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What People Are Saying About Transparency

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President Bush’s Executive Order on health care transparency has prompted many organizations and officials to announce their support for its goals. Public/private health organizations, businesses and governors have expressed their commitment to support the requirements of the order and to build on the federal government’s work to ensure consumers have the health care information they need to make good decisions.

Comments from Union and Business Organizations

Brief comments are listed below. You may download expanded comments [PDF- 29KB]

Sergeants Benevolent Association of New York City - Ed Mullins, President
"At the end of the day, this is about empowering consumers - giving them the tools and information they need to maximize their health care dollars, and to make well-informed decisions regarding health care providers and services."

Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce
"WMC lauds President Bush for ... promot[ing] healthcare cost and quality transparency. WMC is a strong advocate for providing healthcare consumers with greater access with information in order to help them make better, value-based purchasing decisions."

Illinois Chamber of Commerce
"The President's Executive Order represents a tremendous opportunity to improve the health system for consumers. ... Illinoisans should be able to select hospitals, physicians, physician groups, treatments and health benefit plans based on public reporting of national measures for quality, consumer experience, equity and efficiency."

Puget Sound Health Alliance - Margaret Stanley, Executive Director
"Puget Sound consumers we surveyed show overwhelming support for a reporting system that will help them identify and choose the best performing medical practices."

Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry
"Escalating health care costs have led employers to seek new ways to reduce expenditures in order to remain competitive in the global marketplace. Arizona businesses recognize that greater access to information will enhance accountability and efficiency in the health care marketplace, ultimately leading to cost savings and better employee health outcomes."

American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA)
"Several recent announcements ... and the President's Executive Order have generated strong interest and excitement among AHIMA's staff and our 50,000 members. We especially appreciate your announcement of a personal commitment to consistency and uniformity in the collection and reporting of quality data, and the establishment of a Community workgroup on quality measurement and reporting."

Colorado Association of Commerce and Industry
Letter from CACI President and CEO Chuck Berry to Secretary Mike Leavitt
"CACI applauds President Bush for taking this step to promote greater transparency of health-care cost and quality. ... In the current marketplace, consumers who can obtain information - especially with access to the Internet can make informed decisions about the services and products they wish to purchase. Decisions on health care should be no different."

Health Policy Corporation of Iowa
"The Health Policy Corporation of Iowa (HPCI) fully supports Federal efforts to advance transparency in America's health care system. The recent Federal health care information directive firmly cements the Federal government's commitment to do so."

Iowa Health Buyers Alliance
Letter from Labor Chair Garth Bowen and Management Chair Jon-Scott Johnson to Secretary Mike Leavitt
"The Federal efforts to advance transparency are absolutely essential. The recent directives are an important step forward toward our vision for a transparent health care system in which quality and cost are measured, reported and rewarded. ... We very much support your efforts and recognize that we must all step-up and join these efforts to achieve success."

St. Louis Regional Health Commission
Letter from Chief Executive Officer Robert Fruend, Jr. to Secretary Mike Leavitt
"We believe significant improvements are possible in delivering high quality care and empowering individuals to make responsible decisions about their health, and we appreciate the Department's efforts to lead this initiative at this time."

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Brief comments are listed below. You may download expanded comments [PDF - 39KB]

Governor Janet Napolitano (Arizona)
"I agree it is important for leaders in the private and public sectors to embrace new tools to maximize the outcomes of our health care system.  The Value-Driven Health Care cornerstones include important principles that can help ensure that Arizona remains a leader in building systems that place a high priority on efficient and effective patient care."

Governor Bill Owens (Colorado)
"I am pleased to write this letter in support of the President's recent executive order that aims to bring greater transparency and efficiency to our nation's health care system. I applaud the President's leadership, which will empower Americans to become better and more informed health care consumers."

Governor Jeb Bush (Florida)
"Everyone is a health care consumer. With the creation of transparency through widespread public reporting, individuals now have the tools to find the best health care for their loved ones and themselves. ... Florida will continue to work alongside the efforts of our Federal partners to give the power of informed choice to our citizens."

Governor Sonny Perdue (Georgia)
"Consumers in today's marketplace are sophisticated when they have access to information, enabling them to make informed decisions about the services and products they purchase. Decisions on health care should be no different."

Governor Ernie Fletcher (Kentucky)
"Improving information on the cost and quality of health care and making it easily accessible are key aspects of my strategy to make health care better for families in Kentucky. We are answering the call made by President Bush and Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt to give people the tools they need to make health care decisions."

Governor Mitt Romney (Massachusetts)
"Ensuring that consumers have the information necessary to make informed decisions about their healthcare is critical to improving quality as well as lowering healthcare inflation. The Commonwealth is proud to be a partner with the federal government."

Governor Tim Pawlenty (Minnesota)
"I found your comments on improved health care information technology and increased transparency very useful. Your leadership on these issues is commendable and appreciated. I look forward to collaborating with you further as we strive to increase the quality of health care and hold down rising costs within Minnesota and across the nation."

Governor Matt Blunt (Missouri)
"Providing accurate information to health care consumers empowers them to make the best decisions about medical care for themselves and their loved ones. … It is every Missourians' right to have full access to information about the quality and cost of their health care choices."

Governor George Pataki (New York State)
"I would like to offer my full support to President George W. Bush and his executive policy initiative to promote and increase transparency throughout our great nation's health care system. … We look forward to working with you to help carry out the President's vision for increased transparency in health care."

Governor Rick Perry (Texas)
"I am writing to commend you and President Bush on your initiative to promote the quality and efficient delivery of health care in the United States. … I applaud your efforts on these important issues, and look forward to working in partnership with you and President Bush to implement more transparent and higher-quality health care."

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Other Elected Officials

Brief comments are listed below. You may download expanded comments [PDF - 36.6KB]

Mayor Johnny Ford (Tuskegee, Alabama)
"Everyone is a health care consumer and should be treated with honesty and respect. With the creation of transparency through widespread public reporting, individuals now have the tools to find the best health care for their loved ones and themselves. As the mayor of Tuskegee and the founder of the World Conference of Mayors Incorporated, I will continue to work alongside the efforts of our federal partners to give the power of informed choice to our citizens."

Sen. James Seymour, co-chairman of the Iowa Senate Human Resources Committee (Iowa)
"Iowans' applaud the President for his commitment to creating value based competition in health care, which in turn will strengthen the marketplace for health care consumerism. The President's executive order will have a positive impact on the cost and quality of care provided to Americans."

Sen. Maggie Tinsman, co-chairman of the Iowa Health and Human Services Appropriation Sub-Committee (Iowa)
"I would like to add my strong support to that of others for President George W. Bush's Executive Order aimed at bringing transparency to America's health care system. Public reporting of pricing and quality of services and the promotion of health information technology are critical to every American's health and well being."

Rep. Linda Upmeyer, chairwoman of the Iowa House Human Resources Committee (Iowa)
"I want to offer my support for President Bush's executive order relating to improving healthcare. This is a tremendous step forward on an issue that is critical to Iowans."

Sen. Jim Jensen, chairman of the Iowa Health and Human Services Committee (Nebraska)
"I am pleased to offer my support for President' Bush's Executive Order. I believe that it will greatly improve the quality of health care for consumers. Thank you for your kind attention to this matter."

Assemblyman Eric Munoz, M.D (New Jersey)
"Patients need to have access to information to allow them to make good decisions about their medical care. President Bush's executive order will encourage transparency in the health care industry and help families and senior citizens to save money while ensuring the highest quality of health care. … The President's efforts will help minorities gain better access to health care than before."

State Representative Kris Steele (Oklahoma)
"If you give Oklahomans solid information, they will make good decisions about the services and products they purchase as health care consumers. … President Bush's action will encourage transparency in the health care industry and help families make informed decisions based on the costs and the quality of the services they receive."

State Representative Jodie Laubenberg (Texas)
"As Vice Chairman of Public Health for the State of Texas, I applaud the President's action and hope that the State of Texas will soon adopt similar legislation. … Health care costs have been, at best, murky and confusing for far too long. Anything that the government can do to help consumers have a better understanding of cost, and the ability to compare costs, will both improve health care and, ultimately, bring the cost of quality care down to a more reasonable level."

Congressman Pete Sessions (Texas)
"Today, the momentum behind health care price transparency continues to increase across the country, and policy-makers in Washington are listening. … Greater transparency in health care pricing will create opportunities to improve care and lower costs by supporting those doctors and hospitals that deliver high-quality care and avoid unnecessary health care costs."

Executive Ron Sims (King County, Washington)
"A public comparison report gives patients and employers a powerful tool for choosing health care. It gives providers a powerful tool to improve the care we get. We welcome federal government support in creating comparison reports. Federal health plan data will make the reports more robust and ultimately more useful for patients, employers and providers."

Congressman Paul Ryan (Wisconsin)
"In order to make informed health care decisions, patients and their families need access to accurate, up-to-date, easy-to-understand information about health care providers' prices and quality of care. The President's recent directive helps move us toward realizing this goal."

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