Logistics And Management Office Spreads Goodwill...
Written by Mike Tharp   
Monday, 01 March 2004


"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give," said Sir Winston Churchill.

The District's Logistics and Management Office (LMO) is making a lot of lives happier by its giving--of computers and other high-tech gear to needy schools.

In recent weeks, LMO's Romano Caturegli has arranged donations of previously used electronic equipment to schools in southern California and Arizona. Sacred Heart of Jesus Elementary School in East Los Angeles received five computers, five monitors and two printers. Salesian High School in L.A. got five computers and five monitors, and Miramonte Elementary School, also in L.A., received 38 routers, five computers and five monitors. Sousa Elementary School in Mesa, Ariz., also received a large load of computers.

"We could not begin to purchase the number of computers you've generously given to us," wrrote Cristi Denler, Sousa's principal. "They will be used by the 700 students to further their learning of not only technology, but the basics as well."

Jason Woods, technology coordinator for Miramonte Elementary and other L.A. Unified Schools, said the equipment "will aid in the instruction of students in all subject areas of all grades and is appreciated by the students, staff and parents."

Salesian's computer instructor, Luis Marquez, said one computer already was being used "by students in the computer lab," while othrs are awaiting installation of software before they're put to work.

Ruben Castorena, coordinator of youth ministries at Sacred Heart, said, "TK TK