United States ISSN Center

Library of Congress
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)


With the October 14, 2008, reorganization of the Acquisitions and Bibliographic Access Directorate at the Library of Congress, the responsibility for assigning ISSN is changing.

The group that has primary responsibility for assigning ISSN to serials published in the United States is now called the ISSN Publisher Liaison Section, as part of the new U.S. and Publisher Liaison Division (USPL). This section assigns ISSN to publishers (pre-pub and post-pub requests), the U.S. Postal Service, the ISSN International Centre and other ISSN centers around the world, and to CONSER libraries. ISSN PL also handles all queries related to ISSN and the ISSN application process submitted from sources such as publishers, libraries, subscription agents and the Library of Congress.

The email address, telephone number, and FAX number to reach ISSN PL remain the same.

  • Email: issn@loc.gov
  • Telephone: 202-707-6452
  • FAX: 202-707-6333

There has been a slight change in the mailing address of the group. Please note the change to the zip code suffix. The correct address is:

Library of Congress
ISSN Publisher Liaison Section
101 Independence Ave., S.E.
Washington, DC 20540-4284

Please note that several new sections working with U.S. serial publications will now be able to assign an ISSN to a U.S. serial as part of cataloging it. If when they catalog a U.S. serial title, they discover an ISSN has not yet been assigned to the title, they will be able to assign one. These four teams are listed below and are part of these two new divisions: the US Anglo Division (US Anglo) and the US General Division (US Gen).

  • U.S. Government Documents Section (US Anglo)
  • U.S. Serials & Microforms Section (US Anglo)
  • U.S. Serials -- Arts, Humanities & Sciences Section (US Gen)
  • U.S. Serials -- Social Sciences Section (US Gen)
  • ISSN applications and questions should be sent to the ISSN Publisher Liaison Section. The Library looks forward to assisting you with ISSN requests.

    Jump to: ISSN Application Forms |ISSN International Network |Publishing Standards, Including SISAC Bar Code Symbol |Links to other services: Copyright, Trademark, U.S. Postal Service |Photos from the ISSN Directors Meeting, Sept. 2000

    The ISSN and Serials Publishing

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    ISSN Application Form

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    ISSN International Network

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    Related Web Resources:

    Photographs from the ISSN Directors Meeting, Sept. 2000:

    Go to: Library of Congress Home Page

    Go to: Library of Congress Help Desk

    Library of Congress Jefferson Building looking toward U.S. CapitolLibrary of Congress
    (Revised October 24, 2008 )