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SF-LIT Archives – September 1996

  1. "gateway" sf

  2. "gateway" sf books

  3. "Green Hills of Earth"

  4. "Klaatu borada nikto"

  5. "romance" in science fiction

  6. <No subject>

  7. accuracy in sf

  8. alien languages in novel

  9. Bob Silverberg and Nightwings

  10. Book quality

  11. Brackett

  12. Brian Herbert

  13. chariots of gods

  14. Computer Antichrist

  15. Critics

  16. critics

  17. Critics

  18. critics -Reply

  19. critics -Reply -Reply

  20. Critics--yet again

  21. Dan Simmons

  22. darkangel triology

  23. De Camp, Arrows of Hercules

  24. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep/Bladerunner study guide

  25. Do Androids Dream Of Electronic Sheep

  26. Einsteinian time dilation effects and hard science fiction

  27. Excerpt: William Gibson's IDORU

  28. F&SF

  29. fantasy and escape

  30. Fantasy and Escape

  31. fantasy, etc.

  32. Female Heroes

  33. female heroes

  34. Fiction genders

  35. FTL tarvel: science and fiction

  36. FTL tarvel: science and fiction (Re:snobbery (Re:most damaging...))

  37. FTL TRAVEL, etc.

  38. future view

  39. Fwd: Literary Representations of Librarians


  41. Good and bad stuff in SF.

  42. Gort ("Klaatu barada nikto")

  43. Harlan Ellison

  44. hello, & female heroes?

  45. Hello, delurk, FTL, fantasy, humor

  46. hugo awards

  47. Hugo Straw Poll

  48. Hugos

  49. Hugos -Reply

  50. Humor in S-F

  51. humorous science fiction

  52. humorous science fiction -Reply

  53. Humourous Science Fiction

  54. Is Science Fiction Overexposed?

  55. It's a small world after all!

  56. Ivan Cat

  57. J.G. Ballard

  58. James Morrow's latest

  59. John W. Campbell

  60. Jordan

  61. kahn, james

  62. Klaatu

  63. Klaatu and Gort

  64. Klaatu and the Popular Culture

  65. Leigh Brackett

  66. leigh brackett's screenplays

  67. Lem & SFWA, bis

  68. libraries and SF

  69. Love and Romance

  70. Love and Romance -Reply

  71. Love and Romance and telepathy

  72. Love and Telepathy

  73. Love, Romance & Telepathy

  74. Love, Romance, and Telepaths

  75. Lowering the boom

  76. Many of them

  77. Many of them -Reply

  78. Many topics.

  79. McAffrey

  80. McCaffery

  81. Media tie-ins vs. other SF

  82. Mike Resnick

  83. Miscellanea

  84. More enquiries

  85. Most damaging SF -- shelving

  86. Most damaging Sf film

  87. Most damaging SF film

  88. Most damaging SF film of all time

  89. Most damaging SF movie and other stuff....

  90. most damaging sf-flm

  91. Mouseketeer story

  92. Mouseketeer story (Judith Moffett)

  93. movie length

  94. Movies and respect for the masses

  95. Movies, respect, art, masses...

  96. My usual answer digest.... :)

  97. NY Times and Gibson

  98. obsolete technology

  99. obsolete technology -Reply

  100. October events

  101. oops. . . .

  102. quality / quantity

  103. Quality and quantity


  105. Replies. :)

  106. Replies. :) Second.

  107. Replies..... :)

  108. Rescuing fantasy

  109. Rescuing fantasy -Reply

  110. Rescuing Fantasy?

  111. Retro-Hugos

  112. Robert E. Howard

  113. Robert Jordan

  114. Romance

  115. Romance again

  116. Romance and Love

  117. Romance and love

  118. Romance and love -Reply

  119. Romance and science fiction

  120. Romance in SF

  121. Romance vs. Scientific Romance

  122. Romantic SF

  123. Sci-fi lays down the law

  124. Science & Magic

  125. Science, Technology and Society

  126. SF and overexposure

  127. SF and westerns

  128. SF movies from books

  129. SF next to kid's section

  130. SF Romance and love

  131. SF Romance and love -Reply

  132. SF Romance and love -Reply -Reply

  133. SF snobbery

  134. SF snobbery (Re:The most damaging SF film of all time)

  135. SF-Lit

  136. SF-LIT archives

  137. sf-lovers down?

  138. SF-Romance

  139. Sidewise Awards

  140. Signed copies: William Gibson's IDORU

  141. SK's The Dead Zone

  142. Space Jam

  143. Spider Robinson

  144. Steampunk

  145. Steampunk -Reply

  146. Story recommendation

  147. Talkin' 'bout Space

  148. telepathy/romance

  149. The Lathe of Heaven and fantasy as slum

  150. The usual multiple answer...

  151. Tom Disch

  152. URL correction

  153. Verge Foray

  154. Web Home of Pseudo-science

  155. Windycon Programming

  156. WorldCon

  157. writers' other occupations

  158. X-Files and popular conspiracy
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