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ARSCLIST Archives – April 2006

  1. Alternate take, "part IV", Stravinsky: "Musique de l'Histoire du Soldat"

  2. Alternate take, "part IV", Stravinsky: "Musique de l'Histoire...

  3. Any ARSC Members In Savannah

  4. ARSC Conference: Early-Registration Deadline

  5. ARSC Hotel Alert

  6. ARSC Hotel Alert Update

  7. Audio equipment cable shielding

  8. Australasian Sound Recordings Association Conference in August

  9. Canadian Copyright (was Vinyl use and access policies

  10. Carlos Gardel

  11. Carlos redux

  12. Checksums

  13. CLIR document/ Leader

  14. Cocaine Habit

  15. Cocaine Habit - missed the point

  16. Concert announcement - for those group members that would be interested.

  17. Curved walls in recording studio

  18. David Amram, was Rock and roll drumming

  19. David Levine is out of the office.

  20. DC Area ARSC event

  21. Delaminating tape article

  22. Did someone mention a library of Sams service folders?

  23. Donate to the Silent Auction!

  24. double density DVD

  25. Dual Layer DVD

  26. DVD Longevity Factors (was TY vs Mitsui)

  27. FW: ARSC Discount Tickets to Pippin in Seattle

  28. Fw: Spinning Hope on Incarceration Station: NY Times April 12, 2

  29. Fw: Spinning Hope on Incarceration Station: NY Times April 12, 2006

  30. Fw: [78-l] British copyright laws

  31. Fw: [match_box_blues] NBC death knell for cd ...

  32. Fwd: Fw: NPR story on music response

  33. Fwd: Moore Hotel

  34. Fwd: [ARSCLIST] Alternate take, "part IV", Stravinsky: "Musique de l'Histoire...

  35. Fwd: [ARSCLIST] Fwd: Fw: NPR story on music response

  36. Fwd: [ARSCLIST] Fwd: [ARSCLIST] Fwd: [ARSCLIST] RCA symphonic work competitio...

  37. Fwd: [ARSCLIST] Fwd: [ARSCLIST] Fwd: [ARSCLIST] The waltz (was Which U.S. orc...

  38. Fwd: [ARSCLIST] Fwd: [ARSCLIST] RCA symphonic work competition -

  39. Fwd: [ARSCLIST] Fwd: [ARSCLIST] RCA symphonic work competition - 1929

  40. Fwd: [ARSCLIST] Fwd: [ARSCLIST] The waltz (was Which U.S. orchestra recorded ...

  41. Fwd: [ARSCLIST] RCA symphonic work competition - 1929

  42. Fwd: [ARSCLIST] The waltz (was Which U.S. orchestra recorded first and Arthur...

  43. GREAT NPR story on SF Earthquake and SPEECH cylinders

  44. Hall specific tempi and reorchestrations (was The waltz)

  45. How many of us in unions? (was Poor sounding concert halls.)

  46. How many of us in unions? Poor sounding concert halls.

  47. Inventor battle: Edison vs Bell

  48. Janis--was: RCA symphonic work competition - 1929

  49. Job available

  50. Job Posting

  51. Library of Congress Sound Registry

  52. Liner notes/booklet: Decca DA-402, Lost Horizon?

  53. Locating audio recordings of Marie and/or Pierre Curie

  54. media request: new chief of preservation at LOC

  55. Medical grade CD-Rs

  56. Medical grade CD-Rs and gold DVD-Rs

  57. Music Library Association 2006 awards announcement

  58. Music Library Association Call for Papers

  59. New CD Report NIST

  60. New National Recording Registry just announced

  61. New U.S. Copyright Laws

  62. OTR Convention in Cincinnati

  63. Poor sounding concert halls.

  64. portable sound recording devices

  65. Preservationists say policy-makers should be more alarmed about the losses

  66. Question for our experts...

  67. Radio Dismuke Broadcast with Kurt Nauck

  68. RCA symphonic work competition - 1929

  69. Recording bagpipes (was:portable sound recording devices)

  70. Researcher seeking "Il mio tesoro" from Mozart:Don Giovanni

  71. Rock and roll drumming

  72. scotch 227

  73. Some sanity

  74. Steve Mann was Janis

  75. Still need a roommate for ARSC conference?

  76. The waltz

  77. The waltz (was Which U.S. orchestra recorded first and Arthur ...

  78. The waltz (was Which U.S. orchestra recorded first and Arthur Fie

  79. The waltz (was Which U.S. orchestra recorded first and Arthur Fiedler)

  80. TY vs Mitsui

  81. TY vs Mitsui. SUmmary

  82. Type II cassettes

  83. Valéry Gergiev

  84. Vinyl use and access policies

  85. Webster Cinch-Jones Connectors

  86. What's the thinking on a the Lightscribe?

  87. Which U.S. Orchestra Recorded First?

  88. Windows media player 9

  89. [Fwd: Re: [ARSCLIST] Valerie Wellington (was Janis--was: RCA symphonic)]

  90. ^ Medical grade CD-Rs

  91. ^ The waltz

  92. ^ Windows media player 9
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