U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Take Our FDA Consumer Quiz

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How's your knowledge of health-related topics such as depression, West Nile virus, and decorative contact lenses? Find out by taking our 9-question quiz. Hint: The answers to all these questions can be found in the January-February 2003 issue of FDA Consumer. Good luck!


1. What percent of drugs approved by FDA is labeled for pediatric use?

a. 10 to 15 percent

b. 20 to 30 percent

c. 40 to 50 percent

d. 60 to 70 percent

2. Acrylamide, a potentially cancer-causing agent, has been found in what types of food?

a. uncooked food

b. boiled food

c. fried food

3. Which of the following cannot give you the West Nile virus?

a. getting blood from a person infected with the virus

b. getting an organ donated by a person infected with the virus

c. donating blood

4. What percentage of those infected with the West Nile virus experience mild, flu-like symptoms such as fever, headache and body aches?

a. 5 percent

b. 20 percent

c. 50 percent

5. About how many adult Americans have a diagnosable mental illness in any given year?

a. 22 percent

b. 33 percent

c. 55 percent

d. 65 percent

6. In any given year, about how many Americans suffer from a severe depressive disorder?

a. 9 million

b. 19 million

c. 50 million

7. According to the American Psychiatric Association, which of the following is not a symptom of depression?

a. a lingering cough

b. energy loss

c. difficulty concentrating

d. change in appetite

8. To help ensure proper use of contact lenses, you should:

a. wear contacts even if they haven't been properly fitted and prescribed by an eye-care professional

b. buy decorative contact lenses sold in places like video stores, flea markets, and beach shops

c. wash your hands before handling and cleaning contacts

9. A 1995 study indicated that consumption of monosodium glutamate (MSG) could cause short-term reactions such as headache and nausea in people who:

a. eat unusually large doses, especially on an empty stomach

b. have a bad cold

c. eat amounts of MSG considered to be typical cooking levels

Your Score is:


8 to 9 points: Excellent! Go to the head of the class.
5 to 7 points: Not too bad. You can skip cleaning the chalkboard erasers today.
Below 4 points: Oops! Stay after school and reread the appropriate chapters.

Go to the Answers Page

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