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The following maps or map links are currently available for this volcano.

Google Earth ®

Global Volcanism Program data for known or inferred Holocene volcanoes are available as Google Earth placemarks, displaying a photo (when available), geographic data, and links to more detailed information from the GVP and international volcano observatories or other websites focusing on regional volcanoes. The Google Earth software must be downloaded and installed to use this placemark file. Google Earth includes a layer that can be turned on, or the complete set of Holocene can be downloaded directly from GVP.

ASTER Volcano Archive

The ASTER Volcano Archive (AVA) provides access to a substantial part of the image data acquired over the life of the ASTER mission. The archive is currently comprised of over 12,000 full resolution ASTER Very Near Infrared (VNIR) daytime volcano images, representing about a third of the ASTER volcano holdings, for volcanoes listed in the Global Volcanism Program database. They are provided as downloadable JPEG images at full 15m/pixel resolution with accompanying JPEG World File (*.jpgw) information. The AVA has been created by members of the ASTER Joint Science Team under a proposal to the NASA Solid Earth and Natural Hazards Program, as part of the ASTER Volcano Data Acquisition and Analysis System effort.


UNAVCO, Inc. is a non-profit membership-governed organization that supports and promotes Earth science by advancing high-precision geodetic and strain techniques such as the Global Positioning System. The "Map Tool" button links to the UNAVCO Jules Verne Voyager mapping application and displays a map centered on the current volcano. Java must be enabled in your browser to display the maps. Click, drag, and release a mouse button to zoom on the selected box. More details about how to use these interactive maps can be found via links at the top of the UNAVCO map page. Volcano names and locations were provided by the Global Volcanism Program.

Global Volcanism ProgramDepartment of Mineral SciencesNational Museum of Natural HistorySmithsonian Institution

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