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PCCLIST Archives – August 2006

  1. ALCTS Survey on Continuing Education for Catalogers

  2. Cathy Leonardi is out of the office.

  3. CIP Survey deadline Aug. 18

  4. Job Posting: Metadata Services Librarian, NYU

  5. Library of Congress Holiday

  6. mlipkowitz/MHT/Nypl is out of the office.

  7. New Working Group on Authentication Codes & Encoding Levels

  8. Normalization Document for COmment

  9. Normalization Task Group: Request for Comments

  10. PCC Oasis

  11. PCC Oasis--about those stats...

  12. PCC Reporting of Database Maintenance

  13. standard subdivisions for parts of speech

  14. Three [fill in the blank] on the future of the PCC

  15. Transcribing Statement of Responsibility

  16. Transitioning RLIN21 NACO activity to OCLC
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