The Library of Congress >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Pakistan
Portals to the World: Links to Electronic Resources from Around the World selected by Library of Congress Subject Experts
Selected Internet Resources

Health : Pakistan

This pathfinder includes information about health in Pakistan.

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 Asian Division
Collections and Services Directorate

Brief Report of World Health Organization (WHO) Activities Since 11 September as of 9 October 2001  (
"Brief Report of World Health Organization (WHO) Activities Since 11 September as of 9 October 2001" is a document prepared by the Department of Emergency and Humanitarian Action (EHA) of the World Health Organization (WHO). In the report, EHA provides an overview of WHO humanitarian activities in Afghanistan since U.S. air strikes against the country have commenced in October 2001. The WHO Afghanistan international staff were evacuated from Afghanistan and were relocated to sub-offices in Pakistan. The WHO is coordinating with United Nations (UN) agencies and other nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to deliver emergency medical supplies and to assess the situation of potential refugees outside Afghanistan. Information about water and sanitation projects and other health care activities of the WHO in Afghanistan and Pakistan is available. The EHA presents the online version of the document.

CDC Health Information for Travelers to the Indian Subcontinent  (
Official U.S. government health recommendations for traveling to the Indian Subcontinent. Provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

CIHI Health Statistics Report: Pakistan  (
Highlights the "CIHI Health Statistics Report: Pakistan," provided by the Center for International Health Information (CIHI). Contains a statistical overview, including demographic indicators, socioeconomic indicators, family planning indicators, and child survival indicators. Also offers statistics on trends in population, family planning, and selected health and child survival indicators.

Cancer Patients Aid Association  (
Charitable NGO established in 1969 that advocates a holistic approach to working with cancer patients in India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Pakistan. Features organizational information with reports (since 1999), general reference information in the form of FAQs, articles, newspaper clippings (since 1999), and a resource directory (a database of services and organizations).

Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments: Pakistan  (
The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) presents a list of the chiefs of state and cabinet members for Pakistan. The list includes the names of those holding such offices as president, chief executive, minister for education, minister for health, and others.

Disaster Profiles: Pakistan  (
The Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters of the School of Public Health at the Catholic University of Louvain in Brussels, Belgium, presents information on natural disasters in Pakistan. To be considered a disaster, there must be 10 or more people reported killed, 100 people reported affected, a call for international assistance, or a declaration of a state of emergency. The center highlights the top 10 natural disasters, a chronology of natural disasters, and raw data for Pakistan.

EC/UNFPA Initiative for Reproductive Health in Asia  (
Provides extensive information about the program which helps fund and coordinate local programs to improve the reproductive health of men, women and youths in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Laos, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Viet Nam. Includes news releases, annual reports, "ComNet News" newsletter (all archived since July 1999), newsletter (in HTML or PDF format), project descriptions, fact sheets, and sponsored events.

EC/UNFPA Initiative for Reproductive Health in Asia  (
The European Commission (EC) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) present the EC/UNFPA Initiative for Reproductive Health in Asia, which devotes itself to providing financial support over four years on reproductive health activities and services in Asia. The initiative details the countries involved, partners, news, upcoming events, and projects. Provides extensive information about the program which helps fund and coordinate local programs to improve the reproductive health of men, women and youths in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Laos, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Viet Nam. Includes news releases, annual reports, "ComNet News" newsletter (all archived since July 1999), newsletter (in HTML or PDF format), project descriptions, fact sheets, and sponsored events.

International Labour Organization (ILO), Islamabad, Pakistan  (
The International Labour Organization (ILO), an international agency that works for social justice and freedom from discrimination worldwide, highlights its activities in Pakistan. The ILO has been assisting Pakistan through technical cooperation programs in such areas as labor standards, labor administration, industrial relations, human resource development, and occupational safety and health. The headquarters of the ILO in Pakistan are located in Islamabad.

International Medical Corps (IMC): Pakistan  (
The International Medical Corps (IMC), a humanitarian nonprofit organization, presents information about its programs in Pakistan. The focus of the IMC programs in Pakistan is on the Afghan refugees, who began fleeing Afghanistan in 1979. The IMC attempts to offer basic health care services to the refugees.

Liaquat University of Medical Health Sciences  (
Presents the university website with links to administration, courses, result, bulletin, announcement, general information, faculties of dentistry, surgery, medicine and allied scineces, public health scineces.

Narcotics Control in Pakistan  (
Brief report from the Government of Pakistan which outlines government efforts in controlling narcotics, particularly the production and distribution of heroin. Discusses poppy cultivation, special narcotics courts, seizure of assets and drugs, international cooperation, and the Drug Abuse Control Master Plan for Pakistan (1998-2003).

Pak Avenue  (
Pakistan Information Networks presents a collection of Web sites related to Pakistan. The sites cover Pakistani art and entertainment, news and media, Islam, society and culture, sports and recreation, government and politics, health and medicine, education, cities of Pakistan, and science and technology. - Database Company  (
Major database oriented towards economic and government affairs.

Pakistan -  (
General information on Pakistan.

Pakistan Link  (
Presents "Pakistan Link," published weekly in Los Angeles, California by Bizlink, International, Inc. Includes news, features, and commentaries on such topics as religion and health.

Pakistan, a country study  (
Presents information on Pakistan, provided by the U.S. Library of Congress. Includes information on Pakistan's geography, economy, society, transportation, communications, government, politics, and national security. Discusses the country's history, ethnic groups, religion, international trade, land use, foreign affairs, and armed forces.

Population Council  (
Presents overviews of the Council's activities in Pakistan, surveys reproductive health issues, and includes special reports on family welfare centers and IUD use.

Raising a Healthier Population in Pakistan  (
Presents a 1998 report sponsored by the World Bank discussing the various health and population programs in Pakistan and the resulting effects on the health of the population. Also available in PDF format.

Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan  (
Political and social organization working for peace, freedom, democracy and women's rights, operating in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Their work involves documenting human rights abuses in Afghanistan distributing humanitarian aid to victims, education for women and refugee children, and health care. This large site includes extensive information about their work, press releases, press clippings, a photo gallery, video clips (in MPG, RealAudio, MOV, and AVI formats), audio clips of patriotic songs (in MP3 format), contents of their publications, RAWA documents, and general information on Afghanistan and women. Many of the pages are avaliable in Italian, Spanish, French, or Persian.

South Asian Women's Network (SAWNET).  (
Presents access to an online information resource and forum for those interested in South Asian women's issues. Notes that the site includes several countries as part of South Asia, including Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. Includes information about books by and for South Asian women, cinema, children's books, current events, domestic violence, health information, careers, and electronic resources.

South Asian health issues  (
Provides links to abstracts and references for studies addressing the health issues of South Asians with a focus on women's health. Topics include heart disease, pregnancy, nutrition, cancer, and diabetes. Countries considered to be part of South Asia include Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.

Tobacco or Health: A Global Status Report: Pakistan  (
The World Health Organization (WHO) offers the section on Pakistan of "Tobacco or Health: A Global Status Report." The report offers country profiles by region for 1997, including socio-demographic characteristics, tobacco production and industry, tobacco consumption, the prevalence of smoking, and tobacco control measures in Pakistan. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides the report online for WHO.

Women's International Center (WIC): Benazir Bhutto.  (
Features a biography of Pakistani prime minister and author Benazir Bhutto, part of the Web site of the Women's International Center (WIC), a nonprofit education and service foundation. Notes that Bhutto was the first woman to head the government of an Islamic state. Discusses her implementation of a nationwide program of health and education reform. Offers access to the WIC home page and other biographies of women.

World Health Organization (WHO), Pakistan  (
The World Health Organization (WHO) provides technical assistance to individual member states, in order to improve health care for their citizens. The division of the WHO in Pakistan is headquartered in Islamabad. The programs of the WHO in Pakistan focus on polio eradication, poverty reduction, control of communicable diseases, and integration of primary health care.

Yahoo! Directory on Pakistan  (
The Yahoo Search Engine's directory of websites related to Pakistan. The site divides information by category, including information by region, arts, business, computers, education, government, health, science and more. The number of websites in the directory is listed next to each category.

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  Library of Congress >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Pakistan
  September 19, 2005
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