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Melissa McCafferty
Portland, MI - Class of 2011
MAJOR: Government

FAVORITES:  Book  Tolstoy Anna Karenina  Music  Brahms Trio for Horn, Violin & Piano in E Flat Major, Op. 40  Writer  Susan Sontag  Philospher  Nietzsche (Thus Spoke Zarathustra)  Sports I Play at USCGA  Basketball, Soccer, Lacrosse  Other Sports I Enjoy  Field Hockey, Swimming  Food  Sushi  Activity  Running barefoot in the grass  Subject  Politics & Debate  Locale  The Great Lakes  



October 24

Good evening everybody and happy Halloween! First of all, I have to make an online shout-out to my brother, Justin, for turning sweet sixteen on Halloween eve (I promised him I would!) But more importantly, I would like to update you all on the past month of my life. Funny thing is, after not having written for awhile, I was being approached at school by several people asking me when my next submission was due. I even had people emailing me to ask why I hadn’t written in awhile. So to all of you who inquired, here they are! The past two months of my life, written backwards, for your enjoyment.

This month can only inevitably be labeled as the worst month in my cadet career. Not to be foreboding or overly pessimistic, it wasn’t the military aspect or the athletic; rather it was the sheer academic load that made it so. Over the past three weeks, I have had a combined total of 11 tests/exams/midterms. That averages (for you non-math majors like myself) to just over 3.67 tests per week. Needless to say, I have been more than busy. I think busy would look lazy in comparison to what I have been doing.

Two weekends ago, the Coast Guard hosted its second annual Guardian Invitational, an eastern conference for Mock Trial. I was both the person of contact and a witness for the defense, which, needless to say, added up, leading me to get the least amount of sleep I have ever had. I never truly appreciated the art of sleeping until it was taken away from me so abruptly. Looking back on it though, it wasn’t all that bad. Certainly, at the time it was, but afterwards, as I sit here drinking cider and eating absurd amounts of delicious cookies, I realize that it wasn’t that bad. Yes, the work was arduous and plentiful, but the experience more than compensated for it.

Last weekend, the Mock Trial team went to Boston to compete at Brandeis University. Out of 22 teams, we were by far the most humorous and innovative. One of our witnesses pretended to be Sarah Palin (unbiased in political affiliation of course) while the other attempted to be Governor Arnold. I even won a gavel for best witness in the 18th bracket. When we weren’t doing mock trial, we were able to go downtown into Boston exploring Northern Italy and downtown Boston near Berkeley. At times, I even forgot that I attended the Academy. Coming back Sunday, however, I was still happy to return. I missed my Georgian roommate Lauren, but also because this place has become more like my home.

Even though this past month was overwhelming and ridiculously busy, I still enjoy every moment of my day. Yes, sometimes I will be temporarily upset, wondering why the hell I joined such a crazy-busy school, but as I sit back in moments like this, I realize that I am glad that this is my school. So to you all who have been waiting, welcome back and Happy Halloween.

Melissa K. McCafferty
7561 Chase Hall
New London, CT 06320




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