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Home arrow Projects & Studies arrow Southern California Area - Projects arrow 104800 - LA River Watercourse, CA, Headworks
104800 - LA River Watercourse, CA, Headworks Print
Written by Darrell Buxton   
Wednesday, 07 November 2007

Headworks Area Ecosystem Restoration, Los Angeles, CA


Investigate alternatives to restore a functional riparian habitat and ecosystem at the Headworks site.

Executive Summary

In March 2002, the Department of Water and Power (LADWP) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) initiated the Headworks 905 (b) Reconnaissance Study to determine if there was a Federal interest in conducting a cost-shared feasibility study for improvement of flood control, water quality, water conservation (groundwater recharge), and restoring environmental resources at the Headworks site. The 905 (b) Reconnaissance Study was completed in September 2002 and found there was a federal interest in proceeding with a cost-shared feasibility study.

After the approval of the Reconnaissance Study, DWP requested to revise the project scope to remove the recharge element of the project. This request was a result of LADWP’s decision to use a portion of the Headworks site for a water storage tank. Therefore, the Feasiblity study will focus on environmental restoration and water quality improvement. The Feasibility Study takes into consideration this change, and consequently, there will be no need to study the acquisition or diversion of water from the Tujunga Wash, or build a water filtration facility as initially outlined in the 905 (b) Reconnaissance Study.

Supplemental Information Document - Headworks 905(b) - 09/03/02


The water storage tanks will be constructed independently of the Corps Ecosystem Restoration project, as the two projects are not dependent on each other and do not have any components that are interdependent for construction of such.

In January 2004, USACE entered into a Feasibility Cost-Sharing Agreement (FCSA) with LADWP as the non-federal cost-share sponsor, to develop a plan for ecosystem and riparian restoration at the Headworks site.

Background Information

The Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers Watershed Feasibility Study is part of an effort that was initiated in 1992 with the preparation of the Los Angeles County Drainage Area (LACDA) Review Feasibility Report. The intent of the LACDA Review Feasibility Report was to investigate problems and opportunities related to flood control, water conservation, recreation, transportation and environmental enhancement in the LACDA Mainstem System. Subsequently, The Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers Watershed Feasibility Study was formulated to address the following issues that were not presented in the original LACDA Review Feasibility Study:

1) Investigate potential non-structural alternatives to the structural solutions presented;
2) Develop a framework for an Integrated Basin Management Plan (IBMP);
3) Identify multi-objective demonstration project sites in the Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers Watershed.

Specifically, the purpose of this study was to determine if a multi-objective approach at various locations in the watershed could be used to solve flood control problems, while also addressing other deficiencies in the watershed, including environmental degradation, loss of recreational space, reduced water supply, continuing flooding impacts, and an overall declining aesthetic quality of the watershed and riverfront areas. The Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers Watershed Feasibility Study identified the Headworks site as one of six sites in the watershed that held a high potential for implementation of a multi-objective project.

Historical Perspective

Previously, the Headworks site had been used by LADWP as a groundwater infiltration basin, and groundwater supply wells were constructed approximately 2,500 to 3,000 feet northeast of the Headworks site to supply water for the city. Additionally, water from the LA River was diverted for infiltration at the Headworks site to replenish the San Fernando Basin (SFB) groundwater extractions. The practice of groundwater extraction at the supply wells was discontinued in the early 1980’s due to the discovery of contamination in the SFB. The contamination consists primarily of trichloroethylene (TCE) and perchloroethylene (PCE) resulting from aerospace industries that had been located in the nearby city of Burbank. In 1983, the Tillman Water Recycling Plant became operational and began discharging recycled water into the LA River. The California Department of Health Services (DHS) prohibited the diversion of LA River water for recharge purposes due to water quality concerns associated with treated wastewater.

Location & Maps

The Headworks site is located in the southeastern portion of the San Fernando Valley, in the City of Los Angeles, just south of the border with the City of Burbank. Headworks is located on the south bank of the concrete lined LA River channel, about 3 to 4 miles west of where the river turns south into Glendale Narrows. The site is on a relatively flat parcel adjacent to the River. The site is elongated east to west and is approximately 43 acres. The Headworks site overlies the San Fernando Groundwater Basin.

Links to maps showing study area relative to towns and major highways.
(Click to enlarge)
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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
· Darrell Buxton, Project Manager, 213-452-4007
· Catherine Shuman, Study Manager, 213-452-3797
· Jay Field, Public Affairs, 213-452-3717

City of Los Angeles, Department of Water and Power

Elected representatives
· U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff, 29th Congressional District, 626-304-2727
· Dario Frommer, California Assembly District 43, 818-240-6330

· Jack Scott, California Senate District 21, 626-683-0282

· Tom LaBonge, Los Angeles City Councilmember, 4th Council District, 213-485-3337

City of Los Angeles coordinating agencies:
· Department of Recreation and Parks
· Department of Public Works, Bureau of Sanitation
· Environmental Affairs Department

Local community interest groups
· Friends of the LA River
· The River Project
· Northeast Trees
· The Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers Watershed Council





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