercolor family record from Poland, Maine, recorded the marriage of Miss Betty Haskel and Mr. Jonathan Bennet, as well as the birth dates of their nine children.

Pregnancy and raising children filled the daily lives of many women in the eighteenth century. Marriages, births, and deaths were primarily community affairs prior to the mid-19th century. Family occasions were marked by a gathered congregation, a village, or a household that routinely included servants, apprentices, lodgers, and visitors.

Object ID: DL*388164

Division: Division of Home and Community Life

Subject(s): Communications, Domestic Furnishings, Family & Social Life

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Smithsonian National Museum of American History