DoD Ombudsman

DoD has an Ombudsman whose role is to help companies interested in performing contracts to satisfy DoD requirements. If a company from a country outside the US has difficulty fully understanding contracting rules and regulations, or if it thinks it was unfairly excluded from defense procurement, the company may contact the DoD Ombudsman. Contact information for the Ombudsman, current as of 15 October 2007, is:

Ms. Susan Hildner
Acting Deputy Director, Contract Policy and International Contracting
Defense Procurement
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology and Logistics)
Telephone: 703-697-0895
Fax: 703-614-1254
Email: Email:
Ms. Hildner's staff may be reached at 703-697-9351 or 703-697-9352.

Ombudsman from Other Countries:

The following countries have established Ombudsmen, and have provided the following contact information for the benefit of US companies interested in doing business with their defense agencies.


Mr. Jari Takanen
Director, Materiel Unit
Ministry of Defence
P.O. Box 31
FI-00131 Helsinki, Finland
Telephone +358 9 160 88258
Fax +358 9 160 88111


The DGA (Delegation Generale Pour L'Armement) has established an Ombudsman whose role is to help companies accede to the reciprocal market. If a US company trying to do business with the French DGA has difficulty fully understanding contracting rules and regulations applied in France , or if it thinks that it was unfairly excluded from defense procurements, the company may contact the French Ombudsman. Contact information for the Ombudsman, current as of 01 May 2004, is:

Brigadier General (Armament Corps) Dominuque Berthet
Director for Acquisition Policy, DGA
Telephone: + (33) 1 45 52 75 59


Mr Anders Sjöborg
Defence Materiel Administration (FMV)
Legal Staff
115 88 Stockholm
Telephone: +46 8 782 6160

This page last updated: April 30, 2008
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