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BRS Federal Register Notices by Topic



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Federal Register Notice Topics


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U.S. Biotechnology Policy

Coordinated Framework for Regulation of Biotechnology-1986

Federal Coordination of Field Testing Policy by OSTP

Policy on Low-Level Presence of Regulated Genetically Engineered Plant Materials

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APHIS BRS Science and Policy Issues

Request for Information and Comment

Field Testing of Plants Engineered To Produce Pharmaceutical and Industrial Compounds

Rule Changes for Pharmaceutical and Industrial Production

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Environmental Assessments--Availability

Availability of Environmental Assessments- Crop Plants (Deregulation)

Availability of Environmental Assessments- Crop Plants (Field Tests)

Availability of Environmental Assessments- Genetically Modified Vaccines

Availability of Environmental Assessments- Insects

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Environmental Impact Statements

Notice of Environmental Impact Statements

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Determination of Nonregulated Status

Approval of Non-regulated Status

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Other U.S. Agencies

Biotech Rules Published by Other Agencies

Field Test Notice by Other Agencies

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Public Meetings and Program Notices

Program Notices

Notice of Public Meetings


Last Modified: December 8, 2008

An ISO certified program
ISO 9001:2000
FM 535173