Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

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Department of Mineral Sciences

  • Paul Kimberly
  • IT Specialist - Global Volcanism Program
  • Phone:   (202) 633-1854
  • Fax:   (202) 357-2476
  • E-mail Address:   kimberlyp atsiedu
  • Mailing Address:
    Smithsonian Institution
    PO Box 37012, MRC 119
    Washington, DC 20013-7012
  • Shipping Address:
    Smithsonian Institution
    National Museum of Natural History
    10th & Constitution NW
    Washington, DC 20560-0119


M.S. Michigan Technological University (1995)
B.S. California State University, Los Angeles (1993)


Kimberly P, Siebert L, Luhr JF, Simkin T (1998). Volcanoes of Indonesia, CD–ROM v. 1.0. Smithsonian Inst Global Volc Prog, Digital Inf Ser, GVP–1.

Jones A, Siebert L, Kimberly P, Luhr J F (2000). Earthquakes and Eruptions: Temporal and spatial display of earthquake hypocenters, seismic–wave paths, and volcanic eruptions, v. 1.0 (CD–ROM). Smithsonian Inst, Global Volc Prog, Digital Inf Ser, GVP–2. (version 2.0 in 2002 and 3.0 in 2006).

Siebert L, Calvin CL, Kimberly P, Luhr JF, Kysar G (2003). Volcanoes of México (CD–ROM) Smithsonian Inst Global Volc Prog, Digital Inf Ser, GVP–6.

Siebert L, Kimberly P, Pullinger CP (2004). The voluminous Acajutla debris avalanche from Santa Ana volcano, western El Salvador, and comparison with other Central American edifice–failure events. in: Rose, WI, Bommer JJ, Lopez DL, Carr MJ, Major JJ (eds), Natural Hazards in El Salvador, Geol Soc Amer Spec Pap, 375: 5–23.

Luhr JF, Kimberly P, Siebert L, Aranda–Gómez J, Housh TB, Kysar Mattieti G (2006). México's Quaternary volcanic rocks: Insights from the MEXPET petrological and geochemical database. in: Siebe, C., Macias J L, Aguirre–Díaz G (eds.) Neogene–Quaternary Continental Margin Volcanism: A Perspective from México, Geol Soc Am Spec Pap, 402: 1–44.

Harris A J L, Vallance J W, Kimberly P, Rose W I, Matias O, Bunzendahl E, Flynn L P, Garbeil H (2006). {In}: Rose W I, Bluth G J S, Carr M J, Ewert J W, Patino L C, Vallance J W (eds) Volcanic hazards in Central America, Geol Soc Amer Spec Pap, 412: 85–104.

Siebert L, Kimberly P, Calvin C, Luhr JF, Kysar Mattietti G (2006). Volcanoes of Central America (CD–ROM). Smithsonian Inst Global Volc Prog, Digital Inf Ser, GVP–7.

Simkin T, Tilling RI, Vogt PR, Kirby SH, Kimberly P, and Stewart DB, (2006). This dynamic planet; World map of volcanoes, earthquakes, impact craters, and plate tectonics: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Investigations Series Map I–2800, 1 two-sided sheet, scale 1:30,000,000.

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