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Long-Term Trend
The Nation's Report Card (home page)

Percentage of students with disabilities and/or English language learners identified, excluded, and assessed in the bridge and modified mathematics long-term trend assessments, by age and race/ethnicity: 2004
Bridge assessment Modified assessment
Race/ethnicity   Race/ethnicity
Students Total White Black Hispanic Total White Black Hispanic
Age 9                  
SD1 and/or ELL2                 
Identified 18 12 11 42 19 13 15 44
Excluded 7 6 7 10 3 2 3 5
Assessed without accommodations 11 6 4 32 10 4 5 32
Assessed with accommodations 6 6 7 7
Identified 11 11 11 11 11 12 14 10
Excluded 6 6 7 4 2 2 3 2
Assessed without accommodations 5 5 4 6 4 4 4 4
Assessed with accommodations 5 6 7 3
Identified 9 1 1 37 9 1 1 40
Excluded 2 1 1 8 1 # # 4
Assessed without accommodations 7 1 1 29 7 1 1 30
Assessed with accommodations 1 # # 6
Age 13                  
SD1 and/or ELL2                
Identified 15 11 17 30 15 12 15 27
Excluded 8 7 12 10 3 3 4 3
Assessed without accommodations 8 5 5 20 7 4 5 18
Assessed with accommodations 5 5 6 6
Identified 12 11 15 12 11 11 15 8
Excluded 7 6 11 7 3 3 4 2
Assessed without accommodations 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 3
Assessed with accommodations 5 5 6 3
Identified 5 1 2 22 5 1 2 23
Excluded 2 1 1 6 1 # # 2
Assessed without accommodations 3 # 1 17 4 # 1 16
Assessed with accommodations 1 # 1 5
Age 17                  
SD1 and/or ELL2                
Identified 14 11 15 31 14 11 14 28
Excluded 7 6 11 10 3 3 4 5
Assessed without accommodations 7 4 4 21 6 5 5 16
Assessed with accommodations 5 4 5 6
Identified 10 10 13 11 11 11 13 11
Excluded 6 6 10 4 3 2 4 3
Assessed without accommodations 4 4 3 7 4 4 4 4
Assessed with accommodations 4 4 5 3
Identified 5 1 2 24 4 1 1 20
Excluded 2 # 1 7 1 # 1 3
Assessed without accommodations 3 # 1 17 3 1 1 14
Assessed with accommodations 1 # # 3
† Not applicable.
# The estimate rounds to zero.
1 Students with disabilities.
2 English language learners.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 2004 Long-Term Trend Mathematics Assessment.

Some students selected for participation in the long-term trend assessments were identified as English language learners (ELL) or students with disabilities (SD). In previous long-term trend assessments, if it was decided that a student classified as SD or ELL could not meaningfully participate in the NAEP assessment, the student was, according to NAEP guidelines, excluded from the assessment.

For each student selected to participate in NAEP who was identified as either SD or ELL, a member of the school staff most knowledgeable about the student completed an SD/ELL questionnaire. Students with disabilities were excluded from the assessment if an IEP (individualized education program) team or equivalent group determined that the student could not participate in assessments such as NAEP, if the student's IEP required that the student be tested with an accommodation or adaptation not permitted or available in NAEP, and the student could not demonstrate his/her knowledge of the assessment subject area with that accommodation or adaptation.

A student who was identified as ELL and who was a native speaker of a language other than English was excluded if the student received instruction in the assessment's subject area (e.g., reading or mathematics) primarily in English for less than three school years, including the current year, or if the student could not demonstrate his or her knowledge of reading or mathematics in English without an accommodation or adaptation.

In recent years, changes in policy and legislation pertaining to civil rights have resulted in assessment accommodations being permitted for SD and ELL students selected to participate in NAEP. Such accommodations enable students needing accommodations to participate in the NAEP assessments under modified conditions. Future NAEP long-term trend assessments, beginning with the 2004 modified trend assessments, will offer accommodations for these students. For consistency with trend assessments in past years however, accommodations were not offered to students in the 2004 bridge assessment samples.

View the percentages of students identified, excluded, and assessed in the long-term trend reading assessment.

Return to who took the long-term trend assessment.

Last updated 11 July 2005 (JJ)
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